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report manager Documentation

freed0 edited this page Sep 21, 2022 · 1 revision


This program utilizes the reports API to maintain a file system tree with the option to send notifications when new reports are downloaded for processing.

Queue options:

  • Apache Kafka
  • Redis
  • STOMP (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ)

Usage: /path/to/config.ini [ days ]

The optional 'days' argument is the number of previous days to download reports for. The default is 2.

Sample configuration file:

directory = /var/tmp/reports
min_disk_free = 512
notifier = none
url_prefix = http://myserver/reports/

server =
port = 61613
user = guest
password = guest
queue = /queue/mytest

server =
port = 6379
;password = guest
queue = mytest

server =
port = 9092
queue = mytest

The [reports] section is required and must contain the 'directory' key.


  • directory : top level directory to store reports in
  • min_disk_free : minimum disk free in MB to attempt download (default 512)
  • notifier : specify a notification queue type [none, stomp, redis, or kafka]
  • url_prefix : URL prefix replacement for the top level directory for notification messages

If a 'notifier' is configured in the [reports] section, an additional section with a matching name is required.


  • server : server IP address or host name
  • port : server port
  • queue : queue identifier
  • user : user name (if required)
  • password : password (if required)

The notification entry is a JSON object that contains a timestamp, report date, report type, and uri:

   "timestamp" : "2022-09-01 11:32:45",
   "report_date" : "2022-08-31",
   "report_type" : "scan_stun",
   "uri" : "http://myserver/reports/2022/08/31/2022-08-31-scan_stun_example_com-asn.csv"

Example crontab to check for new downloads once per hour:

15 * * * * /opt/shadowserver/ /opt/shadowserver/reports.ini
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