diff --git a/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.html b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.html
index 1feaad53995..d491bc98cc8 100644
--- a/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.html
+++ b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.html
@@ -157,6 +157,31 @@
Choose a Version:
+ Version
diff --git a/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.ts b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.ts
index 6df80a5a649..885ddd87d31 100644
--- a/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.ts
+++ b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/component/user-dataset/user-dataset-explorer/user-dataset-explorer.component.ts
@@ -10,13 +10,19 @@ import {
import { DatasetVersion } from "../../../../../common/type/dataset";
import { switchMap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { NotificationService } from "../../../../../common/service/notification/notification.service";
+import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
+import { UserWorkflowService } from "../../../service/user-workflow/user-workflow.service";
+import { EnvironmentService } from "../../../service/user-environment/environment.service";
+import { WorkflowPersistService } from "src/app/common/service/workflow-persist/workflow-persist.service";
+import { WorkflowActionService } from "src/app/workspace/service/workflow-graph/model/workflow-action.service";
+import { Point } from "plotly.js-basic-dist-min";
templateUrl: "./user-dataset-explorer.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./user-dataset-explorer.component.scss"],
export class UserDatasetExplorerComponent implements OnInit {
+ public scanOption: string = "";
public did: number | undefined;
public datasetName: string = "";
public datasetDescription: string = "";
@@ -41,7 +47,10 @@ export class UserDatasetExplorerComponent implements OnInit {
private route: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
private datasetService: DatasetService,
- private notificationService: NotificationService
+ private notificationService: NotificationService,
+ private userWorkflowService: UserWorkflowService,
+ private environmentService: EnvironmentService,
+ private workflowPersistService: WorkflowPersistService
) {}
// item for control the resizeable sider
@@ -224,6 +233,51 @@ export class UserDatasetExplorerComponent implements OnInit {
this.isRightBarCollapsed = !this.isRightBarCollapsed;
+ onClickCreateWorkflowFromDataset(): void {
+ const datasetFile: string = "/" + this.datasetName + this.currentDisplayedFileName;
+ this.userWorkflowService
+ .onClickCreateNewWorkflowFromDatasetDashboard(datasetFile, this.scanOption) // initializes a scan operator in workflow
+ .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))
+ .subscribe({
+ next: wid => {
+ if (wid && this.did) {
+ // initialize workflow action service
+ this.retrieveEnvironmentAndAddDataset(wid);
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ private retrieveEnvironmentAndAddDataset(wid: number): void {
+ this.workflowPersistService
+ .retrieveWorkflowEnvironment(wid)
+ .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))
+ .subscribe({
+ next: env => {
+ if (env.eid && this.did) {
+ this.addDatasetToEnvironmentAndNavigate(env.eid, wid);
+ }
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ private addDatasetToEnvironmentAndNavigate(eid: number, wid: number): void {
+ if (this.did != null && this.did != undefined) {
+ this.environmentService
+ .addDatasetToEnvironment(eid, this.did)
+ .pipe(untilDestroyed(this))
+ .subscribe({
+ next: response => {
+ this.navigateToWorkflowPage(wid);
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private navigateToWorkflowPage(wid: number): void {
+ this.router.navigate([`/workflow/${wid}`]);
+ }
onVersionSelected(version: DatasetVersion): void {
this.selectedVersion = version;
if (this.did && this.selectedVersion.dvid)
diff --git a/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/service/user-workflow/user-workflow.service.ts b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/service/user-workflow/user-workflow.service.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4fa03dc6b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/gui/src/app/dashboard/user/service/user-workflow/user-workflow.service.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
+import { Input, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
+import { Router } from "@angular/router";
+import { NzModalService } from "ng-zorro-antd/modal";
+import { firstValueFrom, observable, of } from "rxjs";
+import {
+ WorkflowPersistService,
+} from "../../../../common/service/workflow-persist/workflow-persist.service";
+import { DashboardEntry } from "../../type/dashboard-entry";
+import { UserService } from "../../../../common/service/user/user.service";
+import { untilDestroyed } from "@ngneat/until-destroy";
+import { NotificationService } from "../../../../common/service/notification/notification.service";
+import { WorkflowContent } from "../../../../common/type/workflow";
+import { FileSaverService } from "../../service/user-file/file-saver.service";
+import { FiltersComponent } from "../../component/filters/filters.component";
+import { SearchResultsComponent } from "../../component/search-results/search-results.component";
+import { SearchService } from "../../service/search.service";
+import { SortMethod } from "../../type/sort-method";
+import { isDefined } from "../../../../common/util/predicate";
+import { UserProjectService } from "../../service/user-project/user-project.service";
+import { map, mergeMap, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
+import { Observable } from "rxjs";
