ArgoCD is automates the management of Helm charts; installing, deleting, updating, modifying, etc. Pair with Git to get the most out of it.
- values.yaml file used for installing with Helm w/ default entries.
- Modify the values.yaml file to suit your environment. You can store this values file locally or remotely in a private repository.
- Add service chart to Helm.
helm repo add argo
- Install the service using Helm. Either leave out the
parameter OR change the value to match the CHART version you require.
helm upgrade --install argo-cd argo/argo-cd -n argo-cd --create-namespace -f values.yaml --version 7.4.5 --atomic
Replay the installation steps above.
- Uninstall the chart using Helm.
helm uninstall argo-cd -n argo-cd