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File metadata and controls

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This is the repository for the java implementation of the board game Sagrada. This project is part of the final test in Software Engineering 2018 course at Politecnico di Milano.

General info


  • Andrea Scotti (846630)
  • Vincenzo Santomarco (846442)
  • Gabriele Stucchi (847482)

Repository folders:

  • src/main: contains the java source code of the application.
  • src/test: application unit tests using junit.
  • lib: contains the compiled sources of external libraries.
  • configurations: contains the configurations files.

Usage info

Start the server launcher

In order to play you first need to set the values of timeouts and ip in the configuration file /configurations/server_settings.json, this file will be automatically created on the first time the server is launched. Then start the server, to do that run java -jar server.jar, it will start automatically and wait for incoming RMI or Socket connections.

Start the client launcher

Before playing remember to set the values of the server ip in the configuration file /configurations/client_settings.json, this file will be automatically created on the first time the client is connected to the server.

  • Cli Launcher

    If you want to play in the CLI environment run java -jar cliClient.jar.

  • Gui Launcher

    If you want to play in the GUI environment run java -jar guiClient.jar.


When the first player connects to the server, a new waiting room will be created, following players will be automatically placed in the same waiting room. When at least two people joined the same waiting room a countdown is set: if the countdown does reach 0 a new game will be created, if someone else join the room during the countdown he is added to the game. When the room reaches the maximum of 4 players the game will start instantly.

Concurrent Games

The game manager supports multiple concurrent games. When a game starts new incoming players will be put in another waiting room, and a new game will start with the same rules as before.

Single Player

When the player starts the game it can choose to play alone with some difference in the rules.

Implementation details

The whole architecture of the application follows the MVC pattern:

  • the MODEL holds all the state and the application logic
  • the VIEW displays the state to the user and it gets updated when the state changes
  • the CONTROLLER maps the user input from the view to methods to call on the model in order to change its state


Controller is implemented with a STATE PATTERN, where the class Controller refers to the PlayerState interface, as currentState, for performing the selectObject(ModelObject o) operation. In this way Controller is independent of how state-specific behavior is implemented. The currentState is updated every time a selectObject(ModelObject o) finishes, by retrieving is returned value.


The class Model contains:

  • a reference to the State
  • all the methods that can be called by Controller to change the State
  • a list of Observers;

This class inherit from the interface Observable all the methods which notify the Observers of this class about a change of the state.



Cli is implemented with a STATE PATTERN, where the class CliApp refers to the CliPhaseState interface, as the currentState. A loop inside CliApp keeps waiting for user input and it's handled by the current state.


Our Sagrada GUI, made with JavaFX, is made with 5 main FXML file: "RootLayout.fxml" is the root BorderPane used to contains all other windows, "Login.fxml" is the login window, "WindowFrameChoice.fxml" is the window frame choice screen, "Game.fxml" for the single-player game window and "SinglePlayer.fxml" is the single-player game window. For handling the player input a state pattern has been implemented so the server responses, about the next move the player is supposed to perform, sets the appropriate gui state. This way the gui can sets game graphics (such as drag and drop and hover effects) depending on the next move the player should perform.

MVC examples

In these examples we shortly describe the MVC communications. In the first one it's shown what happens when user wants to use a ToolCard. The view send a GameCommand to the ViewProxy which translates it in a real ToolCard and pass it to the Controller. In this case the current state of the controller is WaitingPhase, that, by recognizing the ToolCard, will initialize a new UsingToolCard state that will store this ToolCard to manages the next operations of the user. The Controller asks to the ToolCard which is the next expected parameter and this will be notify to the user by the ViewProxy.

In the second one it's shown what happens when user sends the last parameter expected from the ToolCard but this one can't be used. When the ToolCard recognizes that this parameter is the last one needed, it calls the method doAbility which realizes all the effects of the ToolCard on the state. Some information are requested to the Model (this passage is not shown on the diagram) and then the ToolCard throws an InvalidMoveException that is notify as an error message to the ViewProxy.


For the network we decided to hide the net to the Model and the Client by creating a ViewProxy class. This class receives updates and notifications, from Model and Controller respectively, sending them to the client and receiving GameCommands from the remote player forwarding them to the controller. In this way Model and Controller does not know which kind of connection the client is using, and so even if a disconnected player tries to reconnect with another kind of connection this will be totally transparent to the game. The data sent to the client is managed by calling methods on a RemoteView that is implemented in two different way: for CLI with CliModel class and for gui with GuiModel class.


The class RMILoginManager, that extends the RemoteLoginManager, initialize the connection with the client who called remotely the method connect of this class. This method return to the user a RemoteController that it will be used to call remote methods on the the server.


The class ServerSocketHandler initialize the socket connection and calls the method mainLoop on the ViewProxy which starts a new thread which keeps waiting for user inputs.

Game Manager

When a connection is set, the method addPlayer of the class GameManager is called and manages the player by the rules explained in the introduction.


Unfortunately, with this implementation, if a client connected in RMI gets disconnected from the network, while the server calls a method on a remote object of this client, the game can't manage to continue because it's stuck to wait the return value of this method.


Sonar screens