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Design Guidelines

This document contains guidelines for projects that want to make use of ReactiveCocoa. The content here is heavily inspired by the Rx Design Guidelines.

This document assumes basic familiarity with the features of ReactiveCocoa. The Framework Overview is a better resource for getting up to speed on the functionality provided by RAC.

The RACSequence contract

  1. Evaluation occurs lazily by default
  2. Evaluation blocks the caller
  3. Side effects occur only once

The RACSignal contract

  1. Signal events are serialized
  2. Subscription will always occur on a scheduler
  3. Errors are propagated immediately
  4. Side effects occur for each subscription
  5. Subscriptions are automatically disposed upon completion or error
  6. Disposal cancels in-progress work and cleans up resources

Best practices

  1. Use descriptive declarations for methods and properties that return a signal
  2. Indent stream operations consistently
  3. Use the same type for all the values of a stream
  4. Avoid retaining streams for too long
  5. Process only as much of a stream as needed
  6. Deliver signal events onto a known scheduler
  7. Switch schedulers in as few places as possible
  8. Make the side effects of a signal explicit
  9. Share the side effects of a signal by multicasting
  10. Debug streams by giving them names
  11. Avoid explicit subscriptions and disposal
  12. Avoid using subjects when possible

Implementing new operators

  1. Prefer building on RACStream methods
  2. Compose existing operators when possible
  3. Avoid introducing concurrency
  4. Cancel work and clean up all resources in a disposable
  5. Do not block in an operator
  6. Avoid stack overflow from deep recursion

The RACSequence contract

RACSequence is a pull-driven stream. Sequences behave similarly to built-in collections, but with a few unique twists.

Evaluation occurs lazily by default

Sequences are evaluated lazily by default. For example, in this sequence:

NSArray *strings = @[ @"A", @"B", @"C" ];
RACSequence *sequence = [strings.rac_sequence map:^(NSString *str) {
    return [str stringByAppendingString:@"_"];

… no string appending is actually performed until the values of the sequence are needed. Accessing sequence.head will perform the concatenation of A_, accessing sequence.tail.head will perform the concatenation of B_, and so on.

This generally avoids performing unnecessary work (since values that are never used are never calculated), but means that sequence processing should be limited only to what's actually needed.

Once evaluated, the values in a sequence are memoized and do not need to be recalculated. Accessing sequence.head multiple times will only do the work of one string concatenation.

If lazy evaluation is undesirable – for instance, because limiting memory usage is more important than avoiding unnecessary work – the eagerSequence property can be used to force a sequence (and any sequences derived from it afterward) to evaluate eagerly.

Evaluation blocks the caller

Regardless of whether a sequence is lazy or eager, evaluation of any part of a sequence will block the calling thread until completed. This is necessary because values must be synchronously retrieved from a sequence.

If evaluating a sequence is expensive enough that it might block the thread for a significant amount of time, consider creating a signal with -signalWithScheduler: and using that instead.

Side effects occur only once

When the block passed to a sequence operator involves side effects, it is important to realize that those side effects will only occur once per value – namely, when the value is evaluated:

NSArray *strings = @[ @"A", @"B", @"C" ];
RACSequence *sequence = [strings.rac_sequence map:^(NSString *str) {
    NSLog(@"%@", str);
    return [str stringByAppendingString:@"_"];

// Logs "A" during this call.
NSString *concatA = sequence.head;

// Logs "B" during this call.
NSString *concatB = sequence.tail.head;

// Does not log anything.
NSString *concatB2 = sequence.tail.head;

RACSequence *derivedSequence = [sequence map:^(NSString *str) {
    return [@"_" stringByAppendingString:str];

// Still does not log anything, because "B_" was already evaluated, and the log
// statement associated with it will never be re-executed.
NSString *concatB3 = derivedSequence.tail.head;

The RACSignal contract

RACSignal is a push-driven stream with a focus on asynchronous event delivery through subscriptions. For more information about signals and subscriptions, see the Framework Overview.

Signal events are serialized

A signal may choose to deliver its events on any thread. Consecutive events are even allowed to arrive on different threads or schedulers, unless explicitly delivered onto a particular scheduler.

