This guide shows how you can define your own renderer to render the elements of your extension differently.
To create a custom render, create a class which inherits from BpmnRenderer. Define in the constructor a set of handlers which define how to render elements of a specific type. In the following example, two handlers are defined. The first one renders a shape based on the DataObject and customized with a custom icon, defined as SVG and imported from an SVG Map. The scond one renders a Task with a custom icon defined as SVG. To customize the rendering, several helper functions can be found in RenderUtilities.
export default class CustomRenderer extends BpmnRenderer {
constructor(config, eventBus, styles, pathMap, quantMEPathMap, canvas, textRenderer) {
super(config, eventBus, styles, pathMap, canvas, textRenderer, 1001);
this.customHandlers = {
['custom:MyData']: function (self, parentGfx, element) {
const task = self.renderer('bpmn:DataObject')(parentGfx, element);
let svg = getSVG(consts.DATA_TYPE_DATA_MAP_OBJECT);
drawDataElementSVG(parentGfx, svg);
return task;
['custom:MyTask']: function (self, parentGfx, element) {
const task = self.renderer('bpmn:Task')(parentGfx, element);
drawTaskSVG(parentGfx, svg);
return task;
// ...
// ...
QuantMERenderer.$inject = [
To apply your custom rendering handler, you have to override the renderer()
, canRender()
and drawShape()
export default class CustomRenderer extends BpmnRenderer {
// ...
renderer(type) {
return this.handlers[type];
canRender(element) {
// only return true if handler for rendering is registered
return this.dataFlowHandler[element.type];
drawShape(parentNode, element) {
// handle QuantME elements
if (element.type in this.quantMeHandlers) {
var h = this.quantMeHandlers[element.type];
/* jshint -W040 */
return h(this, parentNode, element);