This repo aim to provide an insight from low level to high level solutions of Vue SSR with a lot of pitfall
A POC of Vue SSR using VueJs + Vue-router + Pinia.
I tried to make the project as small as possible, so you can understand the idea easily. The project doesn't have any pitfalls.
Just using VueJs to implement SSR (project includes vue-router, state management: reactive API, SSR context, Pinia store) which demonstrate a lot of pitfalls:
- Memory, performance leak
- Component Lifecycle Hooks
- Access to Platform-Specific APIs
- Cross-Request State Pollution
- Hydration mismatch
- Application props
- ...
Using VueJS + Vite
Using VueJS + Vite + vite-ssr-plugin
Using Nuxt
Using Quasar
- Complete todos