This file is automatically generated and shows which nodes have been wrapped or not. More information will be added to this in the future.
The disadvantage to a node not being wrapped is that it won't have helper methods for navigation and manipulation—it will be still be wrapped as a Node
. If you would like a node to be wrapped, then please open up an issue and I will give it priority. Otherwise they will continue to be slowly wrapped over time.
Total: 177
- ArrayBindingPattern
- ✔️ elements
- ArrayDestructuringAssignment
- ✔️ left
- ArrayLiteralExpression
- ✔️ elements
- ArrayTypeNode
- ✔️ elementType
- ArrowFunction
- ✔️ equalsGreaterThanToken
- ✔️ body
- ✔️ name
- AsExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ type
- AssignmentExpression
- ✔️ left
- ✔️ operatorToken
- AwaitExpression
- ✔️ expression
- BinaryExpression
- ✔️ left
- ✔️ operatorToken
- ✔️ right
- BindingElement
- ✔️ propertyName
- ✔️ dotDotDotToken
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ initializer
- Block
- ✔️ statements
- BooleanLiteral
- BreakStatement
- ✔️ label
- CallExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ typeArguments
- ✔️ arguments
- CallSignatureDeclaration
- CaseBlock
- ✔️ clauses
- CaseClause
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ statements
- CatchClause
- ✔️ variableDeclaration
- ✔️ block
- ClassDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ClassElement
- ✔️ name
- ClassExpression
- CommaListExpression
- ✔️ elements
- ComputedPropertyName
- ✔️ expression
- ConditionalExpression
- ✔️ condition
- ✔️ questionToken
- ✔️ whenTrue
- ✔️ colonToken
- ✔️ whenFalse
- ConditionalTypeNode
- ✔️ checkType
- ✔️ extendsType
- ✔️ trueType
- ✔️ falseType
- ConstructSignatureDeclaration
- ConstructorDeclaration
- ✔️ body
- ConstructorTypeNode
- ContinueStatement
- ✔️ label
- DebuggerStatement
- Decorator
- ✔️ expression
- DefaultClause
- ✔️ statements
- DeleteExpression
- ✔️ expression
- DoStatement
- ✔️ expression
- ElementAccessExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ argumentExpression
- EmptyStatement
- EnumDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ members
- EnumMember
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ initializer
- ExportAssignment
- ✔️ isExportEquals
- ✔️ expression
- ExportDeclaration
- ✔️ exportClause
- ✔️ moduleSpecifier
- ExportSpecifier
- ✔️ propertyName
- ✔️ name
- Expression
- ExpressionStatement
- ✔️ expression
- ExpressionWithTypeArguments
- ✔️ expression
- ExternalModuleReference
- ✔️ expression
- ForInStatement
- ✔️ initializer
- ✔️ expression
- ForOfStatement
- ✔️ awaitModifier
- ✔️ initializer
- ✔️ expression
- ForStatement
- ✔️ initializer
- ✔️ condition
- ✔️ incrementor
- FunctionDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- FunctionExpression
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- FunctionLikeDeclarationBase - Implemented via mixin.
- FunctionTypeNode
- GetAccessorDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- HeritageClause
- ✔️ token
- ✔️ types
- Identifier
- ✔️ text
- Identifier
- ❌ escapedText
- ❌ originalKeywordKind
- ❌ isInJSDocNamespace
- IfStatement
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ thenStatement
- ✔️ elseStatement
- ImportClause
- ✔️ name
- ❌ namedBindings
- ImportDeclaration
- ✔️ importClause
- ✔️ moduleSpecifier
- ImportEqualsDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ moduleReference
- ImportExpression
- ImportSpecifier
- ✔️ propertyName
- ✔️ name
- ImportTypeNode
- ❌ isTypeOf
- ✔️ argument
- ✔️ qualifier
- IndexSignatureDeclaration
- IndexedAccessTypeNode
- ✔️ objectType
- ✔️ indexType
- InferTypeNode
- ✔️ typeParameter
- InterfaceDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ typeParameters
- ✔️ heritageClauses
- ✔️ members
- IntersectionTypeNode
- ✔️ types
- IterationStatement
- ✔️ statement
- JSDoc
- ✔️ tags
- ✔️ comment
- JSDocAugmentsTag
- ❌ class
- JSDocClassTag
- JSDocFunctionType
- JSDocParameterTag
- JSDocPropertyTag
- JSDocReturnTag
- ✔️ typeExpression
- JSDocSignature
- ❌ typeParameters
- ❌ parameters
- ✔️ type
- JSDocTag
- ✔️ tagName
- ✔️ comment
- JSDocType
- JSDocTypeExpression
- ✔️ type
- JSDocTypeTag
- ✔️ typeExpression
- JSDocTypedefTag
- ❌ fullName
- ✔️ name
- ❌ typeExpression
- JSDocUnknownTag
- JsxAttribute
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ initializer
- JsxClosingElement
- ✔️ tagName
- JsxClosingFragment
- JsxElement
- ✔️ openingElement
- ✔️ children
- ✔️ closingElement
- JsxExpression
- ✔️ dotDotDotToken
- ✔️ expression
- JsxFragment
- ✔️ openingFragment
- ✔️ children
- ✔️ closingFragment
- JsxOpeningElement
- ✔️ tagName
- ❌ typeArguments
- ✔️ attributes
- JsxOpeningFragment
- JsxSelfClosingElement
- ✔️ tagName
- ❌ typeArguments
- ✔️ attributes
- JsxSpreadAttribute
- ✔️ expression
- JsxText
- ✔️ containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces
- LabeledStatement
- ✔️ label
- ✔️ statement
- LeftHandSideExpression
- LiteralExpression
- LiteralTypeNode
- ✔️ literal
- MemberExpression
- MetaProperty
- ✔️ keywordToken
- ✔️ name
- MethodDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- MethodSignature
- ✔️ name
- ModuleBlock
- ✔️ statements
- NamedDeclaration - Implemented via mixin.
