title | description | keywords |
Home - My Bio |
My personal website in a nutshell :D |
bio, homepage |
{% assign current_date = 'now' | date: '%Y-%m-%d' %} {% assign age = '2004-03-08' | date_diff_in_years: current_date %}
[email protected]:~$ whoareyou
I go by the name of TheRealOne78 or RealOne. IRL I am a {{ age }} years old boy called Bajcsi Elias-Robert. I like dev, games, electronics, cooking, my bike and my Ender 3 V2 3D printer.
I live in Romania (cuz why not LOL), in a nice ass city called Brașov.
[email protected]:~$ Why did you make this website
Because it is:
- My right
- My internet subscription
- My domain
- My IP address
- My MD/HTML/CSS/JS Jekyll code
- My server (I mean... it's just an old 4-core laptop)
- My money
- My everything!
No one can tell me what to do with my site.
But here is another reason as to why I've made this website (probably interesting IDK):
I met the owner of a minecraft server, a very nice guy, @Salzamar. He taught me on how to host a FTP and HTTP server. He wasn't pissed at all (at least I hope), he had a lot of patience teaching me and I really respect him for that.
Here is his 1.6.2 minecraft server, advguild.myftp.org.
[email protected]:~$ Do you have TikTok
Do: Fatal Error: Unknown argument "TikTok". Please shut down your current computing device with the help of a hammer and other tools immediately to resolve this error!
Check this video if you need more clear instructions: https://youtu.be/HtTUsOKjWyQ.
[email protected]:~$ Does this website use any cookies?
NO! this website does NOT use cookies™{:target="_blank" class="thirdParty"}. YAY, more cookies for you to eat!
BTW, you reached as well the end of this webpage.