This readme contains instructions for reproducing a Dense Retrieval baseline run using Sentence Transformers for the TREC track on tip-of-the-tongue (ToT) retrieval. You can view Guidelines for more details..
Note that the script below trains on both the dev1 and train splits.
# step 1: train a DR model and generate negatives
python \
--model_dir dense_models/baseline_distilbert_0/ \
--data_path $DATA_PATH \
--encode_after_train \
--epochs 20 --loss_margin 0.75 --lr 6e-05 --n_train_negatives 5 \
--run_id baseline_distilbert_0 --device cuda --weight_decay 0.01 \
--model_or_checkpoint distilbert-base-uncased --embed_size 768 \
--encode_batch_size 128 --batch_size 10 --loss_fn triplet \
--loss_distance cosine --encode_norm \
--negatives_out distilbert_negatives >> distilbert.log 2>&1 &
# step 2: load the new negatives and retrain
python \
--model_dir dense_models/baseline_distilbert/ \
--data_path $DATA_PATH \
--negatives_path distilbert_negatives \
--epochs 20 --loss_margin 0.75 --lr 6e-05 --n_train_negatives 5 \
--run_id baseline_distilbert --device cuda --weight_decay 0.01 \
--model_or_checkpoint distilbert-base-uncased --embed_size 768 \
--encode_batch_size 128 --batch_size 10 --loss_fn triplet \
--loss_distance cosine --encode_norm >> distilbert.log 2>&1 &
srun -p gpu --time=36:00:00 --mem=62G --gres=gpu:nvidia_rtx_a6000:2 python \
--model_or_checkpoint dense_models/baseline_distilbert/model \
--model_dir dense_models/baseline_distilbert_out/ \
--device cuda \
--loss_fn triplet \
--loss_distance cosine \
--encode_norm \
--run_id baseline_distilbert \
--no_train \
--epochs 0 \
--embed_size 768 \
--data_path $DATA_PATH \
--encode_after_train \
--encode_batch_size 386
You can evaluate either using pytrec_eval (included in the script above), or use trec_eval
trec_eval -m ndcg_cut.10,1000 -m recall.1000 -m recip_rank $DATA_PATH/dev1-2024/qrel.txt ./dense_models/baseline_distilbert/
recip_rank all 0.0901
recall_1000 all 0.5600
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.1040
ndcg_cut_1000 all 0.1665