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SPWN (0.5 beta)

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@Spu7Nix Spu7Nix released this 01 Aug 23:34
· 684 commits to master since this release

This update includes:

  • Lots of new built-in functions
  • Improved trigger optimization
  • A lot of bugfixes
  • BEAUTIFUL error messages
  • Read binary files with $.read_file("file.bin", "bin")
  • And a lot more complicated internal stuff

This update comes with a significant increase in compilation time. We are planning on addressing this in the next update, which will hopefully come out in the near future.

SPWN development/testing server:

Some changes to note:

  • $.b64encrypt and $.b64decrypt were renamed to $.b64encode and $.b64decode respectively

To install, download and run the appropriate installer:

spwn-0.0.5-x86_64-win.msi for windows 64 bit
spwn-0.0.5-i686-win.msi for windows 32 bit
spwn-0.5_beta-macos.pkg for MacOS
spwn_0.0.5-0_amd64.deb for Debian-based amd64 (Linux)
spwn-0.0.5-0_amd64.pkg.tar.zst for Arch-based Linux distros (add /usr/local/bin to path to path)