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dotnet add package StackExchange.StacksIcons

This package provides an SVG helper for use in Razor and other contexts:

@using StackExchange.StacksIcons

  // icons and spots return an `HtmlString` for safe use in Razor

  // the `With` method can take css classes and title text to add to the svg
  @Svg.AlertCircle.With(cssClass: "fc-danger", title: "foo")

Enum definitions and lookup dictionaries for all icons/spots are also provided:

using StackExchange.StacksIcons;

StacksIcon iconName = StacksIcon.Accessibility;
HtmlString icon = Svg.Lookup[iconName]; // icon is now set to the value in Svg.Accessibility

StacksSpot spotName = StacksSpot.Wave;
HtmlString spot = Svg.Spot.Lookup[spotName]; // spot is now set to the value in Svg.Spot.Wave