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403 lines (341 loc) · 30.5 KB

WESTERN GOODS License Latest Stable Build Latest Test Build

The Zone is host to people from various horizons. Overtime, the demand for goods imported from the west became such that some traders of the Zone couldn't overlook the potential profit anymore.


This addon was originally a minor addon that added a few drinks and snack from popular brands in western countries. Overtime, it evolved into a full-size game extension, adding new mechanics, consumables, readable magazines, trade items, new unique NPCs, and even a new set of storylines. Feel free to suggest new items or ideas in general, I'll do my best to add it if it fits the addon.

Showcase Food New food/snacks Showcase Drinks New drinks Showcase Magazines New (and readable) magazines
Showcase GPS New device: GPS Locator Showcase Tech New technological items Showcase Rangefinder New device: Rangefinder
Showcase Tasks New storylines Showcase NPCs New NPCs Showcase Mechanics New gameplay features


These addons are absolutely required in order for Western Goods to work :

  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.2;
  2. DLTX and DXML.

Western Goods natively integrates with the following addons, but they aren't required :

  1. Food, drug and drinks animations (enables use animations for some consumables);
  2. Anomaly Barter UI Framework (allows you to make EUR/USD/RUB currency exchanges);
  3. Pinup Collector (allows you to collect some magazine pages to your wallet);
  4. Mod Configuration Menu (allows you to customize some options about the addon);
  5. Device Selector Key (makes it easier to switch between various devices);
  6. Western Goods Readables Extended (adds more pages to magazines in the addon).

These patches can be used when native compatibility with other addons cannot be achieved :

  1. Patch for Realistic Bodily Needs v3.8.


To install the addon :

  1. Download and install the requirements;
  2. Download this addon;
  3. Merge the contents of the gamedata folder with your game's folder of the same name;
    • Either with a mod manager JSGME/MO2 (highly recommended);
    • Or manually (highly unrecommended).

To update the addon :

  1. Delete the files from the previous version;
    • By disabling the addon in your mod manager, and then deleting the files;
    • Or by deleting the files one by one if you added them manually;
  2. Add in the new files from the new version;
    • Either with a mod manager JSGME/MO2 (highly recommended);
    • Or manually (highly unrecommended).

To uninstall the addon :

  1. Start your game and open the MCM settings;
  2. Enable the "Addon removal" option;
  3. Load your save-game. Once loaded, save again;
  4. Close your game, and remove the files added by the addon.


Total Downloads Latest Release Downloads

v2.3.0 - 12/09/2023 - Minor Update

• Additions :
   - Added native integration with Device Selector Key addon.
• Changes :
   - Ported unpackable items (MRE and Suitcase) the vanilla unpack system.
• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed incorrect addon version in core script (yes, again...);
   - Fixed missing texture descriptions for two of the quest items (Thanks Blackjeison);

v2.2.1 - 02/09/2023 - Hotfix

• Changes :
   - Made changes to the ReadableUI again to allow for higher resolution textures;
   - From now on, only the first page of magazines will be available in the addon, the rest being in a separate download;
• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed issue about icons on Dx9 (Thanks Blackjeison);
   - Fixed energy drinks having abnormally high radiation restore (Thanks Rambito);
   - Fixed ReadableUI not displaying correctly on other screen ratios than 16:9;
   - Fixed ReadableUI not displaying correctly on Dx8.

v2.2.0 - 26/08/2023 - Major Update

• Additions :
   - Added a new device : a rangefinder (Thanks Kyne's Peace and Barry Bogs);
   - Added Russian translation (Thanks VodoXleb);
   - Added custom icons for GPS & Rangefinder upgrade tabs;
   - Added various items to stashes loot pool (Thanks user3255);
• Changes :
   - Redesigned how the Magazine UI (rebranded Readable UI) works, to allow for smaller textures;
   - The Readable UI will now not display properly on DX8. Use a more modern renderer to avoid issues;
   - Compressed the textures used for readables/magazines;
   - Cleaned-up code to generate loot in corpses/traders;
   - Improved Bandit's note UI quality (Thanks Rascal);
   - Improved Stash's map UI quality (Thanks Rascal);
   - Removed the fixed models_selflight_det.s shader from the main addon and into an optional fix;
• Bug fixes :
   - Resolved a minor indirect conflict with 'New Levels' (Thanks Rocky.Stone.Rogers);
   - Fixed a quest item being marked as readable, or it wasn't;
   - Fixed wrong addon version in core script;

