Core package of game engine called Gore&Ash. The engine has following features:
based on monadic FRP (reflex)
provides high-modularity and reusability. Actually the core can only compose modules that extends the engine capabilities.
network API with user controlled reliability, see gore-and-ash-network module.
synchronization EDSL that greately simplifies complexity of client-server programming, see gore-and-ash-sync module.
input module via SDL2 library, see gore-and-ash-sdl module.
For complete proof-of-concept, see gore-and-ash-demo repo that contains implementation of simple game.
You can generate backbone of core module with stack
stack new gore-and-ash-mymodule ./gore-and-ash-module.hsfiles \
-p module-name:Test \
-p module-docs-name:test \
-p field-prefix:test \
-p github-username:teaspot-studio \
-p current-year:2017 \
-p author-name:ncrashed \
-p author-email:[email protected] \
-p copyright:Anton Gushcha 2017 \