Contributed by: Mingyu Woo
- An example repo for adding a tool to the top-level app and using an OpenDB-C++ API for.
- The base sources are copied from OpenROAD repo, commit: 7156dc. Unessential repos are removed to be compiled well in other environments.
- Please read the doc/ to understand the requirement. The ClipGraphExtract follows the manual.
![]() |
Clique and star net decomposition example |
- In OpenROAD app, read_lef and read_def command will populate the OpenDB's data structure.
- Using OpenDB's C++ API, save all instances' bbox to Boost/RTree structure.
- Send a region query to RTree to extract related instances using the clips' coordinates.
- Generate clip graph's clique/star net models as text file (e.g. edges list) for graph neural network models.
- public headers location of OpenROAD.
- OpenROAD source code files. The tools source code should be located here.
- source code location of ClipGraphExtractor.
- public headers location of ClipGraphExtractor.
All the OpenDB reference is in the OpenDB's public header (OpenDB/include/opendb/db.h). Please check this header file first to understand how the structures are designed.
Set the OpenDB pointer from Top-level app (Link)
void initClipGraphExtractor(OpenRoad *openroad) { Tcl_Interp* tcl_interp = openroad->tclInterp(); Clipgraphextractor_Init(tcl_interp); sta::evalTclInit(tcl_interp, sta::graph_extractor_tcl_inits); openroad->getClipGraphExtractor()->setDb(openroad->getDb()); openroad->getClipGraphExtractor()->setSta(openroad->getSta()); }
Push instances' location to RTree using dbInst* (Link)
dbBlock* block = db_->getChip()->getBlock(); for( dbInst* inst : block->getInsts() ) { dbBox* bBox = inst->getBBox(); box b (point(bBox->xMin(), bBox->yMin()), point(bBox->xMax(), bBox->yMax())); rTree->insert( make_pair(b, inst) ); }
Send region query using given bbox coordinates. (Link)
box queryBox( point(lx, ly), point(ux, uy) ); vector<value> foundInsts; rTree->query(bgi::intersects(queryBox), std::back_inserter(foundInsts)); cout << "NumFoundInsts: " << foundInsts.size() << endl;
Store distinctive instances into hash_set (e.g. std::set<dbInst*>) (Link)
set<odb::dbInst*> instSet; for(value& val : foundInsts) { odb::dbInst* inst = val.second; instSet.insert( inst ); }
Extract distinctive dbITerms from dbInst objects (Link)
for(odb::dbITerm* iTerm : inst->getITerms()) { if( iTerm->getSigType() == odb::dbSigType::POWER || iTerm->getSigType() == odb::dbSigType::GROUND ) { continue; } iTermSet.insert(iTerm); }
Extract distinctive dbNet from dbITerm objects (Link)
// extract Net set<odb::dbNet*> netSet; for(odb::dbITerm* iTerm : iTermSet) { odb::dbNet* net = iTerm->getNet(); if (!net) { continue; } if( net->getSigType() == odb::dbSigType::POWER || net->getSigType() == odb::dbSigType::GROUND || net->getSigType() == odb::dbSigType::CLOCK ) { continue; } netSet.insert(net); }
Write tool's CMakeLists.txt (src/ClipGraphExtract/CMakeLists.txt)
Modify OpenROAD's CMakeLists.txt accordingly (src/CMakeLists.txt)
Write an initializing public header inside tool (Link)
namespace ord { class OpenRoad; ClipGraphExtract::ClipGraphExtractor* makeClipGraphExtractor(); void initClipGraphExtractor(OpenRoad *openroad); void deleteClipGraphExtractor(ClipGraphExtract::ClipGraphExtractor *graphext); }
Change and OpenRoad.hh accordinly
// incomplete header namespace ClipGraphExtract { class ClipGraphExtractor; } ... // getter functions ClipGraphExtract::ClipGraphExtractor *getClipGraphExtractor() { return clipGraphExt_; } ... // private variable ClipGraphExtract::ClipGraphExtractor *clipGraphExt_;
// make clipGraphExt_ = makeClipGraphExtractor(); ... // delete deleteClipGraphExtractor(clipGraphExt_); ... // init initClipGraphExtractor(this); ...
Registering Hidden Tcl Command using SWIG (src/ClipGraphExtract/src/clipGraphExtract.i)
// Note that hidden SWIG tcl commands must have *_cmd as a function name. void graph_extract_cmd(int lx, int ly, int ux, int uy) { ClipGraphExtractor* graphExt = getClipGraphExtractor(); graphExt->extract(lx, ly, ux, uy); }
Registering Visible Tcl Command using OpenSTA Tcl Template (src/ClipGraphExtract/src/clipGraphExtract.tcl)
// register graph_extract commands in OpenROAD binary. sta::define_cmd_args "graph_extract" { [-graph_model star/clique]\ [-edge_weight_model weight]\ [-out_file fileName] } // function details proc graph_extract { args } { ... // *_cmd SWIG functions can be used in here. ... }
Please follow the build manual in OpenROAD
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make
Test on ClipGraphExtract
$ cd src/ClipGraphExtract/test/ $ ../../../build/src/openroad test.tcl
- BSD-3-Clause license.
- Code found under the subdirectory (e.g., src/OpenSTA) have individual copyright and license declarations at each folder.