You can find the default configuration settings of TheHive below:
# maximum number of similar cases
maxSimilarCases = 100
# ElasticSearch
search {
# Name of the index
index = the_hive
# Name of the ElasticSearch cluster
cluster = hive
# Address of the ElasticSearch instance
host = [""]
# Scroll keepalive
keepalive = 1m
# Size of the page for scroll
pagesize = 50
# Arbitrary settings
settings {
# Maximum number of nested fields
mapping.nested_fields.limit = 50
# Datastore
datastore {
# Size of stored data chunks
chunksize = 50k
hash {
# Main hash algorithm /!\ Don't change this value
main = "SHA-256"
# Additional hash algorithms (used in attachments)
extra = ["SHA-1", "MD5"]
attachment.password = "malware"
auth {
# "provider" parameter contains authentication provider. It can be multi-valued (useful for migration)
# available auth types are:
# local : passwords are stored in user entity (in ElasticSearch). No configuration are required.
# ad : use ActiveDirectory to authenticate users. Configuration is under "" key
# ldap : use LDAP to authenticate users. Configuration is under "auth.ldap" key
provider = [local]
ad {
# The name of the Microsoft Windows domaine using the DNS format. This parameter is required.
#domainFQDN = "mydomain.local"
# Optionally you can specify the host names of the domain controllers. If not set, TheHive uses "domainFQDN".
#serverNames = [ad1.mydomain.local, ad2.mydomain.local]
# The Microsoft Windows domain name using the short format. This parameter is required.
#domainName = "MYDOMAIN"
# Use SSL to connect to the domain controller(s).
#useSSL = true
ldap {
# LDAP server name or address. Port can be specified (host:port). This parameter is required.
#serverName = "ldap.mydomain.local:389"
# If you have multiple ldap servers, use the multi-valued settings.
#serverNames = [ldap1.mydomain.local, ldap2.mydomain.local]
# Use SSL to connect to directory server
#useSSL = true
# Account to use to bind on LDAP server. This parameter is required.
#bindDN = "cn=thehive,ou=services,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
# Password of the binding account. This parameter is required.
#bindPW = "***secret*password***"
# Base DN to search users. This parameter is required.
#baseDN = "ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
# Filter to search user {0} is replaced by user name. This parameter is required.
#filter = "(cn={0})"
# Maximum time between two requests without requesting authentication
session {
warning = 5m
inactivity = 1h
# Streaming
stream.longpolling {
# Maximum time a stream request waits for new element
refresh = 1m
# Lifetime of the stream session without request
cache = 15m
nextItemMaxWait = 500ms
globalMaxWait = 1s
# Cortex configuration
cortex {
# # URL of MISP server
# url = ""
# #HTTP client configuration, more details in section 8
# ws {
# ws.useProxyProperties = true
# proxy {
# # The hostname of the proxy server.
# #host = ""
# # The port of the proxy server.
# #post = 0
# # The protocol of the proxy server. Use "http" or "https". Defaults to "http" if not specified.
# #protocol = "http"
# # The username of the credentials for the proxy server.
# #user = ""
# # The password for the credentials for the proxy server.
# #password = ""
# # The password for the credentials for the proxy server.
# #ntlmDomain = ""
# # The realm's charset.
# #encoding = ""
# # The list of host on which proxy must not be used.
# #nonProxyHosts = ""
# }
# ssl {
# keyManager { # used for client certificate authentication
# stores = [{
# type: "pkcs12" // JKS or PEM
# path: "mycert.p12"
# password: "password1"
# }]
# }
# # Add certificate authorities to trust remote certificate
# trustManager {
# stores = [{
# type: "JKS" // JKS or PEM
# path: "keystore.jks"
# password: "password1"
# }]
# }
# debug = {
# ssl = false
# trustmanager = false
# keymanager = false
# sslctx = false
# handshake = false
# verbose = false
# data = false
# certpath = false
# }
# # default SSL protocol
# #protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# # list of enabled SSL protocols
# #ws.ssl.enabledProtocols = ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1"]
# # SSL Cipher suite
# #enabledCipherSuites = [
# #]
# }
# }
# MISP configuration
misp {
# # URL of MISP server
# url = ""
# # authentication key
# key = ""
# #tags to be added to imported artifact
# tags = ["misp"]
# # filters:
# # the maximum number of attributes (max-attributes)
# #max-attributes = 1000
# # the maximum size of the event json message
# #max-size = 1 MiB
# # the age of the last publication
# #max-age = 7 days
# exclusion {
# # the organisation is black-listed
# #organisation = ["bad organisation", "other orga"]
# # one of the tags is black-listed
# #tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
# }
# ws {
# ws.useProxyProperties = true
# proxy {
# # The hostname of the proxy server.
# #host = ""
# # The port of the proxy server.
# #post = 0
# # The protocol of the proxy server. Use "http" or "https". Defaults to "http" if not specified.
# #protocol = "http"
# # The username of the credentials for the proxy server.
# #user = ""
# # The password for the credentials for the proxy server.
# #password = ""
# # The password for the credentials for the proxy server.
# #ntlmDomain = ""
# # The realm's charset.
# #encoding = ""
# # The list of host on which proxy must not be used.
# #nonProxyHosts = ""
# }
# ssl {
# keyManager { # used for client certificate authentication
# stores = [{
# type: "pkcs12" // JKS or PEM
# path: "mycert.p12"
# password: "password1"
# }]
# }
# # Add certificate authorities to trust remote certificate
# trustManager {
# stores = [{
# type: "JKS" // JKS or PEM
# path: "keystore.jks"
# password: "password1"
# }]
# }
# debug = {
# ssl = false
# trustmanager = false
# keymanager = false
# sslctx = false
# handshake = false
# verbose = false
# data = false
# certpath = false
# }
# # default SSL protocol
# #protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# # list of enabled SSL protocols
# #ws.ssl.enabledProtocols = ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1"]
# # SSL Cipher suite
# #enabledCipherSuites = [
# #]
# }
# }
# Interval between two MISP event import
interval = 1h
# Metrics configuration
metrics {
name = default
enabled = false
rateUnit = SECONDS
durationUnit = SECONDS
jvm = true
logback = true
graphite {
enabled = false
host = ""
port = 2003
prefix = thehive
rateUnit = SECONDS
durationUnit = MILLISECONDS
period = 10s
ganglia {
enabled = false
host = ""
port = 8649
mode = UNICAST
ttl = 1
version = 3.1
prefix = thehive
rateUnit = SECONDS
durationUnit = MILLISECONDS
tmax = 60
dmax = 0
period = 10s
influx {
enabled = false
url = ""
user = root
password = root
database = thehive
retention = default
consistency = ALL
#tags = {
# tag1 = value1
# tag2 = value2
period = 10s