All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Issues where the validator would crash for certain JSON form structures.
- The original message type of an email to the message payload.
- Moved all instances of mongoose to use a single entity provided within the formio object.
- Make select query validation use caching to limit requests being made.
- CSV export of wysiwyg
- Webhook improvements
- Problems with the machine name generation where numbers in the project name would mess it up.
- Issues with the machine name generation for names with more than 10 instances.
- Ability for email templates to execute from workers library.
- Validation changes for multi-mask fields
- Ability to configure email transports via hooks.
- Upgraded [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- Potential crash when merging forms when one row was empty or missing.
- Upgraded resourcejs to v1.23.1 to fix issue with number filtering.
- Ability to calculate values of fields on server.
- Unique validation for objects.
- Issues with DataGrid exports.
- Issues with DateTime filters on index apis.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Save as reference issues with multiple configuration.
- Problems with using the "exists" endpoint with the new converted ObjectId's
- Problems with providing an _id filter when using save as reference indexes.
- Upgraded [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- Email view for File component.
- Problem where some values would get converted to ObjectIds and then would not work with indexing.
- Upgraded [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
- Convert all sub-document submissions to use ObjectId's for form, owner, and _id.
- Added recommended indexes for performance.
- Problem where the references could get in a state where the Id's are not ObjectIds.
- Running the update hook to fix the references again to ensure they are all ObjectIds.
- Issues with single record save-as-reference where previous submission would mess up queries.
- Problems with the SMTP settings where username and password could be optional.
- Problems with the save-as-reference not working with empty references.
- Fixed some filtering issues with Save as reference.
- Potential crash within the CSV export functions.
- Refactored the save-as-reference so pagination + sort works as expected.
- Pagination issues with save-as-reference
- Correct sorting for save-as-reference when there are more items than references.
- Issues with save-as-reference lookup for single references.
- Some more issues with save as reference features.
- Resourcejs to allow fix date values.
- Upgrade dependencies.
- The form component unique validation to only care about input components.
- Issues with the store as reference features.
- The filter and sort index queries for referenced fields.
- CSV exporter that would throw an error for DateTime components.
- Issue where hidden components that have a value set remove their parent containers or datagrids.
- Ensure sub-requests get their own cloned request paramters.
- Issue with the field parameter actions would execute twice unintentionally.
- Issue where empty list of references would fail the request.
- Some potential undefined references causing crashes.
- A bunch of small bugs in CSV export.
- Issue with the resource references index query taking too long and taking a lot of memory.
- Problems with using cloneDeep on sub-requests which would gobble up memory.
- Problems with sub-responses calling methods that do not exist.
- Upgraded formiojs (2.29.5), nodemailer (4.5.0), nunjucks (3.1.0)
- Upgraded mongoose to 5.0.6, formio.js to 2.29.2
- Removed all calls to snapshot since it was causing serious performance regressions.
- Problem with the owner property not getting set properly when they are an admin.
- A potential crash when assigning submission resource access.
- Upgraded MongoDB driver to 3.0.2, Mongoose 5.0.3
- Add list querystring to allow more efficient list returns.
- Field Logic handling.
- Fix required multi-value fields not returning required.
- Fix the way rows are found for datagrid checkConditionals.
- Fix email actions for external authentication (User doesn't exist in
- Fixed an issue where the token handler would return 401 when it should try as anonymous.
- Upgrade MongoDB (v3) and Mongoose (v5) to latest versions.
- Potential crashes in CSV export and template imports.
- Removed a bunch of superfluous debug messages for memory and performance improvements.
- Tests to refer to the correct helper template instead of the global one.
- Submission index queries that filter based on the user owner.
- Problems with the Save as Reference for Select dropdowns and other bugs.
- Connection issues with SQL Action.
- ES6 cleanup items.
- Issue where the metadata property for submissions was getting stripped out.
- DateTime component export.
- Upgraded resourcejs to latest version.
- Upgraded all dependencies.
- Upgraded resourcejs to fix crash in index queries.
- The owner property to be either a MongoID or a string with custom value.
- Converted some code into ES6 patterns.
- Hook into the export capabilities.
- CSV export when Select component within DataGrid component.
- Do not replace the title and name during import if none are provided.
- Custom Form properties.
- Allow people to provide their form access settings on POST.
- Issue with CSV export crashing on fields within a datagrid.
- Threading so that it will not block debugging ports.
- Make async validators work properly and move select to joi validation.
- Fix issue with importing subforms out of order.
- Move sub form validation and submission to the appropriate areas so it works in conjunction with other functionality.
- Hooks for tempTokens.
- Problems with using temp tokens with remote environments.
- Import order of subforms no longer crashes import.
- Issues with problematic aggresive resource caching.
- Upgraded dependencies.
- Datetime fields to be stored as MongoDB Date objects.
- Ability to alter models dynamically.
