it's a funding arbitrage bot for mangomarkets
- install docker and docker-compose
- sudo docker-compose up
- wait
- you need your private key as machine readable in the root as id.json
- if you need to translate your private key to uint8, plz check the bs58 npmjs packagae.
- it's probably easier for you to download and installs solana cli and run solana-keygen new, then copypasta your id.json from ~/.config/solana/id.json
- this is actually designed to trade for people that delegate to you via mango, so right now all your addresses you'd want to trade are defined here. change these pubkeys.
./mango-service-v3/src/mango.simple.client.ts:let meAndTheBoys = ["5sBpMQgTi7phxqRnErfbwx29vUsbUZoy1MLgY7aXuqeo", "GvSCxCi3y2Mt4JPExhLEZXTbYVGBXv9DNXYomvwRVEak"]
- sudo docker build . or sudo docker-compose --build
- great, it's running?
- cd py && curl -sSL | python - && source ~/.poetry/env
- pip install tenacity httpx pydantic
- python
- I accept both tips stacc.sol and PRs
I forgot you need to do this: mango-client-v3$ ts-node examples/example.ts it expects your id.json in the default solana dir