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Elena Ganeva edited this page May 21, 2015 · 193 revisions

Use stock widgets

Content Block
Blog post
Dynamic Content
Reviews Social Share
Search Box
Search Results
Use Link selector in Content Block
Login\Logout button
Document link
Documents list
Video Gallery
Users list
Language selector
Site selector

Customize stock widgets

Change widget templates
Add related data to News widget
Add predefined styles to widget

Use dynamic widgets

Change the view of a specific field
Customize an existing field
Access properties of content items
Modify scaffolding templates
Modify field scaffolding
Filter dynamic content items
Filter by related data
Highlight filtered items
Generate MVC widgets for existing Dynamic Content types
Access Parent Child items in Dynamic widget views

Utilize frontend packages

Page templates based on layouts
Resource packages
Create a layout file
Customize grid controls

Create custom widgets

Create a widget in separate assembly
Implement a Master Detail content controller
Filter by category or tag
Get localized data
Enable Inline Editing

Modify widget designers

Create a custom designer view
Override the default WD buttons
Extend widget designers
Pass server data
Add custom commands
Use the old designer
Use a custom window
Customize the property editor Create a custom designer view for Dynamic Content widgets
Use components for resolving script dependencies

Use content selectors

News selector
Page selector
Multisite page selector
Flat taxon selector
Hierarchical taxon selector
Dynamic items selector
DateTime picker
TimeSpan selector
Site selector
Language selector
Link selector
Use a single content item selector
Use a multiple content item selector
Use a library selector
Use an image selector
Use a document selector
Use a video selector
Use a role selector
Use a blog selector
Use a blog post selector
Use a file url selector
Use a user selector
List of selectors scripts

Use custom directives

Collection directive
Tree directive
Sort box directive
Search box directive
Infinite scroll directive
Drag and drop directive
Flat taxon field directive
Image field directive
Media field directive
Use an aspect ratio-selection
Use a file url field directive


Display error message when exception occurs
Refer to resources inside views
Use sections for resources
Priorities for resolving views
VirtualFile structure explained
Retrieve the URL reference to an embedded resource
Localize labels of client components
Enable new designers in widgets created with Thunder


Create a MVC List widget
Complete website
Clone this wiki locally