Configuration options of the workflow editor and the Configuration Dialog displaying all configs which can be changed during runtime. Contains tabs defined by the plugins.
Providers and Utility functions for using and creating Configurations.
Handler for dispatching and listening custom HTML events for changes in the workflow of the modeler.
Handlers to manage the initial plugin config and the properties defined by the Plugin Objects of the active plugins.
Handler which manages the current instance of the bpmn-js modeler with all additional modules defined by the plugins. Contains also functions for creating bpmn-js modeler instances with different specifications.
Extended Popup Menu and the SearchablePopupMenuComponent which allows to search through all menu entries, including those behind MoreOptionsEntries.
Important UI components of the editor
Modal Component from Camunda.
Notification Components based on the Notifications of the Camunda Modeler to display Notifications in the Quantum Workflow Modeler. Includes the NotificationHandler which manages the creation and display of Notifications.
Button component which can be expanded to show a configurable set of sub buttons. Can be used to group buttons, e.g. all buttons of one plugin, into one button.
Button component containing all TransformationButtons defined by plugins. Manages the execution of the transformation functions.
Collection of plugin independent Utilities.