However, RAC guarantees that no two signal events will ever arrive concurrently. While an event is being processed, no other events will be delivered. The senders of any other events will be forced to wait until the current event has been handled.

Most notably, this means that the blocks passed to -subscribeNext:error:completed: do not need to be synchronized with respect to each other, because they will never be invoked simultaneously.

Subscription will always occur on a scheduler

To ensure consistent behavior for the +createSignal: and -subscribe: methods, each RACSignal subscription is guaranteed to take place on a valid RACScheduler.

If the subscriber's thread already has a +currentScheduler, scheduling takes place immediately; otherwise, scheduling occurs as soon as possible on a background scheduler. Note that the main thread is always associated with the +mainThreadScheduler, so subscription will always be immediate there.

See the documentation for -subscribe: for more information.

Errors are propagated immediately

In RAC, error events have exception semantics. When an error is sent on a signal, it will be immediately forwarded to all dependent signals, causing the entire chain to terminate.

Operators whose primary purpose is to change error-handling behavior – like -catch:, -catchTo:, or -materialize – are obviously not subject to this rule.

Side effects occur for each subscription

Each new subscription to a RACSignal will trigger its side effects. This means that any side effects will happen as many times as subscriptions to the signal itself.

Consider this example:

__block int aNumber = 0;

// Signal that will have the side effect of incrementing `aNumber` block 
// variable for each subscription before sending it.
RACSignal *aSignal = [RACSignal createSignal:^ RACDisposable * (id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
	[subscriber sendNext:@(aNumber)];
	[subscriber sendCompleted];
	return nil;

// This will print "subscriber one: 1"
[aSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
	NSLog(@"subscriber one: %@", x);

// This will print "subscriber two: 2"
[aSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
	NSLog(@"subscriber two: %@", x);

Side effects are repeated for each subscription. The same applies to stream and signal operators:

__block int missilesToLaunch = 0;

// Signal that will have the side effect of changing `missilesToLaunch` on
// subscription.
RACSignal *processedSignal = [[RACSignal
	map:^(id x) {
		return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"will launch %d %@", missilesToLaunch, x];

// This will print "First will launch 1 missiles"
[processedSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
	NSLog(@"First %@", x);

// This will print "Second will launch 2 missiles"
[processedSignal subscribeNext:^(id x) {
	NSLog(@"Second %@", x);

To suppress this behavior and have multiple subscriptions to a signal execute its side effects only once, a signal can be multicasted.

Side effects can be insidious and produce problems that are difficult to diagnose. For this reason it is suggested to make side effects explicit when possible.

Subscriptions are automatically disposed upon completion or error

When a subscriber is sent a completed or error event, the associated subscription will automatically be disposed. This behavior usually eliminates the need to manually dispose of subscriptions.

See the Memory Management document for more information about signal lifetime.

Disposal cancels in-progress work and cleans up resources

When a subscription is disposed, manually or automatically, any in-progress or outstanding work associated with that subscription is gracefully cancelled as soon as possible, and any resources associated with the subscription are cleaned up.

Disposing of the subscription to a signal representing a file upload, for example, would cancel any in-flight network request, and free the file data from memory.

Best practices

The following recommendations are intended to help keep RAC-based code predictable, understandable, and performant.

They are, however, only guidelines. Use best judgement when determining whether to apply the recommendations here to a given piece of code.

Use descriptive declarations for methods and properties that return a signal

When a method or property has a return type of RACSignal, it can be difficult to understand the signal's semantics at a glance.

There are three key questions that can inform a declaration:

  1. Is the signal hot (already activated by the time it's returned to the caller) or cold (activated when subscribed to)?
  2. Will the signal include zero, one, or more values?
  3. Does the signal have side effects?

Hot signals without side effects should typically be properties instead of methods. The use of a property indicates that no initialization is needed before subscribing to the signal's events, and that additional subscribers will not change the semantics. Signal properties should usually be named after events (e.g., textChanged).