v2.1.1 - 22/06/2023 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed an issue that caused Act 3, Task 3 to soft-lock (Thanks tundereczka);

v2.1.0 - 03/06/2023 - Major Update

• New storylines :
   - Added a new storyline (4 tasks), help Okleksandr Cherchenko find out what happened to his brother;
• Additions :
   - Added two new NPCs : The Cherchenko brothers.
   - Added a new system : Flea Market. Purchase limited offers containing a fixed set of items, but at a discount;
   - Added native integration with the Pinup Collector addon;
   - Added new PDA entries for the new NPCs, and the Flea Market system;
   - Added MCM option to show/hide task target during emissions/psi-storms, to go with the new capabilities of the GPS.
   - Other back-end additions.
• Changes :
   - The GPS Locator is now a full fledged 3D device (Thanks Barry Bogs);
   - Generalized the EUR/USD trade system so it can be used by multiple NPCs;
   - Removed the need tp have the Barter UI Framework installed (now a soft requirement);
   - Removed the need to have trader_autoinject.script up-to-date;
   - Removed the CTD when the Barter UI is missing;
   - Removed the CTD when trader_autoinject.script is outdated;
   - Updated trader_autoinject.script;
   - Other minor/back-end changes.
• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed issue from vanilla Anomaly 1.5.2 where detectors had transparent displays (Thanks RavenAscendant & Lucy)
   - Fixed a small coding error in the Helicopters API;
   - Fixed a forgotten placeholder in Williams Heades's encyclopedia entry;
   - Fixed Golubev Nikolaj missing his start dialog;
   - Other minor bug fixes.

v2.0.2 - 03/05/2023 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a CTD when using GPS Locator on debug map (Thanks |Сэмюел);
   - Fixed GPS locator having two 'Use' options in context menu (Thanks |Сэмюел).

v2.0.1 - 25/04/2023 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a CTD when navigating the debug menu (Thanks Colombo2022);

v2.0.0 - 23/04/2023 - Major Update

• New storylines :
   - Added a first act (3 tasks) centered around a mysterious event regarding a helicopter used by mercs to smuggle goods into the Zone;
   - Added a second act (2 tasks), where, after prooving yourself, one of dushman's clients tasks you with a very special mission.
• MCM integration :
   - Added loot factor settings : one for coprse loot and one for trader loot;
   - Added an option to have more guided tasks;
   - Added a debug mode that prints information in the console/log to make troubleshooting easier;
   - Added a compatibility section, where you can enable patches when WG is unable to autonomously detect the other conflicting addon;
   - Moved addon removal into a check box in MCM.
• New items :
   - Added a new tech item : a BIC lighter, usable to light cigarettes and campfires;
   - Added three new magazine : European Car magazine, EVO magazine and Gameland magazine;
   - Added six new food items : Oreo, Mon Cheri, Ferrero Rocher, Toblerone, French MRE and a sandwich.
• Other additions :
   - Added psy-health regen when reading magazines (configurable in MCM);
   - Added the ability for the western goods trader to transport via helicopoter the player to certain locations after finishing act 1;
   - Added encyclopedia entries for some items/characters in the PDA's guide.
• Other changes :
   - Changed most of the icons for items to newer, high quality ones;
   - Changed the corpse loot generation logic : you can now get multiple items per corpse (upto five by default, configurable in MCM);
   - Changed the GPS locator logic : it now has a slightly higher chance of finding the name of your location;
   - Changed the trading logic with the western goods trader : now you actually have to pay with Euros/Dollars;
   - Changed the general loot availability : western goods are now a lot rarer to find on bodies;
   - Externalized all the changes made to BarterUI. Western Goods won't redistribute the framework anymore.
• Safety checks for proper addon installation :
   - Added a CTD when using a different game version than Anomaly 1.5.2;
   - Added a CTD when DXML is missing;
   - Added a CTD when LUA unlocalizer is missing;
   - Added a CTD when the Barter UI framework is missing;
   - Added a CTD when trader_autoinject.script is outdated.
• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed an issue due to which the Next button would appear when reading a magazine with only 1 page;
   - Fixed an issue due to which some items were missing from traders/corpses;
   - Fixed incorrect calories for the Yoo-hoo chocolate drink (Thanks Servalion).

