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Item Identifying parameters

IdiNium edited this page Feb 7, 2021 · 13 revisions

3.2 - Item identifying parameter

You have 3 choices of item identifying parameters on how you want to add your items:

  1. name - Must be the item based name (without any quality/effect/Killstreak and etc)
  2. defindex - The item definition index. You can find it here or here
  3. sku (recommended) - The item "Stock Keeping Unit".

3.2.1 - name and defindex parameters

These two parameters act the same since the defindex (in integer form) is just a replacement for the name of an item (if the bot failed to choose the item, so it needs more specific detail of an item). There are 14 optional sub-parameters under these two item identifying parameters:

Table 3.2: Sub-parameters for name and defindex.

Parameter Type Default Description
quality string Unique Normal/ Genuine/ Vintage/ Unusual/ Unique/ Community/ Valve/ Self-made/ Strange/ Haunted/ Collector's/ Decorated (this is case sensitive). If not stated, it will default to Unique.
craftable boolean true Set to false if you want the item to be a Non-Craftable.
australium boolean false Set to true if you want that item to be an Australium (Australium-able weapons only).
effect string null An Unusual effect name, for example: Sunbeams or Green Confetti.
killstreak number|string 0 This should be killstreak type. Types: 1 or Killstreak, 2 or Specialized Killstreak, and 3 or Professional Killstreak.
festive boolean false Set to true if the item is Festivized.
quality2 boolean false Set to true if you want to add Strange as second quality item, i.e., Strange Unusual, Strange Haunted and etc.
paintkit string null When adding a decorated weapon/skin. This should be the War Paint name (sell order only).
wear number|string null When adding a decorated weapon/skin. This should be wear type (i.e., 1 for Factor New, or can just be Factory New).
paint string null Include this if you want to add a painted item to sell. Should be the full name of the paint that you want (i.e., After Eight)
target number|string null You will need to include this if you want to add Unusualifier, Strangifier, Kit, or Fabricator to the pricelist. It should be the targeted item name or defindex. For example for adding Killstreak Scattergun Kit, it will be target=Scattergun or target=200
output number|string null When adding any targeted item with output (i.e., Fabricator, Chemistry Set), this must be included.
outputQuality string null The same as quality parameter, but this one is for Collector's Chemistry Set, which should be always Collector's
crateseries number null Specify crate series, usually only use for Mann Co. Supply Crate and Mann Co. Salvaged Supply Crate

3.2.2 - sku parameter

This parameter is recommended because you will no longer need to use the sub-parameters in Table 3.2. So how can I find the sku of a specific item?

  • Go to
  • In the search bar, type in the item name or Unusual effect, or anything related.
  • If "No items found", simply click on the "In stock" button two to the right of the search bar and it will change to "Not In Stock".
  • If your desired item appeared, click on it and take a look at the URL. The item sku is right at the end of the URL.

General sku format


  • Compulsory parts:
    • defindex: The defindex of an item; and
    • quality: The quality of an item.
  • Optional parts:
    • uncraftable: Parameter craftable, if included, then the item is Non-Craftable.
    • untradable: If included, then the item is Non-Tradable.
    • australium: Parameter australium, for Australium items.
    • festive: Parameter festive, for Festivized items.
    • strange: For any Strange as second quality, i.e. Strange Unusual, Strange Haunted, Strange Genuine and etc.
    • kt-#: Parameter killstreak level, replace # with either 1, 2, or 3.
    • u#: Parameter effect, replace # with a valid Unusual Effect ID.
    • p#: Parameter paint, replace # with a valid Paint Decimal number or Paint partial sku.
    • pk#: Parameter paintkit, replace # a valid Paint Kit ID.
    • w#: Parameter wear, replace # with a number, 1 (Factory New) - 5 (Battle Scarred).
    • td-#: Parameter target, replace # with targeted item defindex.
    • n-#: (not yet supported) Item with number #.
    • c-#: Parameter crateseries, replace # with crate number.
    • od-#: Parameter output, replace # with output item defindex.
    • oq-#: Parameter outputQuality, replace # with a valid Quality ID.

Continue: Listing settings parameters

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