diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index eb6b17022..5064cf191 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ To learn more about the docker pull rate limits and the open source software pro
| [SRST2](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/srst2/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/srst2)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/srst2) |
- 0.2.0
- [0.2.0 + custom Vibrio cholerae database](srst2/0.2.0-vibrio-230224/README.md)
| https://github.com/katholt/srst2 |
| [Staramr](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/staramr/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/staramr)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/staramr) | - [0.5.1](./staramr/0.5.1/)
- [0.7.1](./staramr/0.7.1/)
- [0.8.0](./staramr/0.8.0/)
- [0.10.0](./staramr/0.10.0/)
| https://github.com/phac-nml/staramr |
| [sylph](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/sylph)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/sylph)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/sylph) | - [0.4.1](./sylph/0.4.1)
- [0.5.1](./sylph/0.5.1)
- [0.6.0](./sylph/0.6.0)
- [0.6.1](./sylph/0.6.1)
| https://github.com/bluenote-1577/sylph |
-| [TBProfiler](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tbprofiler/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/tbprofiler)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tbprofiler) | - [4.3.0](./tbprofiler/4.3.0/)
- [4.4.0](./tbprofiler/4.4.0/)
- [4.4.2](./tbprofiler/4.4.2/)
- [5.0.1](tbprofiler/5.0.1/)
- [6.2.0](tbprofiler/6.2.0/)
| https://github.com/jodyphelan/TBProfiler |
+| [TBProfiler](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tbprofiler/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/tbprofiler)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tbprofiler) | - [4.3.0](./tbprofiler/4.3.0/)
- [4.4.0](./tbprofiler/4.4.0/)
- [4.4.2](./tbprofiler/4.4.2/)
- [5.0.1](tbprofiler/5.0.1/)
- [6.2.0](tbprofiler/6.2.0/)
- [6.2.1](tbprofiler/6.2.1/)
| https://github.com/jodyphelan/TBProfiler |
| [TipToft](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tiptoft/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/tiptoft)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tiptoft) | | https://github.com/andrewjpage/tiptoft |
| [Tostadas](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tostadas/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/tostadas)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/tostadas) | - [0.2.0-beta](./tostadas/0.2.0-beta/)
- [3.1.0](./tostadas/3.1.0/)
| https://github.com/CDCgov/tostadas |
| [Treemmer](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/treemmer/)
[![docker pulls](https://badgen.net/docker/pulls/staphb/treemmer)](https://hub.docker.com/r/staphb/treemmer) | | https://git.scicore.unibas.ch/TBRU/Treemmer (archived, moved to GitHub) https://github.com/fmenardo/Treemmer |
diff --git a/tbprofiler/6.2.1/Dockerfile b/tbprofiler/6.2.1/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61411962b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbprofiler/6.2.1/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+FROM mambaorg/micromamba:1.5.8 as app
+USER root
+# this version is the shortened commit hash on the `master` branch here https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/
+# commits are found on https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb/commits/master
+# this was the latest commit as of 2024-05-10
+ARG TBDB_COMMIT="97b5876a1a9d2f06e8bb6076ed88baf481ef5fe5"
+# LABEL instructions tag the image with metadata that might be important to the user
+LABEL base.image="micromamba:1.5.8"
+LABEL dockerfile.version="1"
+LABEL software="tbprofiler"
+LABEL software.version="${TBPROFILER_VER}"
+LABEL description="The pipeline aligns reads to the H37Rv reference using bowtie2, BWA or minimap2 and then calls variants using bcftools. These variants are then compared to a drug-resistance database."