Note 1: v2.0.0 is not compatible with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 1.5.1 anymore.
Note 2: v2.0.0 has a new requirement. Make sure to read REQUIREMENTS again.

v1.4.4 - 28/12/2022 - Minor Update

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a CTD when skinning mutants (Thanks Blasterian);
   - Fixed an issue due to which logs could get spammed with lua errors;
   - Fixed an issue due to which reading a magazines would display the wrong page for 1 frame.

v1.4.3 - 27/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a CTD when opening the inventory. I tried to make the previous fix too quickly and forgot a nil check.

v1.4.2 - 27/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed an issue due to which all items appeared locked in every trader (Thanks Warad).

v1.4.1 - 27/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Others :
   - Added a compatibility patch for 1.5.1 users (Thanks Oktopus).

v1.4.0 - 27/12/2022 - Major Update

• Additions :
   - Added new currencies : Dollars and Euros. You can find them mainly on Mercs and Freedomers;
   - Added a new unique NPC : Williams "Ashes" Heades. He will be your main source of western goods, and is located in the Book Store (Pripyat Outskirts);
   - The new unique NPC will trade Dollars and Euros against goods;
   - The new unique NPC will exchange different values of bank notes for others (e.g. 1x 100$ for 2x 50$);
   - The new unique NPC will also exchange different Dollars and Euros for Roubles, if you want to cash out. He won't, however, trade Roubles for Dollars/Euros;
• Changes :
   - Greatly decreased availability of western goods on other traders : Only Mercs and Freedomers have decent supplies, Bandits and Renegades smuggle a few things;
   - Almost completely rewrote the script that spawns items in traders/corpses, to allow for better expandability and finer tuning.

v1.3.0 - 20/12/2022 - Major Update

• New items :
   - Added 3 *men* magazines : PLAYBOY magazines with Chloe Khan, Nicole Whitehead and Carrie Stevens;
   - Added 2 video game magazines : Xbox : The Official Magazine March 2002 and December 2004 editions;
• Other additions :
   - Added the ability to read magazines. So far, all 5 new magazines are readable;
• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed addon removal script not deleting some items;
   - Various small fixes & tweaks.

v1.2.1 - 09/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a CTD when talking to a trader from the "Trader" faction (Thanks ihatemylife4234).

v1.2.0 - 15/12/2022 - Major Update

• New items :
   - Added a new device : The GPS locator - a device you can use to locate the closest camp to your location, as well as your current map. Use it the same way you would use a watch;
   - Added 3 bottles : Grand Vin de Chateau Latour, Nestea ice tea, Yoo-hoo Chocolate Drink bottles;
   - Added 4 cans : Bavaria 86, 7UP can, Dr. Bob, Lipton Ice Tea cans;
   - Added 5 sweet snacks : Bounty, Kinder Maxi, Kinder Bueno, Kit-Kat, Milka chocolates;
   - Added 3 salted snacks : Lay's, Doritos, Pringles mini chips;
   - Added 2 tech items : ASUS Laptop, Military radio;
• Others :
   - Removed "TRADE_HELPER.txt", as it took to much time to maintain.

v1.1.2 - 09/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed incorrect item descriptions (Thanks Blasterian).

v1.1.1 - 05/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a compatibility issue with DirectX 8 (Thanks SEPTEMBERKID).

v1.1.0 - 05/12/2022 - Major Update

• New items :
   - Added 6 cans : Pepsi, Fanta, Perrier, Mountain Dew, Rockstar Energy, Monster Energy cans; 
   - Added 2 bottles : Vodka Gorbatschow, Mountain Dew bottles;
   - Added 2 snacks : M&Ms chocolate box and Mentos Fruits candies;
   - Added 1 food : Charal Cheese Hamburger;
• Changes :
   - Adjusted the trader offers (for Freedom especially);
• Bug fixes :
   - Various small fixes & tweaks.

v1.0.1 - 03/12/2022 - Hotfix

• Bug fixes :
   - Fixed a compatibility issue with food from Denro 1.0 (Thanks gobravo);
   - Rearranged some of the files to avoid further conflicts (Thanks lsandoval0000);
   - Renamed all of the items to avoid further conflicts.

