Releases: TechbeeAT/jtxBoard
Releases · TechbeeAT/jtxBoard
- Presets can now be imported/exported to files
- New filter for due or start within the next 7 days
- UI improvements in update entries dialog
- UI improvements in filter bottom sheet
- Cancelled entries are now excluded when the "hide completed" filter is active
- Fixed issue when sorting by due date
- [Feature] Improved filter view with expandable lists
- [Feature] Filter presets can now be overwritten/replaced
- [Feature] Settings now open/close when another setting is opened
- [Feature] Default time can now be set for new tasks
- [Bug] Fixed wrong calculation of due date in list when using timezones
- [Bug] Increased border thickness for entries with colors for better visibility
- [Feature] Improved filter view with expandable lists
- [Feature] Filter presets can now be overwritten/replaced
- [Feature] Settings now open/close when another setting is opened
- [Feature] Default time can now be set for new tasks
- [Bug] Fixed wrong calculation of due date in list when using timezones
- [Bug] Increased border thickness for entries with colors for better visibility
- [Feature] Improved options and search to link entries
- [Feature] Adaptions when sorting by due-date (completed entries are always shown at the end)
- [Feature] Contributors are now visible within the app
- [Feature] Compatibility changes for Android 14
- [Bug] Last used app bar mode in detail view is now saved correctly
- [Bug] Fixed possible crash when using location data
- [Feature] Improved options and search to link entries
- [Feature] Adaptions when sorting by due-date (completed entries are always shown at the end)
- [Feature] Contributors are now visible within the app
- [Feature] Compatibility changes for Android 14
- [Bug] Last used app bar mode in detail view is now saved correctly
- [Bug] Fixed possible crash when using location data
What's Changed
- [Feature] Render Markdown formatting list views
- [BUG] Add "No status" to default Kanban columns
- [BUG] Trapped in Journal item detail pages
- [BUG] Crash on boot when using geofences
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
- New option to add a geofence and receive notifications when you reach an area around that spot (Google Play version only)
- Bugfixes