Cold signals without side effects should be returned from methods that have noun-like names (e.g., -currentText). A method declaration indicates that the signal might not be kept around, hinting that work is performed at the time of subscription. If the signal sends multiple values, the noun should be pluralized (e.g., -currentModels).

Signals with side effects should be returned from methods that have verb-like names (e.g., -logIn). The verb indicates that the method is not idempotent and that callers must be careful to call it only when the side effects are desired. If the signal will send one or more values, include a noun that describes them (e.g., -loadConfiguration, -fetchLatestEvents).

Indent stream operations consistently

It's easy for stream-heavy code to become very dense and confusing if not properly formatted. Use consistent indentation to highlight where chains of streams begin and end.

When invoking a single method upon a stream, no additional indentation is necessary (block arguments aside):

RACStream *result = [stream startWith:@0];

RACStream *result2 = [stream map:^(NSNumber *value) {
    return @(value.integerValue + 1);

When transforming the same stream multiple times, ensure that all of the steps are aligned. Complex operators like +zip:reduce: or +combineLatest:reduce: may be split over multiple lines for readability:

RACStream *result = [[[RACStream
    zip:@[ firstStream, secondStream ]
    reduce:^(NSNumber *first, NSNumber *second) {
        return @(first.integerValue + second.integerValue);
    filter:^ BOOL (NSNumber *value) {
        return value.integerValue >= 0;
    map:^(NSNumber *value) {
        return @(value.integerValue + 1);

Of course, streams nested within block arguments should start at the natural indentation of the block:


        return [[self
            catch:^(NSError *error) {
                [self presentError:error];

                return [RACSignal empty];
        NSLog(@"All done.");

Use the same type for all the values of a stream

RACStream (and, by extension, RACSignal and RACSequence) allows streams to be composed of heterogenous objects, just like Cocoa collections do. However, using different object types within the same stream complicates the use of operators and puts an additional burden on any consumers of that stream, who must be careful to only invoke supported methods.

Whenever possible, streams should only contain objects of the same type.

Avoid retaining streams for too long

Retaining any RACStream longer than it's needed will cause any dependencies to be retained as well, potentially keeping memory usage much higher than it would be otherwise.

A RACSequence should be retained only for as long as the head of the sequence is needed. If the head will no longer be used, retain the tail of the node instead of the node itself.

See the Memory Management guide for more information on object lifetime.

Process only as much of a stream as needed

As well as consuming additional memory, unnecessarily keeping a stream or RACSignal subscription alive can result in increased CPU usage, as unnecessary work is performed for results that will never be used.

If only a certain number of values are needed from a stream, the -take: operator can be used to retrieve only that many values, and then automatically terminate the stream immediately thereafter.

Operators like -take: and -takeUntil: automatically propagate cancellation up the stack as well. If nothing else needs the rest of the values, any dependencies will be terminated too, potentially saving a significant amount of work.

Deliver signal events onto a known scheduler

When a signal is returned from a method, or combined with such a signal, it can be difficult to know which thread events will be delivered upon. Although events are guaranteed to be serial, sometimes stronger guarantees are needed, like when performing UI updates (which must occur on the main thread).

Whenever such a guarantee is important, the -deliverOn: operator should be used to force a signal's events to arrive on a specific RACScheduler.

Switch schedulers in as few places as possible

Notwithstanding the above, events should only be delivered to a specific scheduler when absolutely necessary. Switching schedulers can introduce unnecessary delays and cause an increase in CPU load.

Generally, the use of -deliverOn: should be restricted to the end of a signal chain – e.g., before subscription, or before the values are bound to a property.

Make the side effects of a signal explicit

As much as possible, RACSignal side effects should be avoided, because subscribers may find the behavior of side effects unexpected.

However, because Cocoa is predominantly imperative, it is sometimes useful to perform side effects when signal events occur. Although most RACStream and RACSignal operators accept arbitrary blocks (which can contain side effects), the use of -doNext:, -doError:, and -doCompleted: will make side effects more explicit and self-documenting:

NSMutableArray *nexts = [NSMutableArray array];
__block NSError *receivedError = nil;
__block BOOL success = NO;

RACSignal *bookkeepingSignal = [[[valueSignal
    doNext:^(id x) {
        [nexts addObject:x];
    doError:^(NSError *error) {
        receivedError = error;
        success = YES;

RAC(self, value) = bookkeepingSignal;

Share the side effects of a signal by multicasting

Side effects occur for each subscription by default, but there are certain situations where side effects should only occur once – for example, a network request typically should not be repeated when a new subscriber is added.

