From 374084aea8a00f06794dfc94cecb19e18de7f29c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Abdelrahman Omran Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2016 19:44:56 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Commit first draft. --- .codeclimate.yml | 35 + .editorconfig | 18 + .gitattributes | 1 + .gitignore | 3 + .scrutinizer.yml | 289 + .styleci.yml | 13 + | 9 + | 74 + | 61 + LICENSE | 21 + | 442 + composer.json | 52 + resources/data/countries.json | 35688 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/Models/Country.php | 87 + 14 files changed, 36793 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .codeclimate.yml create mode 100644 .editorconfig create mode 100644 .gitattributes create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 .scrutinizer.yml create mode 100644 .styleci.yml create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 LICENSE create mode 100644 create mode 100644 composer.json create mode 100644 resources/data/countries.json create mode 100644 src/Models/Country.php diff --git a/.codeclimate.yml b/.codeclimate.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23c0a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/.codeclimate.yml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +engines: + duplication: + enabled: true + config: + languages: + - ruby + - javascript + - python + - php + eslint: + enabled: true + fixme: + enabled: true + phpmd: + enabled: true + checks: + Design/TooManyPublicMethods: + enabled: false + Naming/ShortVariable: + enabled: false + CleanCode/ElseExpression: + enabled: false + CleanCode/BooleanArgumentFlag: + enabled: false +ratings: + paths: + - "**.inc" + - "**.js" + - "**.jsx" + - "**.module" + - "**.php" + - "**.py" + - "**.rb" +exclude_paths: [] diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..326ade8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# +root = true + +[*] +charset = utf-8 +end_of_line = lf +indent_size = 4 +indent_style = space +insert_final_newline = true +max_line_length = 80 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true + +[*.md] +max_line_length = 0 +trim_trailing_whitespace = false + +[COMMIT_EDITMSG] +max_line_length = 0 diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes new file mode 100644 index 0000000..176a458 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitattributes @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +* text=auto diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d58263 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/vendor +/node_modules +composer.phar diff --git a/.scrutinizer.yml b/.scrutinizer.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a66ddd --- /dev/null +++ b/.scrutinizer.yml @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +inherit: true + +checks: + php: + verify_property_names: true + verify_argument_usable_as_reference: true + verify_access_scope_valid: true + variable_existence: true + useless_calls: true + use_statement_alias_conflict: true + fix_doc_comments: false + avoid_corrupting_byteorder_marks: true + unused_variables: true + argument_type_checks: true + assignment_of_null_return: true + avoid_aliased_php_functions: true + avoid_closing_tag: true + avoid_conflicting_incrementers: true + avoid_duplicate_types: true + avoid_entity_manager_injection: true + avoid_fixme_comments: true + avoid_length_functions_in_loops: true + avoid_multiple_statements_on_same_line: true + avoid_perl_style_comments: true + avoid_superglobals: true + avoid_todo_comments: true + avoid_usage_of_logical_operators: true + avoid_useless_overridden_methods: true + blank_line_after_namespace_declaration: true + catch_class_exists: true + classes_in_camel_caps: true + closure_use_modifiable: true + closure_use_not_conflicting: true + code_rating: true + deadlock_detection_in_loops: true + deprecated_code_usage: true + duplication: true + encourage_shallow_comparison: true + encourage_single_quotes: true + foreach_traversable: true + foreach_usable_as_reference: true + function_in_camel_caps: true + instanceof_class_exists: true + line_length: + max_length: '120' + method_calls_on_non_object: true + missing_arguments: true + more_specific_types_in_doc_comments: true + newline_at_end_of_file: true + no_commented_out_code: true + no_debug_code: true + no_duplicate_arguments: true + no_empty_statements: true + no_error_suppression: true + no_eval: true + no_exit: true + no_global_keyword: true + no_goto: true + no_long_variable_names: + maximum: '20' + no_non_implemented_abstract_methods: true + no_property_on_interface: true + no_short_method_names: + minimum: '3' + no_short_open_tag: true + no_short_variable_names: + minimum: '3' + no_trailing_whitespace: true + no_trait_type_hints: true + no_underscore_prefix_in_methods: true + no_underscore_prefix_in_properties: true + no_unnecessary_final_modifier: true + no_unnecessary_if: true + non_commented_empty_catch_block: true + one_class_per_file: true + overriding_private_members: true + parameter_non_unique: true + parse_doc_comments: true + optional_parameters_at_the_end: true + param_doc_comment_if_not_inferrable: true + parameter_doc_comments: true + parameters_in_camelcaps: true + php5_style_constructor: true + precedence_in_conditions: true + precedence_mistakes: true + prefer_while_loop_over_for_loop: true + properties_in_camelcaps: true + property_assignments: true + psr2_class_declaration: true + psr2_switch_declaration: true + require_php_tag_first: true + require_scope_for_methods: true + require_scope_for_properties: true + return_doc_comment_if_not_inferrable: true + return_doc_comments: true + security_vulnerabilities: true + side_effects_or_types: true + simplify_boolean_return: true + single_namespace_per_use: true + sql_injection_vulnerabilities: true + symfony_request_injection: true + switch_fallthrough_commented: true + too_many_arguments: true + unreachable_code: true + unused_methods: true + unused_parameters: true + unused_properties: true + uppercase_constants: true + use_self_instead_of_fqcn: true + + +filter: + excluded_paths: + - 'vendor/*' + +tools: + + # PHP Code Similarity Analyzer ( + php_sim: + min_mass: 30 # Defaults to 16 + + + # SensioLabs Security Checker ( + sensiolabs_security_checker: + enabled: true + + + # PHP Code Sniffer ( + php_code_sniffer: + enabled: true + config: + standard: PSR2 + filter: + excluded_paths: + - 'vendor/*' + + + # PHP Copy/Paste Detector + php_cpd: + enabled: true + excluded_dirs: + - 'vendor' + + + # Analyzes the size and structure of a PHP project. + php_loc: + enabled: true + excluded_dirs: + - vendor + + + # PHP Mess Detector + php_mess_detector: + enabled: true + config: + rulesets: + - codesize + - unusedcode + - naming + - design + - controversial + filter: + excluded_paths: + - 'vendor/*' + + + # PHP PDepend ( + php_pdepend: + enabled: true + excluded_dirs: + - vendor + + + # PHP Analyzer ( + php_analyzer: + enabled: true + config: + parameter_reference_check: + enabled: true + checkstyle: + enabled: true + no_trailing_whitespace: true + naming: + enabled: true + local_variable: ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + abstract_class_name: ^Abstract|Factory$ + utility_class_name: Utils?$ + constant_name: ^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?:_[A-Z0-9]+)*$ + property_name: ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + method_name: ^(?:[a-z]|__)[a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + parameter_name: ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + interface_name: ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*Interface$ + type_name: ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$ + exception_name: ^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*Exception$ + isser_method_name: ^(?:is|has|should|may|supports) + unreachable_code: + enabled: true + check_access_control: + enabled: true + typo_checks: + enabled: true + check_variables: + enabled: true + check_calls: + enabled: true + method_call_validity: true + too_many_arguments: true + missing_argument: true + argument_type_checks: lenient # Allowed Values: "disabled", "lenient", "strict" + check_debug_code: + enabled: true + check_property_assignments: + enabled: true + method_contract_checks: + enabled: true + verify_interface_like_constraints: true + verify_documented_constraints: true + verify_parent_constraints: true + check_request_data_usage: + enabled: true + suspicious_code: + enabled: true + overriding_parameter: false + overriding_closure_use: true + parameter_closure_use_conflict: true + parameter_multiple_times: true + non_existent_class_in_instanceof_check: true + non_existent_class_in_catch_clause: true + assignment_of_null_return: true + non_commented_switch_fallthrough: true + non_commented_empty_catch_block: true + overriding_private_members: true + use_statement_alias_conflict: true + precedence_in_condition_assignment: true + dead_assignments: + enabled: true + deadlock_detection: + enabled: true + verify_php_doc_comments: + enabled: true + parsable: true + traits_are_not_type_hinted: true + parameters: true + return: true + suggest_more_specific_types: true + ask_for_return_if_not_inferrable: true + ask_for_param_type_annotation: ~ + loops_must_use_braces: + enabled: true + check_usage_context: + enabled: true + foreach: + value_as_reference: true + traversable: true + missing_argument: ~ + argument_type_checks: ~ + simplify_boolean_return: + enabled: true + phpunit_checks: + enabled: false + reflection_checks: + enabled: true + + # Checks Common Precedence Mistakes + precedence_checks: + enabled: true + assignment_in_condition: true + comparison_of_bit_result: true + basic_semantic_checks: + enabled: true + property_on_interface: true + missing_abstract_methods: true + unused_code: + enabled: true + methods: true + parameters: true + deprecation_checks: + enabled: true + useless_function_calls: + enabled: true + metrics_lack_of_cohesion_methods: + enabled: true + metrics_coupling: + enabled: true + stable_code: + namespace_prefixes: [] + classes: [] + symfony_request_injection: + enabled: true diff --git a/.styleci.yml b/.styleci.