+LABEL website="https://github.com/jodyphelan/TBProfiler/"
+LABEL license="https://github.com/jodyphelan/TBProfiler/blob/master/LICENSE"
+LABEL maintainer="John Arnn"
+LABEL maintainer.email="jarnn@utah.gov"
+LABEL maintainer2="Curtis Kapsak"
+LABEL maintainer2.email="kapsakcj@gmail.com"
+LABEL maintainer3="Sage Wright"
+LABEL maintainer3.email="sagemwright@gmail.com"
+# Install dependencies via apt-get; cleanup apt garbage
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
+ wget \
+ ca-certificates \
+ procps && \
+ apt-get autoclean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
+# install tb-profiler via bioconda; install into 'base' conda env
+RUN micromamba install --yes --name base --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda \
+ tb-profiler=${TBPROFILER_VER} && \
+ micromamba clean --all --yes
+# hardcode 'base' env bin into PATH, so conda env does not have to be "activated" at run time
+ENV PATH="/opt/conda/bin:${PATH}"
+# Version of database can be confirmed at /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json
+# can also run 'tb-profiler list_db' to find the same version info
+# In 5.0.1 updating_tbdb does not work with tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_VER}
+# ^^ this was resolved in 6.2.1
+#RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb -h && whatever
+# https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb
+RUN tb-profiler update_tbdb --commit ${TBDB_COMMIT}
+WORKDIR /data
+# Added command to bring help menu up upon running container.
+CMD tb-profiler
+# test stage
+FROM app as test
+# checking if tool is in PATH
+RUN tb-profiler && tb-profiler version
+WORKDIR /tests
+# download some TB FASTQs and run through tb-profiler
+RUN wget -q ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR166/009/ERR1664619/ERR1664619_1.fastq.gz && \
+ wget -q ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR166/009/ERR1664619/ERR1664619_2.fastq.gz && \
+ tb-profiler profile -1 ERR1664619_1.fastq.gz -2 ERR1664619_2.fastq.gz -t 2 -p ERR1664619 --txt
diff --git a/tbprofiler/6.2.1/README.md b/tbprofiler/6.2.1/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff8fc5938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tbprofiler/6.2.1/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# TBProfiler Container
+Main tool: [TBProfiler](https://github.com/jodyphelan/TBProfiler)
+The pipeline aligns reads to the H37Rv reference using bowtie2, BWA or minimap2 and then calls variants using bcftools. These variants are then compared to a drug-resistance database. It also predicts the number of reads supporting drug resistance variants as an insight into hetero-resistance.
+## Database
+This tool relies on a database to run. The version (AKA git commit hash) of the database that is included in the docker image is `97b5876`. This is from the GitHub repository https://github.com/jodyphelan/tbdb. This can be confirmed in the json file: `/opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json`:
+$ grep 'commit' /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb.version.json
+{"name": "tbdb", "commit": "5f3c51e", "Merge": "b1a2549 abddb8e", "Author": "Jody Phelan ", "Date": "Thu Jan 19 10:47:32 2023 +0000"}
+Additionally you can run the command `tb-profiler list_db` to list the same information
+$ tb-profiler list_db
+tbdb 97b5876 Jody Phelan Wed May 8 13:53:15 2024 +0100 /opt/conda/share/tbprofiler/tbdb
+## Additional included tools/dependencies
+- bedtools 2.31.1
+- gatk4
+- kmc 3.2.4
+- pathogen-profiler 4.2.0
+- perl 5.32.1
+- python 3.10.14
+- trimmomatic 0.39
+- bwa 0.7.18
+- minimap2 2.28
+- samtools 1.20
+- bcftools 1.20
+- freebayes 1.3.6
+- tqdm 4.66.4
+- parallel 20240522
+- samclip 0.4.0
+- snpeff 5.2
+## Example Usage
+Run whole pipeline on Illumina paired-end reads:
+tb-profiler profile -1 ERR1664619_1.fastq.gz -2 ERR1664619_2.fastq.gz -t 4 -p ERR1664619 --txt
+Make alternative database:
+tb-profiler create_db --prefix
+tb-profiler load_library --prefix
+## Updates
+Release 5.0.1 implemented sqlite3 database locking with https://py-filelock.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html. This should fix issues using it over network filing systems (NFS). For more information, official documentation can be found [here.](https://jodyphelan.gitbook.io/tb-profiler/)