{leader} is set to ,
- i = insert
- v = mark
- y = copy
- x = cut
- p = paste
- shift + v = mark lines
- u = undo
- :nr = jumpTo nr
- :w = write
- :q = quit
- ?wort = search for wort
- ctrl + r = redo
- ctrl + p = explorer
- dd = delete line
- ciw = delete word and enter insert mode
- ctrl+w -> v = vertical split
- ctrl+w -> s = horizontal split
- in visual -> shift+0 = formats selected
- ctrl+n = auto-complete
- :%s/find/replacewith/gc: find & replace
- ctrl+o: jump to prev. file
- :E -> %: adds new file in current directory
- ctrl+z -> fg: ctrl+z sets vim into background so you can use the shell and fg goes back
- cs{toReplace i.e "}{with i.e '}: replaces the surrounding {toReplace} with {with}
- ysiw: adds surrounding smth to iw
- V -> S: Adds surrounding html tags to selected area
- gf = regards context and jumps to file
- :E{resource}: Jumps to {resource} of this kind. I.E currently in people_controller.rb, Emodel --> person.rb
- :T{resource}: Same as above but opens new tab
- :V{resource}: Same as above but creates vertical split
- :S{resource}: Same as above but creates horizontal split
- :Rails console: obvious, ain't it?
- :Generate {name}: Does the rails g command in vim
- Gstatus: Opens git status
- Gblame: Shows git blame for every line. Use Enter on a line to show differences
- ctrl+p: pretty obvious
- in ctrlp -> ctrl+b: tab back
- in ctrlp -> ctrl+f: tab forwards
- in ctrlp -> F5: refresh ctrl+p detected files
- {leader}cc: normal one line comment
- {leader}cm: multiline comment
- {leader}cs: sexy multiline comment
- {leader}cl: comment current line
- {leader}cu: uncomment lines
- %: new file
- -: up the hierarchy
- R: rename
- {delete}: delete