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You Only Plan Once

Paper: You Only Plan Once: A Learning-Based One-Stage Planner With Guidance Learning

Video of this paper can be found: YouTube, bilibili

Some realworld experiment: YouTube, bilibili

Fig1 Fig2


We propose a learning-based planner for autonomous navigation in obstacle-dense environments which intergrats (i) perception and mapping, (ii) front-end path searching, and (iii) back-end optimization of classical methods into a single network.

Learning-based Planner: Considering the multi-modal nature of the navigation problem and to avoid local minima around initial values, our approach adopts a set of motion primitives as anchor to cover the searching space, and predicts the offsets and scores of primitives for further improvement (like the one-stage object detector YOLO).

Training Strategy: Compared to giving expert demonstrations for imitation in imitation learning or exploring by trial-and-error in reinforcement learning, we directly back-propagate the numerical gradient (e.g. from ESDF) to the weights of neural network in the training process, which is realistic, accurate, and timely.

Fig1 Fig2 Fig3
primitive anchors predicted traj and scores learning method


This project is developed based on the open-source simulator Flightmare, the gradient computation is modified from grad_traj_optimization, and the signed distance field is built by sdf_tools. thanks for their excellent work!


The project was tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and Jetson Orin/Xavier NX.

0. Clone the code

git clone [email protected]:TJU-Aerial-Robotics/YOPO.git

We will take the directory ~/YOPO as example in the following.

1. Flightmare dependencies

Make sure that you have already set up the basic dependencies such as ROS, CUDA, and Conda.

sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
   build-essential \
   cmake \
   libzmqpp-dev \
   libopencv-dev \

2. Add sourcing of your catkin workspace as FLIGHTMARE_PATH environment variable

# modify "~/YOPO" to your path
echo "export FLIGHTMARE_PATH=~/YOPO" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

3. Unity

Download the Flightmare Standalone uploaded by uzh-rpg /agile_autonomy, extract it and put in the flightrender folder. It should looks like:

├── CMakeLists.txt
└── RPG_Flightmare/
    ├── flightmare.x86_64
    └── ...

4. Create a conda virtual environment

Below are the versions of my python libraries. (You can remove the version numbers if compatibility issues occur in the future.)

conda create --name yopo python=3.8
conda activate yopo

conda install pytorch==2.4.1 torchvision==0.19.1 torchaudio==2.4.1  pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install opencv-python
pip install gym==0.21.0 stable-baselines3==1.5.0 
pip install scipy==1.10.1 scikit-build==0.18.1 ruamel-yaml==0.17.21 numpy==1.22.3 tensorboard==2.8.0 empy catkin_pkg

5. Build the flightlib

conda activate yopo
cd YOPO/flightlib/build
cmake ..
make -j8
pip install .

6. Some issues may arise when we test on different devices

6.1. No module named 'flightpolicy'

# modify "~/YOPO/flightpolicy" to your path
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/YOPO" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

6.2. No module named 'flightgym'

cd YOPO/flightlib/build
pip install -e .

Train the Policy

1. Data collection

For efficiency, we proactively collect dataset (images and states) by randomly initializing the drone's state (position and orientation). It may take nearly 1 hour for collection with default dataset size but you only need to collect once. The data will be saved at run/yopo_sim.

cd ~/YOPO/run
conda activate yopo

Besides, you can refer to vec_env.yaml and quadrotor_env.yaml for modifications of the environment and quadrotor.

2. Training

cd ~/YOPO/run
conda activate yopo
python --train=1

It may take 2-3 hours for training with default dataset size and training epoch. If everything goes well, the training log is as follows:


Besides, you can refer to traj_opt.yaml for some modifications of trajectory optimization (e.g. the speed and penalties).

Test the Policy

You can test the policy using pre-trained weights we provide at run/saved/YOPO_1/Policy/epoch0_iter0.pth. (For example, to use the weights of YOPO_1/Policy/epoch2_iter3.pth, you should use --trial=1 --epoch=2 --iter=3)

1. Test without dynamics model and controller (simple but not recommended)

cd ~/YOPO/run
conda activate yopo
python --train=0 --render=1 --trial=1 --epoch=0 --iter=0 --supervised=0

It will take a while for unity setup, and then you will see:


2. Test with dynamics model and controller (recommended)

Prapare: We do not use the built-in dynamics of Flightmare; instead, we used a ROS-based simulator and controller from Fast Planner. For your convenience, we have extracted only the relevant sections from the project, which you can refer to UAV_Simulator for installation.

Besides, we recommend using tmux & tmuxinator for terminal management.

2.1 Start the simulation environment with Unity and the ROS interface (It will take some time to load Unity and randomly generate a new environment)

cd ~/YOPO/flightrender/RPG_Flightmare
cd ~/YOPO/flightlib/build

Besides, you can refer to quadrotor_ros.yaml for some modifications of the environment.

2.2 Start the dynamics simulation and controller of UAV

cd ~/UAV_Simulator
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch so3_quadrotor_simulator simulator.launch

2.3 Start the YOPO inference and the Planner. You can refer to traj_opt.yaml for modification of the flight speed (The given weights are pretrained at 6 m/s and perform smoothly at speeds between 0 - 6 m/s).

cd ~/YOPO/run
conda activate yopo
python --trial=1 --epoch=0 --iter=0
cd ~/YOPO/flightlib/build

The implementation of yopo_planner_node and are merged into (just python

2.4 Visualization: start the RVIZ and publish the map. Then you can click the 2D Nav Goal on RVIZ as the goal at will, just like the following GIF.

cd ~/YOPO/
rviz -d yopo.rviz

(optional) Wait for the map to be saved by flightros_node and then:

cd ~/YOPO/flightlib/build


TensorRT Deployment

We highly recommend using TensorRT for acceleration when flying in real world. It only takes 1ms for inference on NVIDIA Orin NX.

1. Prepera

conda activate yopo
pip install -U nvidia-tensorrt --index-url

git clone
cd torch2trt
python install

2. PyTorch model to TensorRT model

cd ~/YOPO/
conda activate yopo
python --trial=1 --epoch=0 --iter=0

3. TensorRT inference

cd ~/YOPO/
conda activate yopo
python --use_tensorrt=1


We are still working on improving and refactoring the code to improve the readability, reliability, and efficiency. For any technical issues, please feel free to contact me ([email protected]) 😀 We are very open and enjoy collaboration!

If you find this work useful or interesting, please kindly give us a star ⭐; If our repository supports your academic projects, please cite our paper. Thank you!