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Building with Go Modules

Recent versions of Sync Gateway provide support for Go modules, which simplifies the process of building from source. Older versions will require building with pinned dependencies, see below.

Keep in mind that building the Enterprise Edition requires access to private repos, and is intended for internal use only.

Manual Build

go build -o bin/sync_gateway_ce .

Build Script


Building Older Versions (via repo)

In order to build with pinned dependencies, you will need to use the the repo multi-repository tool.

Install prequisites

$ brew install repo

Bootstrap initialization -- one time step

Create a directory where you want to store the Sync Gateway source code and bundled dependencies, and change to that directory. For example:

$ mkdir ~/sync_gateway; cd ~/sync_gateway

Download the shell script and run it:

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ ./

After it's complete, you should see a message that says Bootstrap complete! Run ./ to build and ./ to run tests

Note: if you want to run the bootstrap initialization and start on a particular Sync Gateway commit, you can provide the -c flag, eg ./ -c y0pl33g0r425.

Build and Test

To build Sync Gateway from source and run the unit tests, run:

$ ./ && ./

If you run into a gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found error, see issue 1654 for help.

Bootstrap variations: start on a different commit

To bootstrap and start with a different Sync Gateway commit:

$ ./ -c commit-hash

Switch to a different sync gateway branch via

Make sure the repo status doesn't show any uncommitted changes. For example in the output below, docs/ is an uncommitted change:

$ repo status
project godeps/src/ branch feature/fix_snap_manifest_rebased
 -m     docs/
project godeps/src/ branch feature/sg_2418_sgbucket_interface

Once the repo status is clean, to switch to a different sync gateway commit (which must be pushed up to github):

$ ./ --sg-commit sync-gateway-commit-or-branch

Build via go get w/ dependency pinning

See the Build Extra for instructions on how to build via go get (as opposed to repo) with dependency pinning.

Cross-compiling for Linux

x86 Linux

$ ls $(go env GOROOT)/pkg && sudo chown -R $USER $(go env GOROOT)/pkg
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 ./

ARM Linux

GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm ./

The binaries will be saved to godeps/bin/linux_amd64/ or godeps/bin/linux_arm/

Unit Testing options

Environment variables

Name Description
SG_TEST_BACKING_STORE Walrus by default, but can set to "Couchbase" to have it use http://localhost:8091
SG_TEST_COUCHBASE_SERVER_URL Uses http://localhost:8091 by default, but you can set this to any valid Couchbase Server URL
SG_TEST_USE_XATTRS Don't use Xattrs by default, but provide the test runner to specify Xattr usage
SG_TEST_USE_AUTH_HANDLER Don't use an auth handler by default, but provide a way to override

Running a single unit test against Walrus and Couchbase Server


$ export GOPATH=`pwd`/godeps
$ go test -v -run ^TestChangesAfterChannelAdded$

Couchbase Server

Install Couchbase Server locally and set the Administrator username / password to match the values in base/constants.go for DefaultCouchbaseAdministrator and DefaultCouchbasePassword

$ export GOPATH=`pwd`/godeps
$ SG_TEST_BACKING_STORE=Couchbase go test -v -run ^TestChangesAfterChannelAdded$

Running full set of unit tests against Couchbase Server

Install Couchbase Server locally and set the Administrator username / password to match the values in base/constants.go for DefaultCouchbaseAdministrator and DefaultCouchbasePassword

$ ./