Releases: SkriptLang/Skript
And more hotfixes
Hopefully last hotfix for JSON chat
JSON chat has been way more work than I expected. Still, I hope that the most serious bugs are already fixed now. There are some things that do not work as they did before (for example: color codes not resetting anything, links not working as before); that will be added as config option eventually. For now, I just hope that this doesn't crash horribly.
- Fixed a bug which duplicated message text on some cases (closes #499)
- Fixed a bug that with angle brackets and chat "crash" (closes #497)
- Potentially improved chat message generation performance
- Added some tree types (closes #494)
- Fixed potential issue with Skript update by adding pseudo-release dev26d
Wooo, JSON chat
I added a lot of new features in this update. As always, there is change that something breaks... However, this has been quite stable for me.
- Added Gradle license header plugin
- Added boat type support (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added a way to get last dropped item (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added support for multiple passengers for vehicles (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added support for event-direction in certain events (thanks @Tuke-Nuke, closes #67)
- Added support for Minecraft 1.7+ JSON chat: run command, suggest command, tooltips
- Added event value for block in block ignite event (thanks @TheLimeGlass)
- Added a warning if some ridiculous function signatures are used (relates #452)
- Added support for coloring potions and maps on Minecraft 1.11 (relates #203)
- Added condition to check if entity is on ground (closes #226)
- Fixed ip expression not working when used in connect event for event-player
- Fixed an issue in docs of block form event (closes #427)
- Fixed villager text representation (closes #403)
- Fixed a bug with zero-argument functions
- Fixed a bug where right click events would not be fired for certain items when holding a hoe if offhand
- Updated Gradle wrapper used for building Skript
- Reworked timings to use Aikar's Timings v2, for Paper (sorry, no normal Spigot support)
- Improved appearance and usability of documentation a lot
Until I update the docs, here is how you can create links and other fun stuff in chat:
<link:url>visible link text<reset>
<command:command>clickable text<reset>
<suggest command:command>clickable text<reset>
<tooltip:tooltip text>visible text with tooltip<reset>
Edit: dev26b to fix severe problems when not running Paper
- Fixed sending messages not working on Spigot (closes #465)
- Fixed <none> in chat messages
Edit 2: dev26c to fix several other severe problems
- Fixed variables with tooltip/link in chat (closes #467)
- Fixed old one-character colour and formatting codes (closes #465)
- Fixed ALL invalid tags (previously only <none> worked) in chat messages - they are now shown as-is
Edit 3: dev26d to fix formatting codes behaving strangely
- Fixed formatting codes applying into wrong sections of text (closes #482)
- Fixed sending only single variable to chat (closes #483)
- Fixed expressions with embedded quotes (closes #485)
Known issue: Broadcast does not support JSON chat. A bit harder to fix than it seems, but will probably fixed in following weeks.
Offline player UUID fix
Again, thanks for everyone who contributed with pull requests!
- Added support for PreciousStones (thanks @boosik)
- Added event values for inventory open and close events (thanks @TheLimeGlass)
- Added tamer expression for tame events
- Fixed a bug with offline player UUIDs
- Fixed a typo in aliases (thanks @JeepSmash)
- Fixed sweeping edge enchantment (closes #401)
- Fixed husks with Minecraft 1.11 (closes #292)
- Fixed a bug with sorted expression (closes #405)
- Fixed a bug which caused player to fall through blocks with walk on events (closes #406)
- Fixed event-entity referring to tamer in tame event (closes #361)
- Updated default English aliases (thanks @tim740)
Parser fixes
Sorry that this took so long. I hope I fixed everything I broke in previous release.
- Fixed some parser issues
- Fixed using
in click events (closes #385)
Pull Requests Merged
There was no significant features added by me. However, some pull requests were merged.
- Tried to use Travis CI, in the end it couldn't compile Skript...
- Added possibility to replace items in inventories (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added expression for specific inventory slot (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added expression to get currently open inventory (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added support for entity UUIDs (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added expression to get an amount of item (thanks @Syst3ms)
- Added possibility to spawn baby polar bears (closes #355)
- Added enchantment Sweeping Edge (closes #366)
- Fixed a critical bug with growth event
- Re-added old plant growth event as an option
- Fixed a typo in word expression (thanks @TheLimeGlass)
- Fixed a potential exception in open inventory expression (thanks @Tuke-Nuke)
- Fixed entities expression assuming an entity where there wasn't one (closes #326)
- Fixed a potential NullPointerException (closes #319)
- Fixed a typo with experience orb display name (closes #320)
- Fixed a potential NullPointerException in WorldGuard hook (closes #280)
- Fixed equipping saddles on all horse types (closes #377)
- Removed new parser for now
- Removed a debug message (closes #337)
Can we call it stable release?
Nope. But it is probably the most stable release since good old dev20.
- Added safeguard against broken offline player UUIDs (closes #303)
- Added player to PrepareItemCraftEvent (closes #323)
- Possibly fixed a crash with WorldGuard (closes #280)
- Changed updater to initialize GSON as late as possible since some people like to run ancient Spigot versions (closes #328)
- Removed trades from Skript-spawned nitwits (#311)
This all needed to go with very little testing, since I'm very busy. But I also did not add anything significant, just fixed/enhanced existing stuff.
Entity Fixes
I'm not going to go for dev23 until vectors are ready, but some things really needed fixing now.
- Updated Residence (closes #307)
- Potentially fixed potential NullPointerException (relates #302)
- Fixed entity types not working reliably on 1.11 (closes #292) and generally improved entity type handling
Entities on 1.11
Guardians: normal guardian, elder guardian == guardian (supertype)
Skeletons: wither skeleton, stray, skeleton (also matches wither skele and stray) == skeleton (supertype)
Horses: donkey, mule, llama, undead horse, skeleton horse, horse (which is normal and only normal horse) == any horse (supertype)
Chested horses: donkey, mule, llama == chested horse (supertype)
It is worth noting that you can't refer to horse
in event which involves any horse
. If you do, it will be none
if the event was triggered by donkey, mule, llama, undead horse or skeleton horse. Instead, use entity
(or victim
And more fixes
Smallish fix release; comes with old parser only, still.
- Removed some debug messages (closes #270)
- Fixed date function using local timezone in place of UTC internally, and thus returning wrong values (closes #262)
- Added cramming damage type and cursed enchantments
- Updated aliases, thanks @tim740
dev22f: More fixes, and few pull requests added
- Added parsing player/offline player using UUID (pull request by @Tuke-Nuke)
- Added any mutton and any rabbit to aliases (thanks @RoyCurtis)
- Fixed clicked entity not working (#273)
1.11 is here!
The old parser is back, for now. Here is (hopefully) complete change log since dev20b:
- Added a new parser, as alternative for old one. It needs separate jar file, which will become available as soon as I have time to debug a lot.
- Added 1.11 support (quite a lot changes) which includes most of new entities etc.
- Updated from Java 6 to Java 8 (also updated ECJ)
- Added Maven repository (see
- Added expression to toggle gravity for entities
- Added gliding-related events (experimental)
- Added basic area effect cloud support
- Added husk and zombie villager support (1.11+)
- Started working on vector support...
- Fixed timings on Windows platform
- Fixed docs not being exported with UTF-8 encoding on my Windows laptop
- Fixed an error with ip expression which occurred when player's ip address is not available
I fully expect this build to be quite stable, but as always, something unexpected might happen.
Note: To compile yourself with old parser, you need to execute
with bash. Do not touch anything while it compiles and make sure no program holds lock on Skript's source directory.
dev23d: Fixed debug message spam (closes #265)