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c54154 --- /dev/null +++ b/.styleci.yml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +preset: recommended +risky: false +linting: true + +enabled: + - not_operator_with_successor_space + - no_short_echo_tag + - align_equals + +disabled: + - ordered_imports + - phpdoc_no_package + - unalign_equals diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6602da4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# Rinvex Country Change Log + +All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. + +This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( + + +## v1.0.0 - 2016-08-20 +- Commit first draft. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b32e2f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, +nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and +orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or +advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at []( All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at [][version] + +[homepage]: +[version]: diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..165705e --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# Contribution Guide + +This project adheres to the following standards and practices. + + +## Versioning + +This project is versioned under the [Semantic Versioning]( guidelines as much as possible. + +Releases will be numbered with the following format: + +- `..` +- `..` + +And constructed with the following guidelines: + +- Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major and resets the minor and patch. +- New additions without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor and resets the patch. +- Bug fixes and misc changes bumps the patch. + + +## Support Policy + +- This package adheres to the following release cycle: + - LTS Releases: + - Released Every 2 years + - Gets 2 years bug fixes + - Gets 3 years security fixes + - General Releases: + - Released Every 6 months + - Gets 6 months bug fixes + - Gets 12 months security fixes +- As of next Laravel LTS release, long term support (LTS) will be provided for this package. This support and maintenance window is the largest ever provided for Rinvex packages and provides stability and peace of mind for larger, enterprise clients and customers. + + +## Coding Standards + +This project follows the FIG PHP Standards Recommendations compliant with the [PSR-1: Basic Coding Standard](, [PSR-2: Coding Style Guide]( and [PSR-4: Autoloader]( to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code. If you notice any compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request. + + +## Pull Requests + +The pull request process differs for new features and bugs. + +Pull requests for bugs may be sent without creating any proposal issue. If you believe that you know of a solution for a bug that has been filed, please leave a comment detailing your proposed fix or create a pull request with the fix mentioning that issue id. + + +## Proposal / Feature Requests + +If you have a proposal or a feature request, you may create an issue with `[Proposal]` in the title. + +The proposal should also describe the new feature, as well as implementation ideas. The proposal will then be reviewed and either approved or denied. Once a proposal is approved, a pull request may be created implementing the new feature. + + +### Which Branch? + +This project follows [Git-Flow](, and as such has `master` (latest stable releases), `develop` (latest WIP development) and X.Y support branches (when there's multiple major versions). + +Accordingly all pull requests MUST be sent to the `develop` branch. + +> **Note:** Pull requests which do not follow these guidelines will be closed without any further notice. diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74bc002 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2016, Rinvex LLC, + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc7694 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +# Rinvex Country + +**Rinvex Country** is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips. + +[![Packagist](]( +[![License](]( +[![VersionEye Dependencies](]( +[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](]( +[![Code Climate](]( +[![StyleCI](]( +[![SensioLabs Insight](]( + + +## Quick Example (TL;DR) + +Install via `composer require rinvex/country`, then use as follows: +```php +use Rinvex\Country\Models\Country; + +// Find a country by it's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 +$egypt = (new Country)->find('EG'); + +// Find a country by one of it's attributes +$usa = (new Country)->findBy('capital', 'Washington D.C.'); + +// Find all countries +$countries = (new Country)->findAll(); + +// Retrieve only `name`, `demonym`, and `currency` attributes of "Japan": +$japan = (new Country)->find('JP', ['name', 'demonym', 'currency']); + +// Utilize Laravel Collections to get an array of all country names, with their 'iso_3166_1_alpha2' as the array keys +$allCountries = (new Country)->findAll()->pluck('name.common', 'iso_3166_1_alpha2'); +``` + +--- + +**Mission accomplished! You're good to use this package right now! :white_check_mark:** + +**Unless you're new to this kind of stuff, you can skip the following steps! :wink:** + +--- + + +## Table Of Contents + +- [Installation](#installation) + - [Compatibility](#compatibility) + - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) + - [Require Package](#require-package) + - [Install Dependencies](#install-dependencies) +- [Integration](#integration) + - [Native Integration](#native-integration) + - [Laravel Integration](#laravel-integration) +- [Usage](#usage) +- [Country Example](#country-example) +- [Features Explained](#features-explained) +- [Inspired By](#inspired-by) +- [Changelog](#changelog) +- [Support](#support) +- [Contributing & Protocols](#contributing--protocols) +- [Security Vulnerabilities](#security-vulnerabilities) +- [About Rinvex](#about-rinvex) +- [License](#license) + + +## Installation + +The best and easiest way to install this package is through [Composer]( + +### Compatibility + +This package fully compatible with **Laravel** `5.1.*`, `5.2.*`, and `5.3.*`. + +While this package tends to be framework-agnostic, it embraces Laravel culture and best practices to some extent. It's tested mainly with Laravel but you still can use it with other frameworks or even without any framework if you want. + +### Prerequisites + +```json +"php": ">=5.5.9", +"illuminate/support": "5.1.*|5.2.*|5.3.*" +``` + +### Require Package + +Open your application's `composer.json` file and add the following line to the `require` array: +```json +"rinvex/country": "1.0.*" +``` + +> **Note:** Make sure that after the required changes your `composer.json` file is valid by running `composer validate`. + +### Install Dependencies + +On your terminal run `composer install` or `composer update` command according to your application's status to install the new requirements. + +> **Note:** Checkout Composer's [Basic Usage]( documentation for further details. + + +## Integration + +**Rinvex Repository** package is framework-agnostic and as such can be integrated easily natively or with your favorite framework. + +### Native Integration + +Integrating the package outside of a framework is incredibly easy, just require the `vendor/autoload.php` file to autoload the package. + +> **Note:** Checkout Composer's [Autoloading]( documentation for further details. + +### Laravel Integration + +Integrating the package inside Laravel framework takes much less work, actually it doesn't require any integration steps after installation. Just jump directly to the [Usage](#usage) section. Awesome, huh? + + +## Usage + +Using this package is pretty easy, and straightforward. It provides you with few simple and intuitive API. + +First you need to import `Rinvex\Country\Models\Country` class in your file, then you can use any of the `Country` class methods, as follows: +```php +use Rinvex\Country\Models\Country; +``` + +The `find` method finds a country by it's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, and returns an array of first result: +```php +$egypt = (new Country)->find('EG'); +``` + +The `findBy` method finds a country by one of it's attributes, and returns an array of first result: +```php +$usa = (new Country)->findBy('capital', 'Washington D.C.'); +``` + +The `findAll` method finds all countries, and returns a collection of all results: +```php +$countries = (new Country)->findAll(); +``` + +This package utilizes [Laravel Collections](, so you can just manipulate `findAll` method results the way you need. Example: +```php +// Get an array of all country names, with their 'iso_3166_1_alpha2' as the array keys +$allCountries = (new Country)->findAll()->pluck('name.common', 'iso_3166_1_alpha2'); +``` + +> **Note:** All `find*` methods have an optional parameter for retrieved columns/attributes, see the following example: + +Retrieve only `name`, `demonym`, and `currency` attributes of "Japan": +```php +$japan = (new Country)->find('JP', ['name', 'demonym', 'currency']); +``` + + +## Country Example + +```json +{ + "EG": { + "name": { + "common": "Egypt", + "official": "Arab Republic of Egypt", + "native": { + "ara": { + "official": "جمهورية مصر العربية", + "common": "مصر" + } + } + }, + "demonym": "Egyptian", + "capital": "Cairo", + "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "EG", + "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "EGY", + "iso_3166_1_numeric": "818", + "currency": { + "EGP": { + "iso_4217_code": "EGP", + "iso_4217_numeric": 818, + "iso_4217_name": "Egyptian Pound", + "iso_4217_minor_unit": 2 + } + }, + "tld": [ + ".eg", + ".