For more information about ProvenDocs, visit out website
To get help, request features or simply to tell us what you think, please submit feedback to one of the following places:
- For help using the application, general feedback and bug reports.
- Github: For feature suggestions, documentation suggestions and bug reports.
To access our source code, visit
Welcome to the start of the release notes, hopefully this will turn out to be a very, very long list.
- This release is a significant improvement over the previous, non-existent release.
- ProvenDocs is not (yet) mobile friendly, we plan to add full mobile support in upcoming releases.
- ProvenDocs has been primarily developed and tested on Google Chrome, so some limitations or compatability issues may occur on other browsers.
- ProvenDocs is known to not render correctly on Internet Explorer, if you'd like us to add Internet Explorer compatability, please add an issue on Github.
- This initial release of ProvenDocs can sometimes behave unexpectedly with intermittent internet connectivity. If you are experiencing strange bugs, we suggest you try refreshing your browser before submitting a support issue.