CR video starting @ 7:30
- Refactor classes to separate source
- Consistent code formatting (prefer
- Curly brackets
- Classes & Functions upper camel case
- variables use snake case
- member variables end with underscore
- file names prefer snake case
- Implement test cases for Mesh loader
- Fix bad variable names (camera yaw/pitch/radius, mouse pressed flag, 'value' timer function)
- Move mesh programs to files outside of source code
- Accept subject mesh and texture from command line arguments
- Encapsulate the application (object-oriented rather than structured)
- Encapsulate the configuration
- Review comments
- Refactor string split function
- OBJ file validation
- Handle errors in OBJ files
- Review error handling of SOIL2 image loading
- Automatically adjust camera and lighting for the size of the subject
- Changelog and Readme documentation.
- Added min/max dimensions for loaded Mesh object.
- Implemented test cases for Mesh class.
- Commandline arguments to set the subject mesh and texture files.
- Added error message indicating any problem loading texture file.
- Refactored the following classes into their own respective source files.
- Camera
- Mesh
- ShaderProgram
- Texture2D
- More consistent code format (following
- Source file names prefer snake case
- Consistent curly braces
- Classes and Function names are upper camel case
- variables are snake case
- member variables end with underscore
- Modified mesh class for testability. Made initBuffers method required by the caller.
- Moved shader source to separate files and modifed application to load the source from files.
- Refactored the subject, lighting and camera into a 'Scene' object with methods to load, init, render and control
Initial implementation.