Two types of objects are supported, authors and articles.
- name: string, used to identify the author in artciles
- id: integer, numeric ID of the author
- title: string, title of the article
- content: string, content of the article
- created_at: datetime, creation date of the article
- author_id: integer, ID of the author of the article
- id: integer, numeric ID of the article
- GET /authors/[$id] - returns the data for an author, or if no $id is specified, all authors.
- GET /articles/[$id] - returns the full data for a single article, or if $id is not specified, a summary of all articles.
- POST /authors/ - creates an author and returns it's data
- POST /articles/ - creates an article and returns it's data
- PUT /articles/$id - updates an existing article and returns it's data
- DELETE /articles/$id - deletes an existing article and returns a list of all articles.
GET /authors
[{"id":1,"name":"Frank Matthews"},{"id":2,"name":"James Franklin"}]
GET /authors/1
{"id":1,"name":"Frank Matthews"}
POST /articles {"title":"a","author_id":1,"content":"b"}
{"id":1,"url":"/articles/1","title":"a","content":"b","author":"Frank Matthews","createdAt":"2016-01-01T12:34:56"}