- Partial indexes for non-deleted entities.
- Ability to provide dynamic sub-forms from parent form submissions.
- Upgrade all dependencies.
- Made the editgrid validation not dependant on the multiple flag in component settings.
- Bugfix/FOR-809. Fix in CSVExporter for multivalue resource and select fields.
- EditGrid validation.
- Tests
- A hook within the submission tests to get the right hook.alter.
- Ability to alter validation form before submission validation occurs.
- Enhancements to webhook actionz
- Validation for Checkbox component with 'radio' type and 'name' option.
- Allow altering of resources for forms.
- Backend validation checks for select dropdown components.
- Blocking webhook support
- Possibility to add shortcuts.
- Issue with the validation clearing out values when clearOnHide is set to false.
- Issue where a database update would be able to occur.
- Ensure we are on a 3.1.0 db schema.
- Allow patch schema updates without stopping server start.
- Added update hook to remove previous machineName indexes.
- Stop empty string removal on validation
- More changes to machineName so that it is not enforced unique at mongo level to keep duplicate errors from occuring.
- Machine name collisions on project import when there exists deleted entities.
- The export and import to translate the form property on form components.
- Issues with the machineKey not auto-incrementing and staying unique.
- Ability to alter submission with a hook.
- Possibility to use underscore in API key.
- Upgraded many dependencies to latest versions.
- Add json logic validation
- Upgrade Joi to 1.11.1
- Move custom javascript validation to Joi extension
- Change validator to return all errors instead of only the first encountered
- Return validation result along with errors
- Return result on dryrun
- Issue where data grid elements could not share name of parent element.
- Include the form settings within the export.
- Added a try/catch around the checkConditionals so that it will not crash when a bad conditional is provided.
- Submission validation with multi-value with empty strings would fail on the second save. Allow nulls.
- Sub-submissions and validations for form components where the submissions are already not established.
- Mongoose depcrecation warnings.
- Allowed for the temp token hooks to be asynchronous.
- Return SQL Server query results from get action
- Datagrids with invalid rows will no longer remove those rows.
- Validation errors on PUT will now return 400 instead of 500.
- Required fields hidden with JSON logic will no longer throw validation errors.
- Issue with import routine crashing on undefined function
- A way to track the parent submission when viewing submissions submitted from multi-form workflows.
- Merging of columns removes width, offset, push and pull settings.
- The token generation for SSO tokens to not require erroneous parameters.
- An issue with the Reset password action not working with case insensitive emails.
- Data in a datagrid showing in email notifications.
- Ability to modify the current form based on submission data before validation.
script for npm with Nodemon support.
- An issue with custom validations with components within a datagrid were not working properly.
- CSV export for Resource component and Select component with data source Resource / URL / JSON.
- An issue where if you have clearOnHide not set, it would still clear out values for hidden fields.
- Issue with unit tests from extended libraries that introduce new properties.
- Issue with components still getting cleared even though clearOnHide is false.
- The ability to import a custom project.json during installation.
- Issue during installation where the paths would get all messed up.
- The ability to provide "full=true" query parameter to the form load and retrieve the full form, including form components.
- The possibility of the server crashing for reference fields.
- The body limit for form sizes to allow forms up to 16mb in size (JSON format).
- Method for having reference field types that can dynamically link to sub resources.
- Deprecated validation handler in the Roles model.
- 'Unknown resource' error on PUT of form which has multiple save actions to other resources
- Submission Resource Access are calculated on the server during submission instead of in the browser.
- Allow roles to have their own permissions apart from default owner permissions.
- Make sure to not run the temp token tests for customer docker deployment test runs.
- A tempToken hook system to allow external libraries to modify temp token payloads.
- The way that the debug flag was being checked for debugging purposes.
- Allow exported action machine names to be altered.
- Fixed debugger issues with the email threads, due to an issue with process forking using the parent process.
- Automatic generation of action machine names to be form:action.
- Don't attempt to set headers after response has been sent.
- Allow template export steps to be altered with templateExportSteps
- Allow default template to be modified.
- Change templateSteps to templateImportSteps
- Updating the default template for new email actions to use the submission macro, rather than email, to change the output of signature components to be Yes/No
- Revert project version back to 2.0.0 and use tag instead.
- Adding entity query hooks to the import entities.
- Changed export filename to include version.
- Changed export version to reference project version not export schema.
- Removed plan from export.
- Template import / export tests
- git pre commit hooks for linting
- External token hooks
- Template action imports could fail based on resources not existing at creation time.
- customPrivate validations now work for components nested inside of layout components.
- Removed old template schema translations on import.
- Added temporary auth token support. You can now generate new tokens using the
/token endpoint with the following headers.
- x-expire = The expiration of the token in seconds.
- x-allow = The paths to allow for the token in the format: GET:/path/[0-9a-z]+
- Make action handlers alterable.
- Add mongo indices to all entities.