Water is very precious for the living beings and availability of potable water is gradually decreasing. Most of the cities in the county and that of the world are facing this problem. This is one of the motivations for the current work and to deploy techniques in order to save water and help the environment which in turn ensures water for the future. In many houses there exists unnecessary wastage of water due to overflow from overhead tanks, leakages, unutilized flow etc. An Intelligent Water Level Controller can provide a solution to this problem. The system proposed uses a micro-controller/ Arduino to automate the process of water pumping in an overhead storage tank system. An water flow sensor is used to measure the amount of water outflow that is there through out a particular time-period . The information is logged sent to the controller for a decision whether water to be pumped to the overhead tank for every a particular period of time. Additionally the system senses continuous flow of water, if present, as possible leakage and issues warning alarm. Utilizing this concept both water and the power conservation is accomplished.