Some common methods to ease the life of anonymous PHP developers
- startsWith Tests if a string starts with the specified prefix.
- endsWith Tests if a string ends with the specified suffix
- camelize Uppercases the first character of each word in a string
- excerpt Creates an excerpt from a text based on a phrase
- truncate Truncates a given string after a given length (if necessary)
- highlight Highlights (i.e. adds html-tags arround the keyword) a given keyword in a string
- hashCode Get the integer based hash code of a given string
- insertElement Adds an element into a array on the given position without replacing the old entry
- removeElementByValue Removes the given element from the array
- mergeArrayValues Creates an array of arrays from the two given arrays.
- getPrevKey Returns the previous key from an array
- getNextKey Returns the next key from an array
- applyCallbackByPath Applies a callback on a part of a multidimensional array defined by its path (i.e. keys)
- intcmp Compares two integers (similarly to
) and returns whether the first argument is smaller, less or equal to the second argument. - isInteger Checks if a given value can be interpreted as a "real" integer without commas or exponent parts (i.e.
is not treated as an integer).
- prettyPrintSize Pretty prints a given memory/file size (e.g. 1024 -> 1kB)
- prettyPrintMicroTimeInterval Pretty prints an interval specfied by two timestamps.
- getRelativeTimeDifference Get the relative difference between a given start time and end time.
Allows building a hash code by chaining different values defining an individual hash.
$hashBuilder = new HashBuilder();
$hashCode = $hashBuilder