A collection of AddIn objects that represents all the add-ins available to Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether they're installed.
This list corresponds to the list of add-ins displayed in the Add-Ins dialog box.
Use the AddIns property to return the AddIns collection. The following example creates a list that contains the names and installed states of all the available add-ins.
Sub DisplayAddIns()
rw = 1
For Each ad In Application.AddIns
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rw, 1) = ad.Name
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(rw, 2) = ad.Installed
rw = rw + 1
End Sub
Use the Add method to add an add-in to the list of available add-ins. The Add method adds an add-in to the list but doesn't install the add-in. Set theInstalled property of the add-in to True to install the add-in. To install an add-in that doesn't appear in the list of available add-ins, you must first use the Add method and then set the Installed property. This can be done in a single step, as shown in the following example (note that you use the name of the add-in, not its title, with the Add method).
AddIns.Add("generic.xll").Installed = True
Use AddIns ( index ) where index is the add-in title or index number to return a single AddIn object. The following example installs the Analysis Toolpak add-in.
Don't confuse the add-in title, which appears in the Add-Ins dialog box, with the add-in name, which is the file name of the add-in. You must spell the add-in title exactly as it's spelled in the Add-Ins dialog box, but the capitalization doesn't have to match.
AddIns("analysis toolpak").Installed = True