The -publish and -multicast: operators of RACSignal allow a single subscription to be shared to any number of subscribers by using a RACMulticastConnection:

// This signal starts a new request on each subscription.
RACSignal *networkRequest = [RACSignal createSignal:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
    AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [client
        success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id response) {
            [subscriber sendNext:response];
            [subscriber sendCompleted];
        failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
            [subscriber sendError:error];

    [client enqueueHTTPRequestOperation:operation];
    return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
        [operation cancel];

// Starts a single request, no matter how many subscriptions `connection.signal`
// gets. This is equivalent to the -replay operator, or similar to
// +startEagerlyWithScheduler:block:.
RACMulticastConnection *connection = [networkRequest multicast:[RACReplaySubject subject]];
[connection connect];

[connection.signal subscribeNext:^(id response) {
    NSLog(@"subscriber one: %@", response);

[connection.signal subscribeNext:^(id response) {
    NSLog(@"subscriber two: %@", response);

Debug streams by giving them names

Every RACStream has a name property to assist with debugging. A stream's -description includes its name, and all operators provided by RAC will automatically add to the name. This usually makes it possible to identify a stream from its default name alone.

For example, this snippet:

RACSignal *signal = [[[RACObserve(self, username) 
    filter:^(NSString *newUsername) {
        return [newUsername isEqualToString:@"joshaber"];

NSLog(@"%@", signal);

… would log a name similar to [[[RACObserve(self, username)] -distinctUntilChanged] -take: 3] -filter:.

Names can also be manually applied by using -setNameWithFormat:.

RACSignal also offers -logNext, -logError, -logCompleted, and -logAll methods, which will automatically log signal events as they occur, and include the name of the signal in the messages. This can be used to conveniently inspect a signal in real-time.

Avoid explicit subscriptions and disposal

Although -subscribeNext:error:completed: and its variants are the most basic way to process a signal, their use can complicate code by being less declarative, encouraging the use of side effects, and potentially duplicating built-in functionality.

Likewise, explicit use of the RACDisposable class can quickly lead to a rat's nest of resource management and cleanup code.

There are almost always higher-level patterns that can be used instead of manual subscriptions and disposal:

  • The RAC() or RACChannelTo() macros can be used to bind a signal to a property, instead of performing manual updates when changes occur.
  • The -rac_liftSelector:withSignals: method can be used to automatically invoke a selector when one or more signals fire.
  • Operators like -takeUntil: can be used to automatically dispose of a subscription when an event occurs (like a "Cancel" button being pressed in the UI).

Generally, the use of built-in stream and signal operators will lead to simpler and less error-prone code than replicating the same behaviors in a subscription callback.

Avoid using subjects when possible

Subjects are a powerful tool for bridging imperative code into the world of signals, but, as the "mutable variables" of RAC, they can quickly lead to complexity when overused.

Since they can be manipulated from anywhere, at any time, subjects often break the linear flow of stream processing and make logic much harder to follow. They also don't support meaningful disposal, which can result in unnecessary work.

Subjects can usually be replaced with other patterns from ReactiveCocoa:

  • Instead of feeding initial values into a subject, consider generating the values in a +createSignal: block instead.
  • Instead of delivering intermediate results to a subject, try combining the output of multiple signals with operators like +combineLatest: or +zip:.
  • Instead of using subjects to share results with multiple subscribers, multicast a base signal instead.
  • Instead of implementing an action method which simply controls a subject, use a command or -rac_signalForSelector: instead.

When subjects are necessary, they should almost always be the "base" input for a signal chain, not used in the middle of one.

Implementing new operators

RAC provides a long list of built-in operators for streams and signals that should cover most use cases; however, RAC is not a closed system. It's entirely valid to implement additional operators for specialized uses, or for consideration in ReactiveCocoa itself.

