- Home: https://www.simutrans.com/en/, https://www.simutrans.de/ (German), https://sourceforge.net/projects/simutrans/
- Media: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simutrans
- Inspiration: Transport Tycoon
- State: mature
- Download: https://www.simutrans.com/en/download/
- Keyword: simulation, clone
- Code repository: https://github.com/aburch/simutrans.git (@created 2009, @stars 297, @forks 159), https://svn.code.sf.net/p/simutrans/code (svn)
- Code language: C++
- Code license: Artistic License-1.0 (https://github.com/aburch/simutrans/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
- Developer: Albert Ruiz, An_dz, Andrew Carlotti, André Zanghelini, ceeac, Christoph Mallon, DirkW, DrSuperGood, Dwachs, Eric Gindre, Fabio128, Gauthier.N, Günter Beine, IgorEliezer, James Hood, Jan Korbel, Kieron Green, Leartin Dialonis, Lubak91, makie, Marcos Lopez, Markus Pristovsek, martin, Martin_Prosek, Miziiik, Mobo, Nathanael Nerode, Nicholas Tanger, Olaf P, PappeTeeMaster, sojo, The Transporter, Timothy, Tomas Padevet, TurfIt, Vladimír Slávik, Vladislav Kurz, Václav Macůrek
A cross-platform simulation game in which the player strives to run a successful transport system. Is this the English version?
See also the mod Iron Bite.