🔑 Right this way, sir. 🅿
(If you just want to run the app, see the Docker section.)
You'll need:
Then open a virtualenv using poetry:
poetry shell
And then install the dependencies via poetry.
poetry install
Configure flask app name as env variable and run flask app.
ENV FLASK_APP="valet_parking_slack_bot.server.py"
flask run
To run the tests, simply use pytest!
pytest .
To build the docker image, run:
docker build -t nehmads/valet_parking_slack_bot:latest .
Curretly versioned as "latest", will be properly semversioned in the future.
To deploy the docker locally, run:
docker run -d --rm -p 5000:5000 nehmads/valet_parking_slack_bot:latest
- Download and install cloud SDK from here.
- Run
gcloud run deploy --port 5000
The port is specified because Cloud Run defaults to apps listening on 8080, and since we have port 5000 defined in the server app and the dockerfile, the default Cloud Run value needs to be overridden.
As of now the app is unreachable due to permission issues. We'll fix that in the next edition of "Olga's adventures in getting back to work".
The site is built using Hugo and hosted using Firebase.
To run locally for writing, run hugo server -D
To run locally for hosting emulation, run firebase emulators:start
To build and deploy, run hugo && firebase deploy