A Comscore analytics connector for use with THEOplayer in Android applications.
Create the connector by providing the THEOplayer
instance, a ComscoreConfiguration
(which contains your publisher id), and the ComscoreMetadata
of the first source you will set to the player (you can change it dynamically throughout the entire lifecycle of the connector):
val comscoreConfiguration = ComscoreConfiguration(
publisherId = "<your publisher ID here>", // Can be a test or production key.
applicationName = "THEOplayer Demo",
userConsent = "1",
childDirected = false,
secureTransmission = true,
usagePropertiesAutoUpdateMode = 1,
debug = true
val metadata = ComscoreMetaData(
mediaType = ComscoreMediaType.LONG_FORM_ON_DEMAND,
uniqueId = "testuniqueId",
length = 634,
stationTitle = "THEOTV",
programTitle = "Big Buck Bunny",
episodeTitle = "Intro",
genreName = "Animation",
classifyAsAudioStream = false,
c3 = "c3value",
c4 = "c4value",
c6 = "c6value",
stationCode = null,
networkAffiliate = null,
publisherName = null,
programId = null,
episodeId = null,
episodeSeasonNumber = null,
episodeNumber = null,
genreId = null,
carryTvAdvertisementLoad = null,
classifyAsCompleteEpisode = null,
dateOfProduction = null,
timeOfProduction = null,
dateOfTvAiring = null,
timeOfTvAiring = null,
dateOfDigitalAiring = null,
timeOfDigitalAiring = null,
feedType = null,
deliveryMode = null,
deliverySubscriptionType = null,
deliveryComposition = null,
deliveryAdvertisementCapability = null,
mediaFormat = null,
distributionModel = null,
playlistTitle = null,
totalSegments = null,
clipUrl = null,
videoDimension = null,
customLabels = emptyMap(),
val comscore = ComscoreConnector(this, theoplayerView.player, comscoreConfiguration, metadata)
val playerConfig = THEOplayerConfig.Builder()
val theoplayerView = THEOplayerView(this)
theoplayerView.config = playerConfig
val theoplayer = theoplayerView.theoplayer
theoplayer.source = SourceDescription.Builder()
theoplayerView.onCreatePlayer { player ->
// Initialize Comscore connector
The connector allows passing or updating the current asset's metadata at any time:
Based on the ComscoreMetaData
type, you can tell which fields are mandatory and which aren't. Note that this is purely for the integration to work correctly. Depending on the Comscore solution you are using, different fields are required/optional. The mandatory fields in the ComscoreMetadata
type are the ones that are mandatory for all three Comscore solutions:
- Video Metrix (V)
- Cross Platform Product Suite (X)
- Cross Media Audience Measurement (C)
Property | Required | Optional |
mediaType |
All | |
uniqueId |
All | |
length |
All | |
c3 |
V | |
c4 |
V | |
c6 |
V | |
stationTitle |
All | |
stationCode |
All | |
networkAffiliate |
All | |
publisherName |
X C | V |
programTitle |
All | |
programId |
V C | |
episodeTitle |
All | |
episodeId |
X C | |
episodeSeasonNumber |
X C | |
episodeNumber |
X C | |
genreName |
All | |
genreId |
All | |
carryTvAdvertisementLoad |
X | |
classifyAsCompleteEpisode |
X | |
dateOfProduction |
C | |
timeOfProduction |
C | |
dateOfTvAiring |
X C | |
timeOfTvAiring |
X C | |
dateOfDigitalAiring |
X C | |
timeOfDigitalAiring |
X C | |
feedType |
X | |
classifyAsAudioStream |
All | |
deliveryMode |
All | |
deliverySubscriptionType |
All | |
deliveryComposition |
All | |
deliveryAdvertisementCapability |
All | |
mediaFormat |
All | |
distributionModel |
All | |
playlistTitle |
C | |
totalSegments |
V C | |
clipUrl |
V C | |
videoDimension |
C | |
customLabels |
All |