مصر" + ], + "alt_spellings": [ + "EG", + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "languages": { + "ara": "Arabic" + }, + "translations": { + "cym": { + "official": "Arab Republic of Egypt", + "common": "Yr Aifft" + }, + "deu": { + "official": "Arabische Republik Ägypten", + "common": "Ägypten" + }, + "fra": { + "official": "République arabe d'Égypte", + "common": "Égypte" + }, + "hrv": { + "official": "Arapska Republika Egipat", + "common": "Egipat" + }, + "ita": { + "official": "Repubblica araba d'Egitto", + "common": "Egitto" + }, + "jpn": { + "official": "エジプト·アラブ共和国", + "common": "エジプト" + }, + "nld": { + "official": "Arabische Republiek Egypte", + "common": "Egypte" + }, + "por": { + "official": "República Árabe do Egipto", + "common": "Egito" + }, + "rus": { + "official": "Арабская Республика Египет", + "common": "Египет" + }, + "spa": { + "official": "República Árabe de Egipto", + "common": "Egipto" + }, + "fin": { + "official": "Egyptin arabitasavalta", + "common": "Egypti" + } + }, + "geo": { + "continent": { + "AF": "Africa" + }, + "postal_code": true, + "latitude": "27 00 N", + "latitude_dec": "26.756103515625", + "longitude": "30 00 E", + "longitude_dec": "29.86229705810547", + "max_latitude": "31.916667", + "max_longitude": "36.333333", + "min_latitude": "20.383333", + "min_longitude": "24.7", + "area": 1002450, + "region": "Africa", + "subregion": "Northern Africa", + "world_region": "EMEA", + "region_code": "002", + "subregion_code": "015", + "landlocked": false, + "borders": [ + "ISR", + "LBY", + "SDN" + ], + "independent": "Yes" + }, + "dialling": { + "calling_code": [ + "20" + ], + "national_prefix": "0", + "national_number_lengths": [ + 9 + ], + "national_destination_code_lengths": [ + 2 + ], + "international_prefix": "00" + }, + "extra": { + "geonameid": 357994, + "edgar": "H2", + "itu": "EGY", + "marc": "ua", + "wmo": "EG", + "ds": "ET", + "fifa": "EGY", + "fips": "EG", + "gaul": 40765, + "ioc": "EGY", + "cowc": "EGY", + "cown": 651, + "fao": 59, + "imf": 469, + "ar5": "MAF", + "address_format": "{{recipient}}\n{{street}}\n{{postalcode}} {{city}}\n{{country}}", + "eu_member": null, + "vat_rates": null + } + } +} +``` + + +## Features Explained + +- Country data are all stored here: `resources/data/countries.json`. +- `name` + - `common` - common name in english + - `official` - official name in english + - `native` - list of all native names + - key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language alpha code + - value: name object + - key: `official` - official name translation + - key: `common` - common name translation +- `demonym` - name of residents +- `capital` - capital city +- `iso_3166_1_alpha2` - code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 +- `iso_3166_1_alpha3` -code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 +- `iso_3166_1_numeric` - code ISO 3166-1 numeric +- `currency` - ISO 4217 currency code(s) + - key: three-letter ISO 4217 currency code + - value: currency object + - key: `iso_4217_code` - three-letter ISO 4217 currency alpha code + - key: `iso_4217_numeric` - three-number ISO 4217 currency numeric code + - key: `iso_4217_name` - official ISO 4217 currency name + - key: `iso_4217_minor_unit` - minor currency unit +- `tld` - country code top-level domain +- `alt_spellings` - alternative spellings +- `languages` - list of official languages + - key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code + - value: name of the language in english +- `translations` - list of name translations + - key: three-letter ISO 639-3 language code + - value: name object + - key: `official` - official name translation + - key: `common` - common name translation +- `geo` + - `continent` - continents that country lies in + - key: two-letter continent code + - value: name of the continent in english + - `postal_code` - geographical area postal code + - `latitude` - short form of latitude coordinate point + - `latitude_dec` - described latitude coordinate point + - `longitude` - short form of longitude coordinate point + - `longitude_dec` - described longitude coordinate point + - `max_latitude` - maximum latitude coordinate point + - `max_longitude` - maximum longitude coordinate point + - `min_latitude` - minimum latitude coordinate point + - `min_longitude` - minimum longitude coordinate point + - `area` - land area in km² + - `region` - geographical