Implementation of the RGB to HSV (and HSV to RGB) algorithms in java.
Includes an implementation using the new java vector api. Required java 16+, will likely need changes as the vector api continues to incubate.
Performance of the vectorized code is around 10 times slower than the non-vectorized code on java 16 and around 1.1 to 3 times faster on java 17ea.
Based off an old fork of which appears to be an implementation Additional code from
Current benchmarks on openjdk-17-ea+32_windows-x64_bin:
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
JmhMain.ahsv_from_argb_scalar thrpt 5 729.509 � 5.566 ops/s
JmhMain.ahsv_from_argb_scalar2 thrpt 5 768.171 � 15.984 ops/s
JmhMain.ahsv_from_argb_vector thrpt 5 201.566 � 4.879 ops/s
JmhMain.ahsv_from_argb_vector2 thrpt 5 2021.413 � 42.252 ops/s
JmhMain.argb_from_ahsv_scalar thrpt 5 1477.989 � 1588.476 ops/s
JmhMain.argb_from_ahsv_scalar2 thrpt 5 1664.318 � 23.403 ops/s
JmhMain.argb_from_ahsv_vector thrpt 5 193.718 � 3.699 ops/s
JmhMain.argb_from_ahsv_vector2 thrpt 5 1753.816 � 37.496 ops/s