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Commands and permissions

Kostya edited this page Sep 19, 2021 · 14 revisions

Here you can see all available commands and permissions for them.


Command Arguments Description
/balance /bal /money [player] - a target player View balance of player's wallet
/pay /transfer <player> - a payment receiver
<amount> - an amount to transfer
<currency> - an used currency ID
Transfer funds to other player's wallet
/peco help Display help page
/peco add <player> - a target player
<amount> - an amount to add
<currency> - an used currency ID
Add amount to player's wallet
/peco set <player> - a target player
<amount> - an amount to set
<currency> - an used currency ID
Change player's wallet balance
/peco reset <player> - a target player
<currency> - an used currency ID
Nullify player's wallet balance
/peco take <player> - a target player
<amount> - an amount to take
<currency> - an used currency ID
Take amount from player's wallet
/peco info <id> - a transaction ID Display information about transaction
/peco history [player] - a target player
[page] - a page of history
Display last transactions history
/peco convert <amount> - an amount to convert
<from> - an input currency ID
<to> - an output currency ID
[player] - a target player
Convert amount from input currency to output currency
/peco reload Reload plugin configurations


Permission Default Command related Description
peco.command.balance Everyone /balance Allows to see balance of own wallet
peco.command.balance.other Operators /balance Allows to see balance of other player's wallet Everyone /pay Allows to transfer funds to other player Everyone /peco help Allows to see plugin help page
peco.command.add Operators /peco add Allows to add money to player's wallet
peco.command.set Operators /peco set Allows to modify player's wallet balance
peco.command.reset Operators /peco reset Allows to nullify player's wallet balance
peco.command.take Operators /peco take Allows to take money from player's wallet Everyone /peco info Allows to see information about own transaction Operators /peco info Allows to see information about other player's transaction
peco.command.history Everyone /peco history Allows to see own transactions history
peco.command.history.other Operators /peco history Allows to see other player's transactions history
peco.command.convert Everyone /peco convert Allows to convert amount from one currency to
other currency on own wallet
peco.command.convert.other Operators /peco convert Allows to convert amount from one currency to
other currency on other player's wallet
peco.command.reload Operators /peco reload Allows to reload plugin configurations
peco.transaction.sourcespy Operators Allows to see hidden by default transaction sources
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