Period scale supports a set of pre-defined period specifiers. However, you can define your custom periods.
There is an extension point in tauCharts API:
tauChart.api.tickPeriod.add("custom_period_name", {
cast: function(d) { ... },
next: function(d) { ... }
- cast method is used to transform an input date value to the date of the period start. The cast should be pure function (without side effects) which maps any date from the period to the same period start date.
- next method takes a previous period's start date and produces the next period date.
For example, below we cast a date to the start of a week which it belongs to and produces the next week date by adding 7 days:
cast: function (date) {
date = new Date(date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0));
date = new Date(date.setDate(date.getDate() - date.getDay()));
return date;
next: function (prevDate) {
// add 7 days to previous date
return new Date(prevDate.setDate(prevDate.getDate() + 7));
Another example shows how to cast a date to the 2 hour period of the day (00, 02, 04 ... 22, 24) and produce next 2-hours period:
cast: function(date) {
var hour = date.getHours();
var nearest2HSegment = hour - hour % 2;
return new Date(date.setHours(nearest2HSegment, 0, 0, 0));
next: function(prevDate) {
var h2 = (2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return new Date(prevDate.getTime() + h2);
Axis guide supports a set of pre-defined and d3-based tick formats. While you can easily define your custom named tick format.
There is an extension point in tauCharts API:
tauChart.api.tickFormat.add("custom_tick_format", function(x) { ... })
A formatter is a function which takes a value and produces a formatted string.
For example, below we add "quarter" formatter which takes a date object and produces a quarter which this date belongs to (e.g. "Q1 2014"):
tauChart.api.tickFormat.add("quarter", function(x) {
var d = new Date(x);
var m = d.getMonth();
var q = (m - (m % 3)) / 3;
return 'Q' + (q + 1) + ' ' + d.getFullYear();
Custom format specifiers are useful for ticks localization.
See example of such localization: example