directory contains few examples of how to create proposals. Below is one such example of creating proposal.
Create a copy of the most relevant sample, modify the json as needed, and then create the proposal by running following script:
HARDHAT_NETWORK=ropsten PRIVATE_KEY=your-key node ./scripts/createNewProposal.js ../modified-proposal.json
When modifying the proposal, note that the description field is in Markdown, with the first line/heading being used as the title of the proposal and the remainder being used as the description, for example:#Add Foundation Member\nSample description
- Make sure you have configured your setup for deployment as described in the installation steps.
- Also make sure the private key for used has enough test Ethereum to make the transaction
- Most importantly, make sure the address used has enough BTRST tokens above the proposal threshold AND has self-delegated votes above the threshold
HARDHAT_NETWORK=ropsten PRIVATE_KEY=your-key node ./scripts/cancelProposal.js PROPOSAL_ID