Practice Solution for Google Hash Code 2022 Practice Problem "One Pizza".
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The best solution so far is Solution F, a greedy algorithm that runs several times. The algorithm checks if putting an ingredient on the pizza results in more clients than not having that ingredient.
A - 2 (Optimal: 2)
B - 5 (Optimal: 5)
C - 4 (Optimal: 5)
D - 1781 (Optimal: 1805)
E - 1531 (Optimal: 2085)
Total - 3323 (Optimal: 3902)
Solution A - a simple algorithm that checks if an ingredient is liked more than it is disliked. If liked >= disliked, then it is put on the pizza.
Solution B - an even simpler algorithm that gets all the ingredients and removes any ingredient that is disliked.
Solution C - brute force algorithm which gets all the possible combinations of ingredients and tests each one to find the one with the highest score.
Solution D - a variation on Solution A where two ingredients are selected at a time
Solution E - a variation on Solution A where the top 10% of clients with the most disliked ingredients is ignored. Ultimately not a useful solution since dislikes are capped at 5.
Solution F - as above.
Use SolutionFileTest to run the tests. (SolutionTest does not read from the files, which are too large to include in the file as input.)