region + - `subregion` - geographical sub-region + - `world_region` - geographical world region + - `region_code` - geographical region numeric code + - `subregion_code` - geographical sub-region numeric code + - `landlocked` - landlocked status + - `borders` - land borders + - `independent` - independent status +- `dialling` + - `calling_code` - calling code(s) + - `national_prefix` - national prefix + - `national_number_lengths` - national number lengths + - `national_destination_code_lengths` - national destination code lengths + - `international_prefix` - international prefix +- `extra` + - `geonameid` - Geoname ID + - `edgar` - Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system + - `itu` - Codes assigned by the International Telecommunications Union + - `marc` - MAchine-Readable Cataloging codes from the Library of Congress + - `wmo` - Country abbreviations by the World Meteorological Organization + - `ds` - Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic + - `fifa` - Codes assigned by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association + - `fips` - Codes from the U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard + - `gaul` - Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization + - `ioc` - Codes assigned by the International Olympics Committee + - `cowc` - Correlates of War character + - `cown` - Correlates of War numeric + - `fao` - Food and Agriculture Organization + - `imf` - International Monetary Fund + - `ar5` - Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) + - `address_format` - Address forma + - `eu_member` - European Union Member + - `vat_rates` - Value-Added Tax + + +## Inspired By + +This package has been inspired by, and used some country data of the following open-source projects: + +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- +- + + +## Changelog + +Refer to the [Changelog]( for a full history of the project. + + +## Support + +The following support channels are available at your fingertips: + +- [Chat on Slack]( +- [Help on Email]( +- [Follow on Twitter]( + + +## Contributing & Protocols + +Thank you for considering contributing to this project! The contribution guide can be found in []( + +Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are very welcome. + +- [Versioning]( +- [Support Policy]( +- [Coding Standards]( +- [Pull Requests]( + + +## Security Vulnerabilities + +If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. + + +## About Rinvex + +Rinvex is a software solutions startup, specialized in integrated enterprise solutions for SMEs established in Alexandria, Egypt since June 2016. We believe that our drive The Value, The Reach, and The Impact is what differentiates us and unleash the endless possibilities of our philosophy through the power of software. We like to call it Innovation At The Speed Of Life. That’s how we do our share of advancing humanity. + + +## License + +This software is released under [The MIT License (MIT)](LICENSE). + +(c) 2016 Rinvex LLC, Some rights reserved. diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f2c3b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/composer.json @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "name": "rinvex/country", + "description": "Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, currencies, and other attributes for all 250 countries worldwide at your fingertips.", + "keywords": [ + "rinvex", + "country", + "flexible", + "retrieve", + "simple" + ], + "license": "MIT", + "homepage": "", + "support": { + "email": "", + "issues": "", + "source": "", + "docs": "" + }, + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Rinvex LLC", + "homepage": "", + "email": "" + }, + { + "name": "Abdelrahman Omran", + "homepage": "", + "email": "", + "role": "Project Lead" + }, + { + "name": "The Generous Laravel Community", + "homepage": "" + } + ], + "require": { + "php": ">=5.5.9", + "illuminate/support": "5.1.*|5.2.*|5.3.*" + }, + "autoload": { + "psr-4": { + "Rinvex\\Country\\": "src/" + } + }, + "extra": { + "branch-alias": { + "dev-master": "1.0-dev" + } + }, + "minimum-stability": "dev", + "prefer-stable": true +} diff --git a/resources/data/countries.json b/resources/data/countries.