A Rust SDK For Integrating Lazerpay payments API
Lazerpay allows you to integrate lazerpay api
in rust.
To use the sdk in your application, add this to your Cargo.toml
lazerpay = "0.1.0"
You also need to get api keys(SECRET_KEY
) from your lazerpay dashboard and add them to a .env
The sdk consist of misc
, link
, swap
, payments
and transfer
modules. Each module consist of payload and response structs.
This is used to get accepted coins, get rates and get user balance from the lazerpay api.
These are the response structs as contained in the misc::response
Name | Description |
GetRateResponse |
Response for get_rate |
BalanceData |
Anatomy of User Balance Data |
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use lazerpay::{config::ApiConfig, error::Error};
use lazerpay::{misc::*};
use reqwest::Client;
type ResultType = Result<(), Error>;
async fn main() -> ResultType {
// You can replace the `SECRET_KEY` & `PUBLIC_KEY` with the name in your .env file.
let secret_key = env::var("SECRET_KEY").unwrap();
let public_key = env::var("PUBLIC_KEY").unwrap();
let config = ApiConfig {
let client = Client::new();
let _misc_client = Misc::new(&config, &client);
let _accepted_coins = _misc_client.get_accepted_coins().await?;
let _balance = _misc_client.get_balance("USDT").await?;
let _rate = _misc_client.get_rate("USDT", "USD").await?;
This module is used for creation and payment links management.
These are the payload structs contained in the link::payload
Name | Description |
CreatePaymentLink |
Payload for payment link creation. |
UpdatePaymentLink |
Payload for Updating payment link. |
These are the response structs contained in the link::response
Name | Description |
LinkData |
Anatomy of A PaymentLink Data. |
PaymentLinksResponse |
Fetch All Links Response Struct |
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use lazerpay::{config::ApiConfig, error::Error};
use lazerpay::{link::{payload::*, PaymentLink}};
use reqwest::Client;
type ResultType = Result<(), Error>;
async fn main() -> ResultType {
// You can replace the `SECRET_KEY` & `PUBLIC_KEY` with the name in your .env file.
let secret_key = env::var("SECRET_KEY").unwrap();
let public_key = env::var("PUBLIC_KEY").unwrap();
let config = ApiConfig {
let client = Client::new();
let link_client = PaymentLink::new(&config, &client);
let _all_links = link_client.fetch_all().await?;
let create_data = CreatePaymentLink {
title: "Test".to_string(),
description: "Testing My Rust SDK.".to_string(),
amount: 40.0,
typ: "standard".to_string(),
currency: "USD".to_string(),
logo: None,
redirect_url: None,
let update_data = UpdatePaymentLink {
status: "inactive".to_string(),
// Create Payment Link
let _create_resp = link_client.create(&create_data).await?;
// Fetch Payment Link
let _link = link_client.fetch(&_create_resp.data.id).await?;
// Update Payment Link
let _updated = link_client.update(&_link.data.id, &_dat2).await?;
This module is used for creation and payment links management.
These are the payload structs contained in the payments::payload
Name | Description |
InitializePayment |
Payload for initializing payment transaction. |
These are the response structs contained in the link::response
Name | Description |
PaymentData |
Payment Information |
VerifyPaymentData |
Payment Verification Response Struct |
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use lazerpay::{config::ApiConfig, error::Error};
use lazerpay::payments::{payload::*, Payment};
use lazerpay::utils::*;
use reqwest::Client;
type ResultType = Result<(), Error>;
async fn main() -> ResultType {
// You can replace the `SECRET_KEY` & `PUBLIC_KEY` with the name in your .env file.
let secret_key = env::var("SECRET_KEY").unwrap();
let public_key = env::var("PUBLIC_KEY").unwrap();
let config = ApiConfig {
let client = Client::new();
let _payment_client = Payment::new(&config, &client);
let tx_ref = generate_reference();
let _dat = InitializePayment {
reference: tx_ref,
customer_name: "Test Customer".to_string(),
customer_email: "[email protected]".to_string(),
coin: "USDT".to_string(),
currency: "USD".to_string(),
amount: 4.0,
accept_partial_payment: true,
// Initialize Payment
let _init_resp = _payment_client.initialize(&_dat).await?;
// Verify Payment
let _ver_data = _payment_client.verify(&_dat.reference).await?;
For sample Codes on Usage For other Modules check the tests
This project is licensed under MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)