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Gelato Foundry template for Automate

The purpose of this repo is to showcase examples of using Gelato Automate in a Foundry enviroment.

Geting started

Fist we need to install Foundry in order to run forge commands. We can found all Foundry relevant information at the Foundry book, and wth regards to installation. The method I've used is build from source

Once we have foundry installed we can move

forge init

We have inlcuded in this repo autoamte examples and added typescript support for some helper funcitons. Running forge init would create a fresh foudry repo. In our case we will clone this repo.

So let's go ahead:

git clone

cd gelato-foundry-automate-template


forge vs helpers

There are three main commands in forge, cast and anvil. cast is used to query the blockchain from the command line and we won't use it in this repo. anvil is used to spin a local blockchain node like hardhat.

When starting with foundry sometimes is difficult to remember the diferent cli commnads and parameters we need to use, therefore we have created a set of scripts to ease the foundry onboarding.


The command we will use to fork mainnet will be: anvil --fork-url=RPC --fork-block-number=BLOCK_NUMBER

We hace created a helper script here to be able to run npm run fork

Specific avil params can fe found here

forge test

The forge comand to run one specific test in a specific file would look like:

forge test -vv' --fork-url=RPC --match-path=PATH_TO_FILE --match-test=TEST_NAME

We have created a helper method in typescript here where you can input the params and run a simple npm run test

Specific test params can fe found here


Gelato Automate Examples

  1. Before start to testing we would need to: copy .env-template to .env and add the RPC you are using as well as the private key (pk only in case you want to deploy to testnet)

  2. run npm run fork

  3. run npm run test

In the contracts folder we have following contract structure


-- withoutTreasury

-- withTreasury


-- withoutTreasury

-- withTreasury

The gelato folder contain all of the helper contracts that are needed for all of the examples.

This contract structure is replicated in the test folder with one test file .t.sol per contract.

We run 3 tests on every contract:

1 - Create a task and check if the TaskId is correct

2 - Create a task and execute expecting revert as we haven't any funds (either treasuty or contract)

3 - Create a task, fund the treasury or contract, execute the task and check if the cunter has increase in 1.

The test execution follows in every example this pattern:

 // impersonate Gelato executor
    vm.prank(executor); // Gelato executor address

     // recreate Module Data (exactly same code used by task creation)
    ModuleData memory moduleData =
      ModuleData({modules: new Module[](1), args: new bytes[](1)});

    moduleData.modules[0] = Module.RESOLVER;

    moduleData.args[0] =
      abi.encode(address(counter), abi.encodeCall(counter.checker, ()));

    // encode exec Data
    bytes memory execData =
      abi.encodeWithSelector(counter.increaseCount.selector, 1);

      0.01 ether,