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Formal Language Grammar

Jack Lloyd-Walters edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 4 revisions

The following page lists the formal grammar of the Verboscript language, as it has been defined

For a list of example syntax, including feature ideas and those that have not yet been implemented, see the following two pages here and here

Formal Grammar



. - Decimal point, and sentence termination

, - None yet

" - Force string format (requires two either side of expression)

' - As above

( - Combining operations with high precedence (requires two either side)

) - Closing the above

\t - Indentation (or four spaces)


+ - Addition

- - Subtraction and negation

* - Multiplication

/ - Division


20.04 - Floats - numbers are represented with a characteristic and mantissa

True - Booleans - Values are represented as Truthy or Falsey

None - Null typing - A base value that corresponds to nothingness.


show - Display output to screen

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