Contributions are gladly accepted for all components of Zephyr! This document covers guidelines to follow when contributing to the project.
- Create a GitHub account if you don't already have one.
- Fork Zephyr
- Create a new branch for your contribution
- Create a pull request
Be sure to fully describe your changes in your pull request. If your pull request happens to address a GitHub issue, please mention this too.
This list isn't exhaustive, but covers some basic things you should keep in mind.
- Keep commit messages simple
- Keep pull requests focused on one feature or bug fix
- Try to conform with the existing code style and architecture
- Ask questions if you have any
Zephyr is a monorepo containing both the desktop and Android clients. The README files within each client's directories contains a brief overview of the respective project and detail steps to get the project up and running.
Zephyr utilizes Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery.
New builds are spawned when creating a pull request and when a change is added to the master branch. Only the appropriate builds for a given commit or PR will run (for example, Android changes will only run the Android build). In general, you can expect the builds to do the following:
- Perform static analysis, linting, etc.
- Build the necessary components
- Run tests
- Publish reports of the above items
Builds from the master branch will kick off the release pipeline for the given component.
- Desktop releases are uploaded directly to the canary branch on Steam.
- Android releases are uploaded directly to the Canary and Alpha tracks on AppCenter.
Releases to production must be done manually via the Steamworks or Azure DevOps interface.
Zephyr is licensed under the MIT License. By contributing to Zephyr, you certify and agree to the following:
- Your contributions are either created solely by you or are properly licensed to be included in the Zephyr project.
- You release your contributions to the project under the MIT License.
- Socket.IO
- Android developer resources
- Electron
- React
- More questions? Don't hesitate to create an issue.