Note: v1.0.1 is not compatible with previous versions. Use the addon removal before updating to the new version.

v1.0.0 - 03/12/2022 - Initial Release

• New items :
   - Added 4 drinks and 4 snacks;
   - Each item has unique inventory icons;
   - Each item has unique world models;
   - Each of the 4 drinks have FDDA-ready animations.


You can find a Trello board about the development of the addon by following this link.

If you would like to help development for future updates, you can :

  1. Contribute to the addon, either by getting in touch with me or creating a fork of the addon and creating a pull-request on the addon's GitHub repository;
  2. Help by play-testing updates by getting Release Candidates builds on the addon's GitHub repository.


  • Hands mesh might collide with rangefinder when aiming in;
  • Stutters may occur when the game spawns in new NPCs;

Note : If you have issues, check the list of common issues (and their associated solutions) on page 5 of the comments.

If you truly believe your problem is new, please open an issue on the addon's GitHub page.


If you need help with anything, or if you have any suggestions, you can :

  • ✅ Message me on ModDB ;
  • ✅ Message me on Discord : @nltp_ashes (formerly NLTP_ASHES#0117) (recommended);
  • ✅ Message me on my Discord server (recommended).
  • ⚠️ Leave a comment on ModDB (not recommended);


Credit goes to these people for their work contained in this addon :

Name Motive License
VodoXleb Translated the entire addon to Russian Proprietary
Barry Bogs Adapted the Rangefinder model on their set of animations Proprietary
Kyne's Peace Ported and prepared the Rangefinder model for X-Ray Proprietary
valterjherson1 Reused his 3D model of a SIG SAUER KILO5K Rangefinder CC BY 4.0
Barry Bogs Adapted the GPS locator model on Dosimeter animations Proprietary
GhenTuong Reused his xr_logic_ex script Proprietary
arti Reused his trader_autoinject script Proprietary
RavenAscendant Reused his rax_icon_tint script CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported
SvetkaDystopia Produced four models for consumables Proprietary
Feel_Fried Reused some files from his Food, drug and drinks animations PD 1.0
RavenAscendant Wrote the code that takes control of helicopters' combat AI Proprietary
lauta_ro Reused part of his More Guides addon Proprietary
HarukaSai Reused one of his script functions Proprietary
MrDemonized Reused multiple of his script functions Proprietary
Aoldri Reused icons from his Hideout Furniture addon Proprietary
SODAZ Adapted his fan film into an in-game task Proprietary
A.R.E.A. mod Ported some models from their mod Proprietary
Anomaly mod For providing such a good modding base, and for their assets used in this addon Proprietary For providing the textures for the xbox magazines CC BY 4.0 For providing the textures for the men magazines CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 For providing various logos and resources used in textures PD 1.0 For providing various logos and resources used in textures License

Special thanks to these people for their help in the making of this addon :

Name Motive
Rambito For voluntarily providing a compatibility patch with Realistic Bodily Needs
Lucy, MrDemonized For fixing the issue that caused 3D UIs to be transparent when not backed by another texture
Barry Bogs, Kyne's Peace For dedicating some of their free time to helping me with modeling/animation
RavenAscendant, Lucy Helped to mitigate an issue from vanilla Anomaly 1.5.2 that caused detectors displays to be transparent
__R3D For submitting such a well-presented idea that lead to the Flea Market system
NLTP_JODYE, Niko, NLTP_DEV, Sark, ItsErisContent For play-testing pre-release builds of the addon
RavenAscendant For providing help with adding native Pinup Collector integration
SvetkaDystopia For taking the time to make models for this addon, enormous thanks
xcvb, RavenAscendant Help for so many things it'd be too long to list. Huge thanks to these two
Starcry_, Rascal, lauta_ro Helped to mitigate a compatibility issue with DirectX 8
arti For making his Barter UI Framework
arti For having updated the barters config files to work with the newer version of his framework


Everything contained in Western Goods and made by me, NLTP_ASHES, is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

This means you're allowed to redistribute and/or adapt the work, as long as you respect the following criteria :

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes (this includes donations).
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

For the work that wasn't made by me, unless a licence is specified in the Credits or in the files themselves, consider these works proprietary. If you want to reuse those, please get in touch with their original authors.