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7140638 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/data/countries.json @@ -0,0 +1,35688 @@ +{ + "AW": { + "name": { + "common": "Aruba", + "official": "Aruba", + "native": { + "nld": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "pap": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + } + } + }, + "demonym": "Aruban", + "capital": "Oranjestad", + "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AW", + "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "ABW", + "iso_3166_1_numeric": "533", + "currency": { + "AWG": { + "iso_4217_code": "AWG", + "iso_4217_numeric": 533, + "iso_4217_name": "Aruban Florin", + "iso_4217_minor_unit": 2 + } + }, + "tld": [ + ".aw" + ], + "alt_spellings": [ + "AW" + ], + "languages": { + "nld": "Dutch", + "pap": "Papiamento" + }, + "translations": { + "deu": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "fra": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "hrv": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "ita": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "jpn": { + "official": "アルバ", + "common": "アルバ" + }, + "nld": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "por": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "rus": { + "official": "Аруба", + "common": "Аруба" + }, + "spa": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + }, + "fin": { + "official": "Aruba", + "common": "Aruba" + } + }, + "geo": { + "continent": { + "NA": "North America" + }, + "postal_code": false, + "latitude": "12 30 N", + "latitude_dec": "12.506523132324219", + "longitude": "69 58 W", + "longitude_dec": "-69.96931457519531", + "max_latitude": "12.616667", + "max_longitude": "-69.85", + "min_latitude": "12.416667", + "min_longitude": "-70.066667", + "area": 180, + "region": "Americas", + "subregion": "Caribbean", + "world_region": "AMER", + "region_code": "019", + "subregion_code": "029", + "landlocked": false, + "borders": [], + "independent": "Part of NL" + }, + "dialling": { + "calling_code": [ + "297" + ], + "national_prefix": null, + "national_number_lengths": [ + 7 + ], + "national_destination_code_lengths": [ + 2 + ], + "international_prefix": "00" + }, + "extra": { + "geonameid": 3577279, + "edgar": "1C", + "itu": "ABW", + "marc": "aw", + "wmo": "NU", + "ds": 0, + "fifa": "ARU", + "fips": "AA", + "gaul": 14, + "ioc": "ARU", + "cowc": 0, + "cown": 0, + "fao": 0, + "imf": 314, + "ar5": "LAM", + "address_format": null, + "eu_member": null, + "vat_rates": null + } + }, + "AF": { + "name": { + "common": "Afghanistan", + "official": "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan", + "native": { + "prs": { + "official": "جمهوری اسلامی افغانستان", + "common": "افغانستان" + }, + "pus": { + "official": "د افغانستان اسلامي جمهوریت", + "common": "افغانستان" + }, + "tuk": { + "official": "Owganystan Yslam Respublikasy", + "common": "Owganystan" + } + } + }, + "demonym": "Afghan", + "capital": "Kabul", + "iso_3166_1_alpha2": "AF", + "iso_3166_1_alpha3": "AFG", + "iso_3166_1_numeric": "004", + "currency": { + "AFN": { + "iso_4217_code": "AFN", + "iso_4217_numeric": 971, + "iso_4217_name": "Afghani", + "iso_4217_minor_unit": 2 + } + }, + "tld": [ + ".af" + ], + "alt_spellings": [ + "AF", + "Afġānistān" + ], + "languages": { + "prs": "Dari", + "pus": "Pashto", + "tuk": "Turkmen" + }, + "translations": { + "cym": { + "official": "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan", + "common": "Affganistan" + }, + "deu": { + "official": "Islamische Republik Afghanistan", + "common": "Afghanistan" + }, + "fra": { + "official": "République islamique d'Afghanistan", + "common": "Afghanistan" + }, + "hrv": { + "official": "Islamska Republika Afganistan", + "common": "Afganistan" + }, + "ita": { + "official": "Repubblica islamica dell'Afghanistan", + "common": "Afghanistan" + }, + "jpn": { + "official": "アフガニスタン·イスラム共和国", + "common": "アフガニスタン" + }, + "nld": { + "official": "Islamitische Republiek Afghanistan", + "common": "Afghanistan" + }, + "por": { + "official": "República Islâmica do Afeganistão", + "common": "Afeganistão" + }, + "rus": { + "official": "Исламская Республика 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* Find a country by it's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. + * + * @param string $code + * @param array $attributes + * + * @return array + */ + public function find($code, $attributes = []) + { + $result = $this->countries->only($code); + + return empty($attributes) ? $result->first() : $result->map(function ($country) use ($attributes) { + return collect($country)->only($attributes); + })->first(); + } + + /** + * Find a country by one of it's attributes. + * + * @param string $attribute + * @param mixed $value + * @param array $attributes + * + * @return array + */ + public function findBy($attribute, $value, $attributes = []) + { + $result = $this->countries->where($attribute, $value); + + return empty($attributes) ? $result->first() : $result->map(function ($country) use ($attributes) { + return collect($country)->only($attributes)->all(); + })->first(); + } + + /** + * Find all countries. + * + * @param array $attributes + * + * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection + */ + public function findAll($attributes = []) + { + $countries = $this->countries; + + return empty($attributes) ? $countries : $countries->map(function ($item) use ($attributes) { + return collect($item)->only($attributes)->all(); + }); + } +}