+import { WorkflowActionService } from "../../../../workspace/service/workflow-graph/model/workflow-action.service";
+import { WorkflowUtilService } from "../../../../workspace/service/workflow-graph/util/workflow-util.service";
+import { observe } from "@ngx-formly/core/lib/utils";
+import { Point } from "../../../../workspace/types/workflow-common.interface";
+ * UserWorkflowService facilitates creating a new workflow from the dataset dashboard
+ */
+ providedIn: "root",
+export class UserWorkflowService {
+ public ROUTER_WORKFLOW_BASE_URL = "workflow";
+ private _searchResultsComponent?: SearchResultsComponent;
+ @ViewChild(SearchResultsComponent) get searchResultsComponent(): SearchResultsComponent {
+ if (this._searchResultsComponent) {
+ return this._searchResultsComponent;
+ }
+ throw new Error("Property cannot be accessed before it is initialized.");
+ }
+ set searchResultsComponent(value: SearchResultsComponent) {
+ this._searchResultsComponent = value;
+ }
+ private _filters?: FiltersComponent;
+ @ViewChild(FiltersComponent) get filters(): FiltersComponent {
+ if (this._filters) {
+ return this._filters;
+ }
+ throw new Error("Property cannot be accessed before it is initialized.");
+ }
+ set filters(value: FiltersComponent) {
+ value.masterFilterListChange.pipe(untilDestroyed(this)).subscribe({ next: () => this.search() });
+ this._filters = value;
+ }
+ private masterFilterList: ReadonlyArray | null = null;
+ // receive input from parent components (UserProjectSection), if any
+ @Input() public pid?: number = undefined;
+ @Input() public accessLevel?: string = undefined;
+ public sortMethod = SortMethod.EditTimeDesc;
+ lastSortMethod: SortMethod | null = null;
+ constructor(
+ private workflowPersistService: WorkflowPersistService,
+ private userProjectService: UserProjectService,
+ private searchService: SearchService,
+ private workflowUtilService: WorkflowUtilService
+ ) {}
+ /* Creates a workflow from the dataset dashboard with a pre-initialized scan operator*/
+ public onClickCreateNewWorkflowFromDatasetDashboard(
+ datasetFile: string,
+ scanOption: string
+ ): Observable {
+ let operatorPredicate = this.workflowUtilService.getNewOperatorPredicate(scanOption);
+ operatorPredicate = this.workflowUtilService.addFileName(operatorPredicate, datasetFile); // add the filename
+ let localPid = this.pid;
+ let point: Point = { x: 474, y: 235 };
+ let emptyWorkflowContent: WorkflowContent = {
+ operators: [operatorPredicate],
+ commentBoxes: [],
+ groups: [],
+ links: [],
+ operatorPositions: {
+ [operatorPredicate.operatorID]: { x: 474, y: 235 },
+ },
+ };
+ return this.workflowPersistService.createWorkflow(emptyWorkflowContent, DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_NAME).pipe(
+ tap(createdWorkflow => {
+ if (!createdWorkflow.workflow.wid) {
+ throw new Error("Workflow creation failed.");
+ }
+ }),
+ mergeMap(createdWorkflow => {
+ // Check if localPid is defined; if so, add the workflow to the project
+ if (localPid) {
+ return this.userProjectService.addWorkflowToProject(localPid, createdWorkflow.workflow.wid!).pipe(
+ // Regardless of the project addition outcome, pass the wid downstream
+ map(() => createdWorkflow.workflow.wid)
+ );
+ } else {
+ // If there's no localPid, skip adding to the project and directly pass the wid downstream
+ return of(createdWorkflow.workflow.wid);
+ }
+ })
+ //untilDestroyed(this)
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Searches workflows with keywords and filters given in the masterFilterList.
+ * @returns
+ */
+ async search(forced: Boolean = false): Promise {
+ const sameList =
+ this.masterFilterList !== null &&
+ this.filters.masterFilterList.length === this.masterFilterList.length &&
+ this.filters.masterFilterList.every((v, i) => v === this.masterFilterList![i]);
+ if (!forced && sameList && this.sortMethod === this.lastSortMethod) {
+ // If the filter lists are the same, do no make the same request again.
+ return;
+ }
+ this.lastSortMethod = this.sortMethod;
+ this.masterFilterList = this.filters.masterFilterList;
+ let filterParams = this.filters.getSearchFilterParameters();
+ if (isDefined(this.pid)) {
+ // force the project id in the search query to be the current pid.
+ filterParams.projectIds = [this.pid];
+ }
+ this.searchResultsComponent.reset(async (start, count) => {
+ const results = await firstValueFrom(
+ this.searchService.search(
+ this.filters.getSearchKeywords(),
+ filterParams,
+ start,
+ count,
+ "workflow",
+ this.sortMethod
+ )
+ );
+ return {
+ entries: results.results.map(i => {
+ if (i.workflow) {
+ return new DashboardEntry(i.workflow);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("Unexpected type in SearchResult.");
+ }
+ }),
+ more: results.more,
+ };
+ });
+ await this.searchResultsComponent.loadMore();
+ }
diff --git a/core/gui/src/app/workspace/service/workflow-graph/util/workflow-util.service.ts b/core/gui/src/app/workspace/service/workflow-graph/util/workflow-util.service.ts
index e570ec297f8..52cd13234c2 100644
--- a/core/gui/src/app/workspace/service/workflow-graph/util/workflow-util.service.ts
+++ b/core/gui/src/app/workspace/service/workflow-graph/util/workflow-util.service.ts
@@ -216,4 +216,17 @@ export class WorkflowUtilService {
+ /* Helper function for initializing scan operators with file to scan included.*/
+ public addFileName(op: OperatorPredicate, fileName: string): OperatorPredicate {
+ const updatedPredicate: OperatorPredicate = { ...op };
+ const updatedProperties = { ...updatedPredicate.operatorProperties, fileName };
+ const updatedOperatorPredicate: OperatorPredicate = {
+ ...updatedPredicate,
+ operatorProperties: updatedProperties,
+ };
+ return updatedOperatorPredicate;
+ }