Implementing a new operator requires a careful attention to detail and a focus on simplicity, to avoid introducing bugs into the calling code.

These guidelines cover some of the common pitfalls and help preserve the expected API contracts.

Prefer building on RACStream methods

RACStream offers a simpler interface than RACSequence and RACSignal, and all stream operators are automatically applicable to sequences and signals as well.

For these reasons, new operators should be implemented using only RACStream methods whenever possible. The minimal required methods of the class, including -bind:, +zipWith:, and -concat:, are quite powerful, and many tasks can be accomplished without needing anything else.

If a new RACSignal operator needs to handle error and completed events, consider using the -materialize method to bring the events into the stream. All of the events of a materialized signal can be manipulated by stream operators, which helps minimize the use of non-stream operators.

Compose existing operators when possible

Considerable thought has been put into the operators provided by RAC, and they have been validated through automated tests and through their real world use in other projects. An operator that has been written from scratch may not be as robust, or might not handle a special case that the built-in operators are aware of.

To minimize duplication and possible bugs, use the provided operators as much as possible in a custom operator implementation. Generally, there should be very little code written from scratch.

Avoid introducing concurrency

Concurrency is an extremely common source of bugs in programming. To minimize the potential for deadlocks and race conditions, operators should not concurrently perform their work.

Callers always have the ability to subscribe or deliver events on a specific RACScheduler, and RAC offers powerful ways to parallelize work without making operators unnecessarily complex.

Cancel work and clean up all resources in a disposable

When implementing a signal with the +createSignal: method, the provided block is expected to return a RACDisposable. This disposable should:

  • As soon as it is convenient, gracefully cancel any in-progress work that was started by the signal.
  • Immediately dispose of any subscriptions to other signals, thus triggering their cancellation and cleanup code as well.
  • Release any memory or other resources that were allocated by the signal.

This helps fulfill the RACSignal contract.

Do not block in an operator

Stream operators should return a new stream more-or-less immediately. Any work that the operator needs to perform should be part of evaluating the new stream, not part of the operator invocation itself.

- (RACSequence *)map:(id (^)(id))block {
    RACSequence *result = [RACSequence empty];
    for (id obj in self) {
        id mappedObj = block(obj);
        result = [result concat:[RACSequence return:mappedObj]];

    return result;

// Right!
- (RACSequence *)map:(id (^)(id))block {
    return [self flattenMap:^(id obj) {
        id mappedObj = block(obj);
        return [RACSequence return:mappedObj];

This guideline can be safely ignored when the purpose of an operator is to synchronously retrieve one or more values from a stream (like -first).

Avoid stack overflow from deep recursion

Any operator that might recurse indefinitely should use the -scheduleRecursiveBlock: method of RACScheduler. This method will transform recursion into iteration instead, preventing a stack overflow.

For example, this would be an incorrect implementation of -repeat, due to its potential to overflow the call stack and cause a crash:

- (RACSignal *)repeat {
    return [RACSignal createSignal:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
        RACCompoundDisposable *compoundDisposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];

        __block void (^resubscribe)(void) = ^{
            RACDisposable *disposable = [self subscribeNext:^(id x) {
                [subscriber sendNext:x];
            } error:^(NSError *error) {
                [subscriber sendError:error];
            } completed:^{

            [compoundDisposable addDisposable:disposable];

        return compoundDisposable;

By contrast, this version will avoid a stack overflow:

- (RACSignal *)repeat {
    return [RACSignal createSignal:^(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
        RACCompoundDisposable *compoundDisposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];

        RACScheduler *scheduler = RACScheduler.currentScheduler ?: [RACScheduler scheduler];
        RACDisposable *disposable = [scheduler scheduleRecursiveBlock:^(void (^reschedule)(void)) {
            RACDisposable *disposable = [self subscribeNext:^(id x) {
                [subscriber sendNext:x];
            } error:^(NSError *error) {
                [subscriber sendError:error];
            } completed:^{

            [compoundDisposable addDisposable:disposable];

        [compoundDisposable addDisposable:disposable];
        return compoundDisposable;