- Remove iOS notification on stop.
- Fix setSpeed action on iOS.
- Eliminate redundant notification updates on Android.
- Handle null album and artist on web (@nt4f04uNd).
- Fix multithreaded crash in notification tap (@nt4f04uNd).
- Fix regression to show album art on lock screen (@nt4f04uNd).
- Add playlist/shuffle/loop example.
- Use a single isolate for easier communication.
- Replace BackgroundAudioTask by AudioHandler.
- Replace AudioService.start by AudioService.init.
- Android Auto support.
- Android 11 media session resumption support.
- Federated plugin model.
- Composable audio handlers (@yringler).
- More callbacks:
- prepareFromSearch
- prepareFromUri
- playFromSearch
- playFromUri
- addQueueItems
- removeQueueItemAt
- setCaptioningEnabled
- getMediaItem
- search
- androidSetRemoteVolume
- androidAdjustRemoteVolume
- More state:
- queueTitle
- ratingStyle
- androidPlaybackInfo
- customState
- Default platform implementation for Windows/Linux (@keaganhilliard)
- iOS/macOS control center bug fixes (@nt4f04uNd)
- Fix queue index out of bounds bug (@kcrebound)
- Fix bug when starting foreground service from background (@chengyuhui)
- Make MediaItem.album nullable (@letiagoalves)
- Code quality:
- Unit tests (@suragch, @nt4f04uNd)
- Strong-mode and pedantic lints, code consistency (@nt4f04uNd)
- Improve artUri performance on Android (@nt4f04uNd)
- Better detection of browser support (@nt4f04uNd)
- Support rxdart 0.27.0.
- Null safety.
- Change artUri type from String to Uri.
- Mention upcoming 0.18.0 release in README.
- Fix positionStream bug when seek is interrupted by onStop.
- Fix JS name clash for MediaMetadata.
- Update NowPlayingInfo speed correctly on iOS (@ryotayama).
- Fix bug in start() when using HttpOverrides.
- setState parameters default to previous state.
- Change updateTime from Duration to DateTime.
- Rename newStartRating to newStarRating.
- Declare type of MediaItem.extras (@hacker1024).
- Unit tests.
- Fix compile error on macOS.
- Update dependencies.
- Add positionStream and runningStream.
- Add androidShowNotificationBadge option (@aleexbt).
- Process connect/disconnect/start requests in a queue.
- Guard against null setState arguments.
- Range check in onSkipToPrevious (@snaeji).
- Fix loading of file:// artUri values.
- Allow booleans/doubles in MediaItems.
- Silently ignore duplicate onStop requests.
- Web support (@keaganhilliard)
- macOS support (@hacker1024)
- Route next/previous buttons to onClick on Android (@stonega)
- Correctly scale skip intervals for control center (@subhash279)
- Handle repeated stop/start calls more robustly.
- Fix Android 11 bugs.
- audio_session dependency now supports minSdkVersion 16 on Android.
- audio session management now handled by audio_session (see Migration Guide).
- Exceptions in background audio task are logged and forwarded to client.
- All BackgroundAudioTask callbacks are now async.
- Add default implementation of onSkipToNext/onSkipToPrevious.
- Bug fixes.
- Add setRepeatMode/setShuffleMode.
- Enable iOS Control Center buttons based on setState.
- Support seek forward/backward in iOS Control Center.
- Add default behaviour to BackgroundAudioTask.
- Bug fixes.
- Simplify example.
- Fix bug with album metadata on Android.
- Allow setting the iOS audio session category and options.
- Allow AudioServiceWidget to recognise swipe gesture on iOS.
- Check for null title and album on Android.
- Breaking change: onStop must await super.onStop to shutdown task.
- Fix Android memory leak.
- Replace androidStopOnRemoveTask with onTaskRemoved callback.
- Add onClose callback.
- Breaking change: new MediaButtonReceiver in AndroidManifest.xml.
- New state model: split into playing + processingState.
- androidStopForegroundOnPause ties foreground state to playing state.
- Add MediaItem.toJson/fromJson.
- Add AudioService.notificationClickEventStream (Android).
- Add AudioService.updateMediaItem.
- Add AudioService.setSpeed.
- Add PlaybackState.bufferedPosition.
- Add custom AudioService.start parameters.
- Rename replaceQueue -> updateQueue.
- Rename Android-specific start parameters with android- prefix.
- Use Duration type for all time values.
- Pass fastForward/rewind intervals through to background task.
- Allow connections from background contexts (e.g. android_alarm_manager).
- Unify iOS/Android focus APIs.
- Bug fixes and dependency updates.
- Allow UI to await the result of custom actions.
- Allow background to broadcast custom events to UI.
- Improve memory management for art bitmaps on Android.
- Convenience methods: replaceQueue, playMediaItem, addQueueItems.
- Bug fixes and dependency updates.
- Shutdown background task if task killed by IO (Android).
- Bug fixes and dependency updates.
- Add AudioServiceWidget to auto-manage connections.
- Allow file URIs for artUri.
- Support skip forward/backward in command center (iOS).
- Add 'extras' field to MediaItem.
- Artwork caching and preloading supported on Android+iOS.
- Bug fixes.
- Bug fixes.
- Option to stop service on closing task (Android).
- Migrated to V2 embedding API (Flutter 1.12).
- Destroy isolates after use.
- Support Flutter 1.12.
- Bump sdk version to 2.6.0.
- Fix Android memory leak.
- Support Queue, album art and other missing features on iOS.
- Update documentation and example.
- Playback state broadcast on connect (iOS).
- Partial iOS support.
- Option to call stopForeground on pause.
- Fix queue support bug
- Breaking change: AudioServiceBackground.run takes a single parameter.
- Update example to disconnect when pressing back button.
- Breaking change: updateTime now measured since epoch instead of boot time.
- Streams use RxDart BehaviorSubject.
- Migrate to AndroidX.
- Bump targetSdkVersion to 28
- Clear client-side metadata and state on stop.
- onClick is now always called for media button clicks.
- Option to set notifications as ongoing.
- Option to set subText in notification.
- Support media item ratings
- Can update existing media items.
- Can specify order of Android notification compact actions.
- Bug fix with connect.
- Option to preload artwork.
- Allow client to browse media items.
- More options to customise the notification content.
- Breaking API changes.
- Connection callbacks replaced by a streams API.
- AudioService properties for playbackState, currentMediaItem, queue.
- Option to set Android notification channel description.
- AudioService.customAction awaits completion of the action.
- Bug fixes with queue management.
- AudioService.start completes when the background task is ready.
- Support queue management.
- Bug fix.
- onMediaChanged takes MediaItem parameter.
- Support playFromMediaId, fastForward, rewind.
- All APIs address media items by String mediaId.
- Show media art in notification and lock screen.
- Support and example for playing TextToSpeech.
- Click notification to launch UI.
- More properties added to MediaItem.
- Minor API changes.
- Pause now keeps background isolate running
- Notification channel id is generated from package name
- Updated example to use audioplayer plugin
- Fixed media button handling
- Better connection handling.
- Initial release.