- NamedExports
- ✔️ elements
- NamedImports
- ✔️ elements
- NamespaceDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- NamespaceImport
- ✔️ name
- NewExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ typeArguments
- ✔️ arguments
- NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
- NonNullExpression
- ✔️ expression
- NotEmittedStatement
- NullLiteral
- NumericLiteral
- ObjectBindingPattern
- ✔️ elements
- ObjectDestructuringAssignment
- ✔️ left
- ObjectLiteralElement
- ✔️ name
- ObjectLiteralExpression
- OmittedExpression
- ParameterDeclaration
- ✔️ dotDotDotToken
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ questionToken
- ✔️ type
- ✔️ initializer
- ParenthesizedExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ParenthesizedTypeNode
- ✔️ type
- PartiallyEmittedExpression
- ✔️ expression
- PostfixUnaryExpression
- ✔️ operand
- ✔️ operator
- PrefixUnaryExpression
- ✔️ operator
- ✔️ operand
- PrimaryExpression
- PropertyAccessExpression
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ name
- PropertyAssignment
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ questionToken
- ✔️ initializer
- PropertyDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ questionToken
- ✔️ exclamationToken
- ✔️ type
- ✔️ initializer
- PropertySignature
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ questionToken
- ✔️ type
- ✔️ initializer
- QualifiedName
- ✔️ left
- ✔️ right
- RegularExpressionLiteral
- ReturnStatement
- ✔️ expression
- SetAccessorDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ body
- ShorthandPropertyAssignment
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ questionToken
- ❌ exclamationToken
- ✔️ equalsToken
- ✔️ objectAssignmentInitializer
- SignatureDeclarationBase - Implemented via mixin.
- SourceFile
- ✔️ statements
- ❌ endOfFileToken
- ✔️ fileName
- ✔️ text
- ❌ amdDependencies
- ❌ moduleName
- ✔️ referencedFiles
- ✔️ typeReferenceDirectives
- ✔️ libReferenceDirectives
- ✔️ languageVariant
- ✔️ isDeclarationFile
- ❌ hasNoDefaultLib
- ✔️ languageVersion
- SourceFile
- SpreadAssignment
- ✔️ expression
- SpreadElement
- ✔️ expression
- Statement
- StringLiteral
- SuperElementAccessExpression
- ✔️ expression
- SuperExpression
- SuperPropertyAccessExpression
- ✔️ expression
- SwitchStatement
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ caseBlock
- ❌ possiblyExhaustive
- SyntaxList
- TaggedTemplateExpression
- ✔️ tag
- ❌ typeArguments
- ✔️ template
- TemplateExpression
- ✔️ head
- ✔️ templateSpans
- TemplateHead
- TemplateMiddle
- TemplateSpan
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ literal
- TemplateTail
- ThisExpression
- ThisTypeNode
- ThrowStatement
- ✔️ expression
- TryStatement
- ✔️ tryBlock
- ✔️ catchClause
- ✔️ finallyBlock
- TupleTypeNode
- ✔️ elementTypes
- TypeAliasDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ typeParameters
- ✔️ type
- TypeAssertion
- ✔️ type
- ✔️ expression
- TypeElement
- ✔️ name
- ❌ questionToken
- TypeLiteralNode
- ✔️ members
- TypeNode
- TypeOfExpression
- ✔️ expression
- TypeParameterDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ constraint
- ✔️ default
- ❌ expression
- TypePredicateNode
- ✔️ parameterName
- ✔️ type
- TypeReferenceNode
- ✔️ typeName
- UnaryExpression
- UnionTypeNode
- ✔️ types
- UpdateExpression
- VariableDeclaration
- ✔️ name
- ✔️ exclamationToken
- ✔️ type
- ✔️ initializer
- VariableDeclarationList
- ✔️ declarations
- VariableStatement
- ✔️ declarationList
- VoidExpression
- ✔️ expression
- WhileStatement
- ✔️ expression
- WithStatement
- ✔️ expression
- ✔️ statement
- YieldExpression
- ✔️ asteriskToken
- ✔️ expression
Total: 54
- BigIntLiteral
- Bundle
- ClassLikeDeclarationBase
- DeclarationStatement
- FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase
- ImportCall
- InputFiles
- JSDocAllType
- JSDocAuthorTag
- JSDocCallbackTag
- JSDocEnumTag
- JSDocNamepathType
- JSDocNamespaceDeclaration
- JSDocNonNullableType
- JSDocNullableType
- JSDocOptionalType
- JSDocPropertyLikeTag
- JSDocTemplateTag
- JSDocThisTag
- JSDocTypeLiteral
- JSDocUnknownType
- JSDocVariadicType
- JsonMinusNumericLiteral
- JsonObjectExpressionStatement
- JsonSourceFile
- JsxAttributes
- JsxTagNamePropertyAccess
- KeywordTypeNode
- LiteralLikeNode
- MappedTypeNode
- MissingDeclaration
- ModuleDeclaration
- NamespaceExportDeclaration
- NodeWithTypeArguments
- ObjectLiteralExpressionBase
- OptionalTypeNode
- PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression
- PropertyLikeDeclaration
- RestTypeNode
- SemicolonClassElement
- SuperCall
- SyntheticExpression
- TemplateLiteralLikeNode
- Token
- TransientIdentifier
- TsConfigSourceFile
- TypeOperatorNode
- TypeQueryNode
- UnparsedPrepend
- UnparsedPrologue
- UnparsedSection
- UnparsedSource
- UnparsedSyntheticReference
- UnparsedTextLike