To convert Tensorflow-lite model file to TNN, you need to use the corresponding tool to convert from the original format to TNN model.
The Tensorflow-lite model can directly convert to an TNN model. The following document will briefly introduce how to use tflite2tnn to convert.
The following environment is suitable for Macos and Linux systems. The example is based on centos7.2.
-Install protobuf (version >= 3.4.0)
brew install protobuf
For linux systems, we recommend to refer to the official README document of protobuf and install directly from the source code.
If you are using Ubuntu system, you can use the following instructions to install:
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
- Install python (version >= 3.6)
brew install python3
yum install python3 python3-devel
- Install python dependencies
pip3 install numpy protobuf
- cmake (version >= 3.0) Download the latest cmake from official website, and follow the instructions. It is recommended to use the latest cmake.
The tflite2tnn tool runs directly on Mac and Linux with automatic compilation scripts
cd <path-to-tnn>/tools/convert2tnn
Check the tool help information
python3 tflite2tnn -h
help information shows as follow:
usage: tflite2tnn [-h] tflitemodel_path [-version VERSION] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-version VERSION Algorithm version string
-o OUTPUT_DIR the output dir for tnn model
-align align the onnx model with tnn model
-input_file INPUT_FILE the input file path which contains the input data for the inference model
-ref_file REF_FILE the reference file path which contains the reference data to compare the results
python3 tflite2tnn test.tflite
Version information
output_dir : The directory the model to be saved in,the directory must exit already.
model align, if you want to use it, you can add '-align' in your command
input_file : The path of input file, which will be used in model align
reference_file : The path of reference file, which will be used in model align. Compare tnn's output and reference file.
List of operators supported by the tool: tflite support list