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Test Plan

Shreyas Iyer edited this page Jul 28, 2018 · 17 revisions

Test Plan

Fetching the module

  • For testing the module, firstly you need to clone it into your project workspace via groovy using ./groovyw module get GooKeeper (can differ based on the environment). You may as well use the command ./gradlew fetchModuleGooKeeper.
    With the new module fetched, you need to regenerate the IntelliJ project file by using the command ./gradlew idea(again, can differ based on the environment)

New game setup

  • Launch the game and create a new game under "Single Player" mode.
  • In the Gameplay Template option, select GooKeeper.
  • Under Advanced game settings, select the GooKeeper module from the list and activate it. This will activate the required dependencies as well.


Here's a short video demonstrating gooey capturing, visitor system and other equipment. Video link

Player Inventory

So initially the player starts with all the basic requirements, such as the PlazMaster cannon, Slime-pod launcher, pen blocks, visit blocks, visitor entrance block details of which can be found displayed on the HUD.

In order to build your own GooZoo, you are provided with gooey pen blocks of 3 types - namely Red, Blue and Yellow. You can create pens for the gooeys that you would be capturing using these blocks. A typical pen looks like the following [TODO: add image here], although you are free to design pens of your liking, but make sure that they are "closed" so that the captured gooeys dont sneak their way out!

Gooey Capturing

You are provided with the revolutionary PlazMaster 3000 cannon which can be used to stun gooeys! In order to use the gun, just aim towards any gooey and press Right Mouse-Click.
Beware! They will get hurt and may come chasing you but you must keep firing your shots and ultimately stun them.

When a gooey gets stunned, this is the time to select your Slime Pod Launcher and activate it by pressing Right Mouse-Click to throw out a slime pod to capture it and if you are lucky, you might successfully capture it!

With the gooey captured, pick up the thrown slime pod and bring it back to your zoo. In order to release the captured gooey, make sure to select the slime pod item and then while aiming at the ground blocks within any pen corresponding to the captured gooey type**, press Right Mouse-Click. This will release the captured gooey, and congratulations you have successfully completed your first gooey hunt!

Gooey Feeding

Once you have captured a gooey, its going to be nurtured and nourished - just like a baby! You can point towards one of your captured gooeys, which would reveal a tooltip displaying the gooeys current health status, as well as the items that can be fed to it.

Grab any of the food item blocks and keep it held. In order to feed the gooey, you need to "activate" it by pointing towards it and pressing E. This would bring up a screen wherein you can choose whether to feed the gooey, or make it follow you, and of course you choose the former here. This way, you need to take care of all your captured gooeys, or else ...

Gooey Follow

One interesting mechanic is that you can take your gooeys for a walk! All you need is one food item that they absolutely love and then just lure them with it. In order to do this, you need to "activate" the gooey entity by pressing E whilst keeping the food item block held. This will make a screen pop up wherein you can select to "Lure" the gooey, and then it will start following you! You can enjoy this mechanic in several ways - to take a casual stroll around the GooWorld, or lead it towards the breeding station and generate new gooey varieties!

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