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This document will explain how OD(Origin-Destination) works in OSRM.
We almost can say it's same as the separate service nearest. Only a little small different between them, e.g. nearest service support parameter number, etc.

Basic Concepts

Strongly Connected Component

In the mathematical theory of directed graphs, a graph is said to be strongly connected or diconnected if every vertex is reachable from every other vertex. The strongly connected components or diconnected components of an arbitrary directed graph form a partition into subgraphs that are themselves strongly connected.
In another word, a strongly connected component of a directed graph G is a subgraph that is strongly connected, and is maximal with this property: no additional edges or vertices from G can be included in the subgraph without breaking its property of being strongly connected.
Please refer to wiki for more details:

In below sample directed graph, we have two Strongly Connected Component.
Strongly Connected Component Sample

Big/Small Component

They're defined by OSRM:

  • Big Component: A Strongly Connected Component with >= 1000 nodes
  • Small Component: A Stronglly Connected Component with < 1000 nodes


R-trees are tree data structures used for spatial access methods, i.e., for indexing multi-dimensional information such as geographical coordinates, rectangles or polygons.
The key idea of the data structure is to group nearby objects and represent them with their minimum bounding rectangle in the next higher level of the tree; the "R" in R-tree is for rectangle.

Please refer to wiki/document for more details:

RTree in OSRM

Below comments refers from comment for include/util/static_rtree.hpp(81): class StaticRTree, which is an excellent explain for how OSRM use Rtree.

     * Example RTree construction:
     * 30 elements (EdgeDataT objects)
     * LEAF_NODE_SIZE = 3
     * 012 345 678 901 234 567 890 123 456 789  <- EdgeDataT objects in .fileIndex data, sorted by
     * \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/ \|/     Hilbert Code of the centroid coordinate
     * A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   <- Everything from here down is a Rectangle in
     * \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /     \ /        .ramIndex
     *  K       L       M       N       O
     *   \     /         \     /       /
     *    \   /           \   /       /
     *     \ /             \ /       /
     *      P               Q       R
     *       \             /       /
     *        \           /       /
     *         \         /       /
     *          \       /       /
     *           \     /       /
     *            \   /       /
     *             \ /       /
     *              U       V
     *               \     /
     *                \   /
     *                 \ /
     *                  W
     * Step 1 - objects 01234567... are sorted by Hilbert code (these are the line
     *          segments of the OSM roads)
     * Step 2 - we grab LEAF_NODE_SIZE of them at a time and create TreeNode A with a
     *          bounding-box that surrounds the first LEAF_NODE_SIZE objects
     * Step 2a- continue grabbing LEAF_NODE_SIZE objects, creating TreeNodes B,C,D,E...J
     *          until we run out of objects.  The last TreeNode J may not have
     *          LEAF_NODE_SIZE entries.  Our math later on caters for this.
     * Step 3 - Now start grabbing nodes from A..J in groups of BRANCHING_FACTOR,
     *          and create K..O with bounding boxes surrounding the groups of
     *          BRANCHING_FACTOR.  Again, O, the last entry, may have fewer than
     *          BRANCHING_FACTOR entries.
     * Step 3a- Repeat this process for each level, until you only create 1 TreeNode
     *          to contain its children (in this case, W).
     * As we create TreeNodes, we append them to the m_search_tree vector.
     * After this part of the building process, m_search_tree will contain TreeNode
     * objects in this order:
     * 10         5     3   2  1  <- number of nodes in the level
     * In order to make our math easy later on, we reverse the whole array,
     * then reverse the nodes within each level:
     *   Reversed:        W VU RQP ONMKL JIHGFEDCBA
     *   Levels reversed: W UV PQR KLMNO ABCDEFGHIJ
     * We also now have the following information:
     *   level sizes = {1,2,3,5,10}
     * and we can calculate the array position the nodes for each level
     * start (based on the sum of the previous level sizes):
     *   level starts = {0,1,3,6,11}
     * Now, some basic math can be used to navigate around the tree.  See
     * the body of the `child_indexes` function for the details.


I found excellent explanation for PhantomNode from author(Orignal discussion see Project-OSRM#5626#issuecomment-563344568):

The road network is built up of nodes and edges, as people draw them in OpenStreetmap.

The routing algorithm implemented in OSRM assumes you'll start on a "node".

However, when you supply a longitude/latitude to OSRM, it's very rarely exactly on an intersection point on the road network - it's usually off to the side of the road.

The PhantomNode class represents a temporary node that's inserted into the graph at the position where your input longitude/latitude is. This acts as the starting and ending "node"s for the routing algorithm, and allows the algorithm to not have a special case for the initial/last iteration.

Implementation In Source Code

Ideas of OD in OSRM is deeply based on RTree and Strongly Connected Component.


Two functions (BasePlugin::GetPhantomNodes() and BasePlugin::SnapPhantomNodes() in file include/engine/plugins/plugin_base.hpp) combined as the OD in OSRM.
OD Flow Chart

  • BasePlugin::GetPhantomNodes(): Get PhantomNodes(represent Segments) from Coordinates
  • BasePlugin::SnapPhantomNodes(): Decides whether to use the phantom node from a big or small component if both are found. The only case we don't snap to the big component if all phantoms are in the same small component.

OD in Route Service Workflow

OD in Routing Flow Chart

Process Flow

  • Part 1: Data Preprocessing, generate the RTree structure
    • osrm-extract will produce many files, two of them will be consumed by osrm-routed for OD.
      • .fileIndex: store EdgeDataT objects, sorted by Hilbert Code of the centroid coordinate.
      • .ramIndex: store RTree structure (rectangle, leaf/node).
  • Part 2: Query by Route Service
    • Step 1: Get candidate by Coordinate (BasePlugin::GetPhantomNodes())
      • Basic exit condition for each coordinate: result > 0 && has_big_component BasePlugin::GetPhantomNodes() Flow Chart
    • Step 2: Decide big/small component candidate if both are found. (BasePlugin::SnapPhantomNodes())


  • Must Parameters: coordinates
  • Optional Parameters: hints, bearings, radius, approaches, exclude
  • At most 2 candidates will be got for each coordinate. At least 1 of them is big component candidate.
    • Remain Question: it seems only 1 small + 1 big component candidate case can output 2 candidates? won't return 2 big component candidates?


Data Structure RTree
Search Efficiency search in a tree, from root to leaf, O(log(n))
Work in Preprocessing or Route Service most of work done in data preprocessing, simple work in service
Exit Condition Idea has_big_component
Candidate Count Only 0~2 candidate per coordiate

TODO from data side

  • Research how OSRM preprocess data for OD:
    • How osrm-extract generate .fileIndex and .ramIndex files?
    • What exactly structures in .fileIndex and .ramIndex, e.g. the exactly RTree structure of real map data.
    • How exactly OSRM calculate and save whether big/small component?
